The reason @
is grumpy is because once a week, someone comes into the Diddy forums, posts almost word for word what you just did, and then proceeds to foam at the mouth when their "suggestions" aren't met with open arms. This entire thread (and it's not the only one) is dedicated to people making complaints and calling for nerfs that basically just say "I don't want to have to deal with this, so make it suck." The only thing that you've suggested that doesn't neuter the chimp is changing the barrel misfires, and again, almost every Diddy player on this forum has agreed that they should be changed.
This is what I have a problem with. If you're losing to a single player spamming the same thing over and over, it's not that player's fault. They found a strategy that you can't deal with, and they're riding it to victory. Diddy's dash attack is punished HARD by crouch canceling, and has enough endlag that you have plenty of time to punish it with an out of shield option, even if he rolls through and ends up behind you. If you can't punish that move, then you need to look to up your OOS game.
This is just wrong. You have absolutely nothing to back up the claim that the spike on this is nearly always an accident, and as an avid up-b spiker I can tell you that I routinely do combos specifically to put my opponent in a position to be up-b spiked. A lot of Diddy's kit gets labeled as "random", and I'll agree that to a lot of people it probably looks like your average Diddy player is just throwing stuff out there and getting lucky. But, just like the boomerang happy Links and the fireball happy Marios, if you look deeper you'll start to notice the subtle tricks with spacing and movement that make it so that those seemingly random things are somehow always dead on. Again, it sounds like you're complaining about something you don't understand and don't want to deal with. Whether or not that's true, your phrasing makes your complaints sound that way.
My argument to this is: what were you doing that put you in a position to get spiked by it? Were you trying to edge guard Falco? Then how'd you get hit by it? Because you messed up your edge guard? Because you mis-timed or mis-positioned? Then you absolutely deserve to lose that stock. Smash is a game that's made exciting by how quickly things can go from neutral to "holy hell he got blown away", where getting grabbed or eating the wrong attack can lead to huge combos that can often result in a lost stock. I've died to my fair share of Falco side-b's, and in the end I learned how to edge guard them in a way that was smarter and safer.
tl;dr- Diddy players are tired of all the complaining, and that makes us cranky (kong).