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Xbox Legends ClimaX: The Xbox Series X/S's 'Ultimate' Smash (Nominating Final Fighter)

Should we include 4th Party Content

  • Total voters


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Sorry if my wording was off, 2 nominees can be submitted if wanted, 1 from an ip on roster & 1 not. Anyway my nominees are the below.

Noble Five/Jorge-052

As ive mention a couple times i think Halo Reach should get some sort of major rep in the game & think an assist would be perfect. Anyone from the Noble Six Team could have worked by went with Noble 5/Jorge since he stood out the most too me. Also thought a heavy based spartan would standout from the other spartans in other major roles.

Max Payne

Owned by Take 2 (Bioshock) & originally developed by Remedy (Alan Wake). Wanted to find a new series from one of our newer companies to join & here we technically get 2. Series has a decent following & saw 3rd entry just a couple years ago (decently anticipated from what i remember since Rockstar developed it). Havent played any games in this series but alot of screenshots showed Max Payne jumping while shooting 2 pistols so perhaps the assist can do that.

Will keep current jobs open for the weekend but also add the below.

Job 56 - Developer Discussion 5

As mentioned in the op our main focus is Roster, Stages, & Assists. Will open up discussion this weekend for game modes & items. Feel free to post any any thoughts & ideas for these 2 topics.

-Sm4sh had 9 to 11ish bosses (Metal Face, Ridley, Yellow Devil, Dark Emperor, Flying Man?, Master Core (Hands, Giant, Edges, Beast, Fortress?)), we currently have 5, think adding another 4 like we did last time would work fine but can also see an argument for 1 or 2 more.

-We do try to match Smash in terms of modes but i think in this case we should try to maintain popular modes Smash abandoned at this time like Target Smash & Adventure (still a Melee/Brawl Hybrid) in place of Target Blast & Smash Run/Tour.

-Maybe also have a new theme from the comic book style we had for arcade endings last time although not sure what. Also not sure if we would do custom moves.

-As for new features, as previously mentioned i think we should also add 8-player mode (including online unlike Smash). Think we could maybe use one more new big-ish mode/feature to set us apart a little more. Maybe a tag-team mode for 4-player or less battles?
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Lutece twins
A pair of major characters from BioShock Infinite. They will appear and cause time to get messed up. They may reverse time, slow down the match, speed up the match, etc.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Job 56 - Developer Discussion 5

As mentioned in the op our main focus is Roster, Stages, & Assists. Will open up discussion this weekend for game modes & items. Feel free to post any any thoughts & ideas for these 2 topics.

-Sm4sh had 9 to 11ish bosses (Metal Face, Ridley, Yellow Devil, Dark Emperor, Flying Man?, Master Core (Hands, Giant, Edges, Beast, Fortress?)), we currently have 5, think adding another 4 like we did last time would work fine but can also see an argument for 1 or 2 more.

-We do try to match Smash in terms of modes but i think in this case we should try to maintain popular modes Smash abandoned at this time like Target Smash & Adventure (still a Melee/Brawl Hybrid) in place of Target Blast & Smash Run/Tour.

-Maybe also have a new theme from the comic book style we had for arcade endings last time although not sure what. Also not sure if we would do custom moves.

-As for new features, as previously mentioned i think we should also add 8-player mode (including online unlike Smash). Think we could maybe use one more new big-ish mode/feature to set us apart a little more. Maybe a tag-team mode for 4-player or less battles?
Job #56
  1. I think this makes a lot of sense! There's a bit of discussion on game modes below, but in terms of items, it'd be fun to see what people come up with.
  2. In terms of bosses, I think adding a few more might be a good call! Plus, maybe a boss rush mode now that we're considering having quite a few more - it'd have felt a little ech with only five, but having nine (minimum!) would work great for that.
  3. Matching Smash's modes seems like a decent call, but I also think that yeah - keeping something like Target Smash and Adventure Mode would be great. As for the latter, it'd be neat if it had a little more substance and narrative - think a sweet spot between The Subspace Emissary and Adventure Mode in some ways - but yeah, this seems good to me.
  4. A new visual style feels like it could be really interesting. As for which specific look we'd go for, I think there's a reasonable argument for us to use short, pre-rendered cutscenes given the new power and memory of the Xbox One hardware, just so it matches the game's look more. Also, I don't think Custom Moves would be a good call - it just feels like it'd get pretty messy and a little too derivative of what Nintendo's doing on the Wii U and 3DS.
  5. 8-player mode is perfect, and I'd also say that yeah, another big-ish mode or feature would make a lot of sense. Tag-team mode seems like it'd be a lot of fun in that regard, especially if it made the game kind of play like games like Marvel vs. Capcom where you can switch between characters - even as just an additional mode, it'd be one that brings a lot of fun to the table. Hell, you could even have win-screens with both of the characters you chose interacting!
And, as for the other assist I didn't realise I was allowed to submit:

