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Youtube Memes Mafia Game Over! Town... WINS :D lolwut end scum win streak B****EZ!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
It was a terrible gambit, and had any decent scum been in this game (like me) and you'd targeted a townie you would have single handedly lost town the game.

You tried to use a (my) short term gambit long term and it cannot be used like that
Yes, If that had happened I would have lost town the game. I didn't, I won it. You are saying that the gambit can't be used like that: something I have just proved to be not true. Regardless of whether it normally works, or how statistically likely it is to work - I still made it work on this occasion and that is what counts


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Yes, If that had happened I would have lost town the game. I didn't, I won it. You are saying that the gambit can't be used like that: something I have just proved to be not true. Regardless of whether it normally works, or how statistically likely it is to work - I still made it work on this occasion and that is what counts
You didn't make the gambit work.

It worked because Kuz was noobscum and didn't realise what he was doing.

It was a terrible play - and I stand by that.

It would not have worked against any decent scum team, and 70% of the time would have cost town two days and a cop.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
X1, let me give you an example that I want you to rebut:

Say that you convinced everyone to use RNG to decide who to lynch Day 1. Now say that it works, and we end up lynching scum. Does that mean that it was good play because it worked? I would say not.

Now tell me why what you did can't be compared to the example above.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Swiss: I made the gambit work because it gave me a 100% confident read on you, even had the read been town, because it was you I could back down and be considered town still because I know you know me, also in the process I would gain the information from everyone's reactions. Because of the fact I chose you, my plan was safe. If I had mid D1 backed down and claimed it was a gambit for info, would you have lynched me? No you'd have called me obv dumbtown all game but we'd still have all the info needed, I'd never even risk being NK'ed and I'd be copping players every Night.

@Sword: I chose Swiss because I knew the gambit would give me a 100% read on him and that even if that read was town I would still be known as town to Swiss, and vica versa. The only way this could have gone wrong is if someone quickhammered D1, something I was confident wouldn't happen.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
So then, the reason you tunnelled him as long as you did was because you had a scum read on him for it (not trying to debate you, I just want to be sure)?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
The entire gambit relied on reading me correctly - this is not a good situation to be in, especially (imo) when the player in question is me.

Also, you only read me correctly thanks to the chainsaw from Kuz.

So yes, it was a terrible play.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Yes. I think he reacted poorly overall but when he started calling me scum or pushing for my lynch I was certain that he was scum. Swiss knows when I'm town and when I'm not.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I think that's a key point "being an idiot".

And I can say that thanks to you contradicting yourself I may well have picked on you not having a N0 guilty. But that doesn't change the fact that there will be doubt in the minds of the rest of town - and you are outed as cop to more savvy players (3 scum, one doc - wanna bet on those odds?)

Honestly, like pretty much everyone has said - it was a bad play.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
you think scum would kill someone who is both not a threat and the easiest person to discredit? Also remember you said town would be suspicious of me - more reason I wouldnt get killed


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
yes, who would believe someone who claimed N0 cop to later retract it (and look scummy in the process) when they claimed real cop with a guilty


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
He clearly doesn't.


I tried so hard to convince people but again the newer players followed the vet that has played more games with them instead of the vet that just got bothered by the new players and their altogether shoddy playstyle.

I'm sorry but my case against Gheb and why he would be anti-town is right and it was discounted as he can't be anti-town he's playing his normal town meta. I still don't believe that there was a logical reason for why my case was wrong.

Town tried on both days to lynch me, on both days I wasn't lynched and instead the mafia members I was targetting was lynched.

I also pinpointed yourself Nabe and Gheb (moreso Gheb since I made a case instead of just realizing you were scum).