Character Name: "OutRunners" (Due to licensing, I don't think we could call this "Ferrari")
Character Origin: OutRun (1986)

A SEGA candidate I think makes a lot of sense here, given the release of Outrun 2006 wasn't too long ago, and it's an iconic arcade racer that laid the groundworks for quite a lot of racing-based games following that point. Of course, it'd get a slight redesign just to ensure that Ferrari's lawyers aren't knocking, but it'd still be easily recognisable for what it is - especially since it's being driven by Alberto and Clarissa.

When summoned, it'll drive across the stage, slamming into anyone unfortunate enough to get into the way while its radio blares one of OutRun's classic themes. It only tends to last for a short time, though, as it'll drive right off the stage if it manages to get to a ledge, exploding once it hits the blast zone or a wall. It also explodes if attacked hard enough, flipping like in the original game.
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Assist: Mega Man(...)
Mega Man (character) | MMKB | Fandom

Shoots opponents with his gun,then he absorbs the power of the first person that he defeats and uses a move similar to their neutral special(like Kirby).


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Results (most votes added)
1 Reaver 5
2 Crawler 4

1 Hisako 5
2 Jet Force Gemini 2
3 Prof. T. Bird 1

Final Assist Voting

Flood Carrier
Lutece Twins
Splosion Man
(Qwerty UIOP)
Mega Man
Noble 5
Max Payne

Was originally going to only be 3 but with the number of great submittions will up to 6. Would up total from matching Smash 4s assist (39) to Pokeballs (42) which still seems feasible.

Vote for your Top 6, self votes 2nd or lower. Top 6 overall will be added.

1 Splosion Man
2 Fizzle
3 Noble 5
4 Max Payne
5 Outrunners
6 Bottles

  • 4 New Bosses will be added.
  • Will have a dedicated item job this upcoming weekend, kind of got lost in all of the game mode discussion, nothing too formal just sharing ideas of items we could see this time around.
  • Stage Builder was something actually added as a free update last time around. It will be back with some new content & improvements.
  • Boss Rush will be here. Could have been in last time but was never specified either way & KneeOfJustice99 brought up a good point about it potentially not being worth it with only 5 bosses.
  • Adventure Mode will return & continue to be a mix of Melee & Subspace. There will be a narrative with some substance. Kind of pictured that being the case last time as well but was never specified. Would anyone be interested in a job to come up with a narrative?
  • Target Smash is back & have below poll for Classic/Arcade mode potentially becoming a rogue-like (https://strawpoll.com/NPgxEKz8QZ2)
  • Custom moves will not be featured. Instead these resources will be used to develop character interactions to be featured on win screens (know KneeOfJustice99 only particularly brought up this being for tag team mode but why not add some general interactions as well)
  • Tag Team mode will be added as a big new feature & 8 player Smash. Smash Run & Tour will not be added.
  • Comic book panel Arcade endings replaced by pre-rendered cutscenes?


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Results (Top 6 Added)

1 Splosion Man 33
2 Fizzle 29
3 Bottles 17
4 Max Payne 14
5 Outrunners 13
6 Noble 5/Jorge-052 9

7 Mega Man 6
8 Flood Carrier 4
9 Lutece Twins 1

Job 57 - Submit a Boss Idea. Only restriction is it cannot be from a company not on the roster or a series that already has a boss (No Halo, Banjo Kazooie, Killer Instinct, or Mech Assault)

Will submit my nominee later.


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Dragon Jack
The true form of Jack of Blades. A remake of the first Fable would have just came out a year ago at this point. I think this would be a similar case to Giga Bowser or Pig Ganon where they appear as both bosses and a final smash. He would work kinda like Rathalos from Ultimate.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
A bit of an odd one, but I think this might work well.

Boss Name: Lü Bu
Boss Origin: Dynasty Warriors (1997)
Company?: Koei Tecmo

Koei Tecmo have been involved with these games since the very beginning, but I felt like just going with a Dead or Alive boss as our first third-party pick - especially given this is Koei Tecmo - would be a little... cheap. With that in mind, I decided it'd be fun to represent another long-running action-based series with a massive Japanese following and increasing Western popularity here - specifically Dynasty Warriors, which is by far the company's most popular series overall. A long-running franchise spawned from a fighting game in 1997, before transitioning to hack-n-slash gameplay we all recognise over time, it's already had eight installments by this point in time - and Lü Bu's design would reflect that of his most recent look in Dynasty Warriors 8.

As for why Lü Bu specifically - he's a reoccuring villainous presence in the series, having been the boss of the first game, and is one of the single most prominent characters throughout (really with the sole exception of Diaochan, arguably the "central protsgonist".) Plus, he'd be unique here - given his fighting style involves him fighting on horseback with Red Hare, and armed with a halberd. I also think he'd mesh really well with a few other picks - such as Koei Tecmo's other ninja-based characters playing off his more warlord-like nature, and his role as a real-world historical figure perhaps lending to interesting ties to the Age of Empires series.

In terms of his boss appearance and mechanics, he'd have a variety of attacks based on his attacks throughout the Dynasty Warriors series, riding on Red Hare and being a surprisingly fast-moving brick wall of sorts. Additionally, he'd have a number of meter attacks he can only use after dealing a certain amount of damage, reflecting the series' EX attack system (though unusually for a boss like this, you can't actually see how much meter he has.) When killed, he's knocked off his horse.

Additionally... if fought on the game's hardest difficulty, he is resurrected after being defeated with a very small amount of health, but large buffs to his attack power, and infinite meter from which to use his EX attacks. He's no longer on horseback, so he's a lot slower than normal, but he's very dangerous.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Our poll has closed & Classic/Arcade mode will become a roguelike similar to NASB in our next game (when the genre is a bit more popular)

My Boss Nominee - Orta (Panzer Dragoon)

Another Sega ip that saw an exclusive release on the original Xbox (Orta was the protagonist of said game). Was eventually made backwards compatible on Xbox One & doesnt have an upcoming PS4 exclusive (sorry Shenmue).

Dragon Jack (darkvortex)
Lu Bu (KneeOfJustice99)
Ender Dragon (Northsouthmap)
Orta (nirvanafan)

Vote for your top 3, self votes in 2nd or lower. Top 3 overall will be added.

1 Queen Myrrah
2 Orta
3 Lu Bu
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
  1. Queen Myrrah (I think she's a decently logical pick for this timeframe, makes a lot of sense to represent one of Xbox's flagship series, and could have plenty of potential as a unique boss to go up against. Makes sense.)
  2. Ender Dragon (Yeah, I guess this makes sense! Seems as the Minecraft stage is The End anyways, it seems pretty logical - though we'd probably need to slightly extend the Dragon's movepool or something.)
  3. Orta (A weird, but very fun candidate who I think would be a pretty interesting, if unexpected, pull. A little like Rathalos in Ultimate, I guess? To be honest, not one I'd have thought of, but a pretty decent timeframe for this to actually occur. Even if SEGA's representation here is already a little... odd.)


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Our poll has closed & Classic/Arcade mode will become a roguelike similar to NASB in our next game (when the genre is a bit more popular)

My Boss Nominee - Orta (Panzer Dragoon)

Another Sega ip that saw an exclusive release on the original Xbox (Orta was the protagonist of said game). Was eventually made backwards compatible on Xbox One & doesnt have an upcoming PS4 exclusive (sorry Shenmue).

Dragon Jack (darkvortex)
Lu Bu (KneeOfJustice99)
Ender Dragon (Northsouthmap)
Orta (nirvanafan)

Vote for your top 3, self votes in 2nd or lower. Top 3 overall will be added.

1 Queen Myrrah
2 Orta
3 Lu Bu
Shouldn't Orta not be allowed since she is not a bad guy?


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Shouldn't Orta not be allowed since she is not a bad guy?
Idk i looked at it similar to our 1st boss Clippy, someone who isnt necessarily a villain but a cool reference who could work good as a boss in design.