Basically I just dealt with constantly having to prove myself and it was more obnoxious then anything else. Between hurr da durr AtR and Gheb's literally only having to say "Nah Kevin isn't trying" for people to believe him I dealt with crap all day.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
your whole theory still relies on you being town, me getting confirmed as cop AND not getting doc protected, even if all that occurred I'd still worse case scenario end up outing myself but still gain all the info from the original gambit

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I was thinking of the MVP thingy again, esp. after hearing what people have to say about the situation. Tbh, town did play a pretty good game, and just because they did doesn't mean MVPs should be handed out everywhere. MVP means most valuable player, the one or two that stand out from all others. If I had to take one MVP off of that considered MVP list I made, it'd probz be X1 because the gambit relied completely on luck, and would've destroied town if it was false. You risked outing yourself as cop when there weren't any CC's (if people were able to put 2 and 2 together, that is, esp. when you said you were even Night cop lolwtf?). And ultimately, although your play just so happened to work out in this game, if you just so happened to be wrong on ONE thing that you did, town would've crumbled. The play was risky, and even though it ended up as a win, it was just really bleh. I'm not discrediting your good play, I'm just saying there were def. players that did better. And Sword, your Day play WAS great. But, your Night actions were very iffy. There was one thing that you could've done different that would've made the game 20x easier for town: Withhold your shot N1. "But silly Gord he would've died anyway!". It wasn't about the fact that you killed GLG. One of the huge things was that you AND the SK killed GLG. You told town about your shot, and it made people go haywire about what the indy can possibly be. Had you withheld your shot, and told everybody that you did, it'd be obvious that there was a compulsive SK. How town DIDN'T take into consideration two gunholding PRs shooting the same player before a freaking indy PGO is beyond me. That shot was really really not good, and if you've learned one thing from this game, it'd have to be DON'T SHOOT N1 AS VIG. Unless you shoot Nabe like you're supposed to.

That being said, I'd have to give Kevmo MVP for reasons already stated. I can't find one legitimate mistake he made this game. It was a flawless performance. And he wasn't "right for the wrong reasons", that was X1 :p.

If I had to give an honorable mention, it'd have to go to Gheb/Sword. Gheb, you played an awesome game. I lol'd so hard when Swiss claimed mason, and asked to hold your hand LMFAO he dies the next Night you're obv antitown :p. The Mafia was a mess of an antitown faction haha, and none of them played substantially well, while on the other hand, YOU played phenominally well, and would've won the game if things didn't happen the way they did. There really wasn't much you could've done better, if anything at all. Town just happened to out you due to numbers. Sword, welp, for reasons stated above :p. This is my final decision, and I think it's the right one.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh, it's not? Then tell me. If Swiss was town, would you have kept it up? YES, you would've. You got really lucky that Swiss was mafia this game.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Because then YOU'D be even more of a liability. It stopped being about reads after Kuz died. You could've said "K guys the N0 thing was a gambit but look at this that we got from it wrt Swissscum:" But, I'll ask you.

WAS your original plan to hop off once you got plenty of steam on that N0 wagon?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
By this stage I think we're only going to go over the same stuff again.

At the risk of sounding rude - X1 you are wrong and I don't think anyone shares your viewpoint.

I really don't want people ending up disliking others because of this.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Because then YOU'D be even more of a liability. It stopped being about reads after Kuz died. You could've said "K guys the N0 thing was a gambit but look at this that we got from it wrt Swissscum:" But, I'll ask you.

WAS your original plan to hop off once you got plenty of steam on that N0 wagon?
I felt keeping up the claim would make it easier in lynching Swiss.

My original plan was just to get a read on Swiss, with this I could be 100% sure of his alignment on D1. Whether I hopped off or not was originally gonna be just based on whether I got a town read or scum read. In the end though I saw I'd not get enough support to lynch him D1 so I went with kuz.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So it was revolved around your ability to read Swiss? Idk... I'm not gonna argue it any more, but it is what it is. In the end it worked out, but there were a lot of things making it risky.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Yes. And I read him right, I purposely set up a situation where I'd be able to get a 100% read. What things were there to make it risky? Swiss says "because no-one CCed cop, mafia would see me as cop straight away and NK me N1 wasting a good PR". This could only happen if all of the following occured:

Swiss was town
The mafia managed to get everyone to claim "not-cop" leaving me confirmed cop
The doc decided not to protect me (A probable PR ) - Doc did actually protect me N1 in the game
The mafia thought I'd be worth killing despite being not a direct threat (not the strongest town player), being super easy to discredit as I have already lied once

Even in this absolute worst case scenario that I do get killed N1, town would lose a PR and a mid-ability player, but also still be able to gain the good reads and info from the gambit.
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