Can see an argument against that i initially didnt think of, will add a poll as i can see this being a divisive topic.


Will extend voting, you can still vote for Orta but we may go with the next option overall if she makes it but the poll doesnt go in her favor.

Job 58 - Will start out weekend jobs early with the 1st of 2 planned. Submit any ideas for new items. No limitations other than it must be from a company on our roster. Can submit as many as you like.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Okay, I'll probably go with a few here like in the first game. Feel free to let me know if any of these should be vetoed, though.

Item Name: Bubble Shield
Item Origin: Halo 3 (Xbox 360, 2007)

Another Halo item, but one I think makes sense. The Bubble Shield (or, correctly, the Z-4190 Temporal Protective Enfolder) was featured quite a few times in promotional material for Halo 3, though it did change over time to become less of a personal shield and larger in size. In this game, though, it'd be a happy medium between the two - it'd be an item you can pick up and then throw, with it activating on hitting the ground or a wall. It would then create a spherical shield around it for around 15 seconds, which reflects any projectiles that hit it - but still allows players to walk through it freely. Projectiles can also be fired freely from the inside of the shield outward.

Item Name: Swordfish
Item Origin: Kinect Adventures! (Xbox 360, 2010)

An item to hopefully make Avatar feel a little less lonely, by arguably classifying the "Kinect" games as some sort of analogue to the Wii series. This one's a bit odd in that the item itself is arguably a character, but I think it'd work just fine (considering we have items like the Bombchus, Ramblin' Evil Mushroom, and Mr. Saturn in the Smash series.) In terms of use - you hold it pointing forward, and tapping the normal attack button has you thrust it forward in the process. The tip of the Swordfish's spiky nose has a sweet spot that crumples an opponent and deals massive damage, a little like Ridley's down special.

Item Name: Mega Buster
Item Origin:
Dead Rising 3 (Xbox One, 2013) & Mega Man X (SNES, 1993)

Dead Rising has a history of including crossover weapons within its games, with every game thus (far) having included weapons from the Mega Man series. The most recent game's weapon of this ilk was the X-Buster (erroneously referred to in-game as the Mega Buster), so I think including it makes a lot of sense here given it's likely that, if Frank has this in his arsenal, it won't be this version. Worn on the arm of a user, it replaces their jabs, forward tilts, neutral air and forward air with low-powered projectiles that can be rapidly fired, just like in the Mega Man series. These can also be charged to fire out a Charge Shot. However, the item only lasts for a limited amount of time, and has limited ammunition - plus, Charge Shots count as extra ammunition use.

Item Name: Emotional Baggage
Item Origin: Psychonauts (Xbox, 2005)

Everyone has emotional baggage. Sometimes, it's just a good idea to organise it all with tags. While these are just collectables of a sort in the Psychonauts series, I'd propose that the Emotional Baggage here would be more of a battering item - you could pick it up, and then swat someone with it, dealing a pretty meaty hit in the process. It's also worth noting that the Emotional Baggage is always, constantly, crying.

Item Name: Vest
Item Origin: Bomberman (NES, 1985)

The Bomberman series has always had a myriad of items with different effects, but given quite a lot of them are likely to be a part of Bomberman's actual kit, I opted for one that I think is less likely to be included there - the Vest. In the series, it provides temporary immunity to everything including bomb blasts - but in this game, it would exclusively defend against projectile attacks for a limited time, but not against melee attacks - with the exception of melee attacks that do fire or explosion damage. Additionally, the vest would actually be physically worn by characters - meaning there'd be different models to make it fit everyone in the roster - but the vest's colour is always the same, orangeish, in reference to the different icons for it throughout the series.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Current jobs still open, will be busy on Monday in addition to weekend so next job will probably be on Tuesday. In the meantime will open one more job for the weekend to keep us busy.

Job 59 - Come up with any details for the campaign. Could be a general synopsis of what it could look like or just some of the teamups & interactions you want to see.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Current jobs still open, will be busy on Monday in addition to weekend so next job will probably be on Tuesday. In the meantime will open one more job for the weekend to keep us busy.

Job 59 - Come up with any details for the campaign. Could be a general synopsis of what it could look like or just some of the teamups & interactions you want to see.
Job #59: A couple of notes I think could be fun. Firstly, the idea of having the story mode be akin to Subspace seems good, but I'd suggest that having individual levels take more inspiration from Adventure Mode's series-specific setups would make more sense. In terms of specifics... I would say this much - I think focusing on first-party properties makes more sense overall, ideally with some focus on properties with numerous characters (as well as, probably, properties that are particularly relevant at this time.) Even so, I'd still love us to take the opportunity to explore some weirder stuff.

A concept for a chapter could be fun too!

Chapter #02: A Meeting of Immortals
Theresa and Amelia Black (who are both canonically immortal already) meet in 1817 in Washington DC - before their meeting is interrupted by a frantic Kurisu, claiming that there will be an apocalypse in the year 2015 that lays waste to the entire world. However, before leaving, they manage to convince her to help with their current problem - an insurrection taking place in Washington DC, caused by the magic of the Dark Queen hundreds of years before the Battletoads came about to stop her. (From here, an Adventure Mode taking place through Washington and leading up to the White House would occur, as well as a unique stage taking place inside the White House where they fight the Dark Queen.)

As they do battle with her, the unlikely quartet ends up travelling forward as Kurisu attempts to escape with her time machine - arriving in the post-apocalypse (The Ruins), where the Locust have apparently destroyed almost all life on Earth. It's there they meet a pair of survivors - Nick Ramos, who's built an "apocalypse-proof superbus" absolutely packed with weapons and defences, and Forza Driver, the silent but deadly driver who pilots it.

In terms of interaction ideas, I'll present a couple that haven't already been mentioned:
  • Joanna Dark and Sam Fisher join forces to investigate SoulStorm Breweries, while Abe and Meat Boy join forces to escape.
  • After the Rokkaku Corporation merges with UltraTech Industries to form Rokkaku-UltraTech, Beat and Gum face off against Fulgore in 99th Street.
  • Bomberman and the Crackdown Agent have a misunderstanding... with ruinous consequences for Pacific City.
  • A stand-off between the Stranger and the Gunstringer reaches its peak.
  • Two war veterans - Sgt. Johnson and Conker - are drinking together, but are interrupted when Jetman falls from the stars nearby.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Feel free to add any more items & story elements if anything else comes to mind. Not really my strong suit so wont be participating but is definitely fun to see everyones ideas. Will add everything to op sometime this week.

Our poll ended 50-50, my votes in favor of Orta & non-villain bosses will be removed leading to the following results.

All Boss nominees must be antagonist in their home series.

Results (Top 3 Added)
1 Queen Myrrah 10
2 Ender Dragon 8
3 Lu Bu 2

4 Dragon Jack 1
5 Orta 1 (was 3 with my votes, was disqualified regardless)

Job 59 - Nominate a throwback antagonist to be our final boss. Once again has to be 1st Party or from a 3rd Party company already on our roster. To be a throwback lets say the character must not have had a major role since 2007 or later (little over 360s 1st year or earlier).

Will submit my nominee later.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Job #059:
Boss Name: Poseidon
Boss Origin: Age of Mythology (2002)

Who better to submit as a boss than a literal god? Poseidon is one of the Twelve Olympians in ancient Greek mythology, who has dominion over the sea, storms, and earthquakes. In Age of Mythology, his notability comes both from the game's holy alignment system, as well as being in alignment with the villainous Cyclops known as Gargarensis, eventually sinking Atlantis (which Arkantos has become the Admiral of by this time, being that it's his home.)

In terms of function, Posideon plays mostly as you'd expect - fighting with his trident as well as being able to flood the arena with gigantic tidal waves, manifest storms to strike you with lightning, and thrusting his trident into the ground to cause a horrendous earthquake. In addition, he can transmute his own body into water to move to the other side of the screen while invulnerable.

Now, I will admit; there is a possibility that this submission somewhat goes against the spirit of the job, as in 2014, the original Age of Mythology: Expanded Edition was rereleased on Steam. However - I feel like we can reasonably say this doesn't quite count, as the expansion for Age of Mythology (namely Age of Mythology: The Titans) was released in 2003, and the Steam rerelease was effectively only to add minor elements of functionality to the original game.

If this discounts Poseidon from submission, that's completely fine - but I will say it's worth noting that he hasn't appeared in any other original games (at least, his AoM form) since 2003.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Spider Mech (Assault Heroes)

1st boss (also featured on cover) for an early Microsoft XBLA game. Thought an XBLA boss would be cool although forgot how many well known titles were released too late to be a throwback by our definition. Regardless still seems like it would be a fun fight & cool, surprising pick.

Great Mighty Poo (Qwerty UIOP)
Poseidon (KneeOfJustice99)
Dragon Jack (darkvortex)
Spider Mech (nirvanafan)

Vote for your top 2, self votes in 2nd, mist votes overall will be our final boss. Will start DLC jobs tomorrow.

1 Poseidon
2 Dragon Jack

Great Mighty Poo is a great pick too but think Poo Mtn being our Conker Stage represents him well enough.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
1. Poseidon
2. Spider Mech

I feel like we should stay away from bosses that are just monster versions of playable characters.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Result (Most votes added)

1 Dragon Jack 6
2 Poseidon 5
3 Spider Mech 4
4 Great Mighty Poo HM

Job 60 - Submit a nominee from an ip already on our roster to be our 1st DLC fighter. This fighter will be similar to Mewtwo, Piranha Plant, & Ayane & be offered for free for a limited time promotion & not come with any extra content.

Age of Empires/Mythologies
Blue Dragon
Banjo Kazooie
Perfect Dark
Viva Pinata
Killer Instinct
Alan Wake
Ninja Gaiden
Dead or Alive
Splinter Cell
Dead Rising
Jet Set Radio
Tomb Raider
Meat Boy
Steins Gate
Pillars of Eternity

Will submit my nominee later.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Character Name: Skorge
Character Origin: Gears of War 2 (2008)

This pick might seem a little weird at first glance, but it came about both from a process of elimination and, partially, just really liking the character concept. For context: Skorge is the High Priest of the Kantus, who are effectively religious monks who are part of the Locust. He's also a pretty prominent antagonist in Gears of War 2, and appears again in Gears of War 4 in the multiplayer mode. However, the Kantus themselves appear throughout the series, so he kind of represents them too, in a weird way.

Specifically, I felt Gears was a series that'd really benefit from a new character, but the two immediate candidates that sprung to mind - Kait Diaz and Queen Myrrah - both feel like they might be better-suited to the next game for their own reasons (namely, Kait being introduced in Gears of War 4 in 2016 and making for a good headlining pick post-Gears 5, and Queen Myrrah only just having been introduced to this game as a boss.) With that in mind, I originally looked to see if a member of the Locust could be fun, came across the Kantus, and then came across Skorge.

So. How would Skorge play? Firstly, his main weapon is a staff with chainsaws on either end, which would easily make him a mid-range powerhouse. Couple this with his Ink Grenades and a rapid-fire Gorgon pistol, and you have a recipe for a character who'd already excel at keeping opponents at arm's length. However, I'd also suggest that Skorge would have access to his healing power using his neutral special, allowing him to heal a small amount of damage to himself or to teammates - effectively rewarding you for keeping opponents away by force to heal your allies, just like the Kantus would. Not only this, but Skorge has plenty of potential otherwise. Whether it be by summoning the otherworldly Riftworm for his final attack or even summoning a Hydra to ride on to recover, as well as utilising his deadly close-combat arts, Skorge would be a pretty terrifying opponent to go up against.

Plus, we don't necessarily need to introduce other content alongside him - Gears is already represented decently enough, and if the worst comes to the worst, we can always add extra stuff in the next game.


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

She's been submitted before but I do think she makes sense. She's a huge part of the Halo series, is pretty well known, and would be kind of a surprise. There are items and powers from the Halo series we could pull from and there's nothing wrong with making some stuff up. I don't think there's anything wrong with giving Halo another rep reinvents our Mario (which feels funny to say)


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016

Minecraft is certainly large enough for a 2nd rep. Enderman will use a mix of dark magic & game elements not used by Steve.

Skorge (KneeOfJustice99)
Cortana (darkvortex)
Jago (Northsouthmap)
Enderman (nirvanafan)

Vote for your Top 3, self votes in 2nd or lower.

1 Jago
2 Cortana
3 Enderman
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