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Wtf, PK Fire? >_>


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2007
So, I've heard that Olimar counters Lucas. I have always had problems against him and recently, I met him in a match. The only attack that the Lucas did was PK Fire to dair. And I failed. Hard. Against PK Fire, I tried to f-smash, it worked, but then he just jumped and dair the whole match. What should do I do? It's really annoying to lose against a spammer ;___;


Apr 10, 2008
pretty much^. I haven't had any trouble. Then again, I do spam the pikmin to get the two brothers to approach.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
I have minimal experience with Olimar, though I'm working on making him my second, keep in mind, I have been a lurker, >>. Anyway, aside from latching him with pikmin to not only distract, but to also plug-up his PSI powers, a good alternative IMO, is to toss a pikmin, and let it walk back on its own. This'll clog all ground flung PKF's (for a time) since the pikmin acts as a walking shield; works best with red piko's for obvious reasons, and fatties because there slow. Only problem is, your losing a soldier.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
I have minimal experience with Olimar, though I'm working on making him my second, keep in mind, I have been a lurker, >>. Anyway, aside from latching him with pikmin to not only distract, but to also plug-up his PSI powers, a good alternative IMO, is to toss a pikmin, and let it walk back on its own. This'll clog all ground flung PKF's (for a time) since the pikmin acts as a walking shield; works best with red piko's for obvious reasons, and fatties because there slow. Only problem is, your losing a soldier.
that's ok, you can always pluck more in a fraction of a second :D


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
Right, plus if your at a distance, its practically a promised pikmin pluck! On that subject, sorry to get a bit off topic, but when in need of another pikmin, aside from the three you should have at all times, does anyone pluck->hyphen usmash? Its worked for me, you can land the blow before the pikmin even hits land.


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2008
Throwing pikmin out as a shield against Lucas is not really a good idea. Because PK Fire explodes when it hits things this just means you can get hit by the blast rather than the fire. In many ways you actually make PK Fire more potent by creating a wall that you cannot easily get past. Another thing that having pikmin walking around does that aids Lucas is that it allows his Dsmash to last a ridiculously long time which can really catch you offguard and of course pretty much destroys your pikmin. Keep in mind that Lucas can Fsmash your pikmin back at you so that they hurt you instead. I don't know where you've heard that Olimar counters Lucas because from my experience it's the exact opposite. Olimar is one of my easiest matchups. Dair outprioritizes pretty much all of your aerials when spaced correctly and Olimar is extremely vulnerable to smart edgeguarding with Lucas. I would call Lucas a soft counter to Olimar rather than the other way around.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
Right, plus if your at a distance, its practically a promised pikmin pluck! On that subject, sorry to get a bit off topic, but when in need of another pikmin, aside from the three you should have at all times, does anyone pluck->hyphen usmash? Its worked for me, you can land the blow before the pikmin even hits land.
i usually just pluck one or two pikmin at the most obscure moments
mind games son, mind games haha

edit: the pikmin start an easily avoidable wall of fire that does absolutely nothing to olimar because you'll be playing at a distance for the most part
also i'm sure nair will eat through most of his aerials, need to test though.
also i'm sure up tilt will stop dair, as it stops most everything else.
also, i like using also
oh and also, i like repitition x)


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
i usually just pluck one or two pikmin at the most obscure moments
mind games son, mind games haha

edit: the pikmin start an easily avoidable wall of fire that does absolutely nothing to olimar because you'll be playing at a distance for the most part
also i'm sure nair will eat through most of his aerials, need to test though.
also i'm sure up tilt will stop dair, as it stops most everything else.
also, i like using also
oh and also, i like repitition x)
Lucas' nAir does the same with most aerials...as well as his dAir...his air attacks are for the most part disjointed hitboxes like Olimar's as well you know

Also...Olimar is the one who is forced to approach Ness/Lucas for these match ups...


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
Lucas' nAir does the same with most aerials...as well as his dAir...his air attacks are for the most part disjointed hitboxes like Olimar's as well you know

Also...Olimar is the one who is forced to approach Ness/Lucas for these match ups...
i see you like to use as well, but you also caught the also bug :D

actually, olimar can camp pretty efficiently. stop lucas' projectiles while getting his in on lucas.
any projectile lucas has, the pikmin will absorb. reds and yellows will not die to pk fire and thunder respectively. purples and blues also live for a rather long time.
whites are beasts.
also any pikimin reflected can be taken off with whistle

i really need to test the attacks to see which clank/outrange/outprioritze


Apr 10, 2008
I've already tested it through practice. Olimar outcamps both of the kids. yellows help a lot b/c of the arc. Pikmin spam is just faster. it's really that simple.


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2008
As I said, Lucas is a soft counter for Olimar from my experience. The yellow and red pikmin do not "stop" his projectiles. You can SH PK Fire right over red pikmin or just use them as a wall for your PK Fires which will then still be able to hit Olimar. Although Yellow pikmin are not killed by PK Thunder, they cannot stop it. The thunder merely travels through and can hit Olimar. Olimar has very few options to get through Dair as pretty much all his aerials can only hit through it if spaced just right.

It should be a decently tough matchup for Olimar. If it's not, then it's only because the Lucas player is inexperienced or your play level happens to be well above theirs. Fortunately for you, there are very few good Lucas players out there.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
the community agreed upon i think 65-35 oli's favor. camping him will win period. any aggressive and smart olimar will avoid and predict ANYTHING the lucas does. he's not the most unpredictable of characters especially since his pkt2 isn't nearly as good as ness' who is a counter for oli.
oli wins

you doubt the actual pikmin. they stop everything regardless of color. the certain colors just survive it that's all
oli is the best camper in the game, only one who competes with him IMO is falco cause he has an awesome reflector


Smash Lord
May 6, 2007
I've faced Lucas in a tournament multiple times and the most stocks i've had taken off me against a Ness or Lucas was 1. Meaning 2 stock every time.

VERY easy match for Olimar. DO NOT let him camp and spam pk fire. You have to try to get in there as quick as possible. If you keep the aggression on Lucas can't do **** because he needs to camp to combo. I'de suggest the following:

1) Learn to power shield EVERY projectile thrown at you. Running toward him after you throw a pikmin allows your pikmin to absorb the first, a possible second to be power shieled and then in range before he can throw a 3rd.
2) U-Smash prioritizes his dair and so does his u-air so that shouldn't even be a problem.
3 follow up of 2) Pivot grab. Once you get close to him he won't pk fire anymore but try to aerial attack you or have you run into his up-smash. Try a running shield drop grab or run, shield into F-smash, or even run to shield--wait a second--pivot grab. This way he can't approach because of pivot and you can still be a little defensive.
4) Choose a smaller level if you happen to lose as a CP. Try something he can't spam PK Fire on, like Luigi's mansion if it's not banned. Luigi's mansion is ftw as olimar, and so is brinstar/norfair. Don't count on CP though that's just emergency in a tourney match.

Don't try to run down there and gimp Lucas if he's off the ledge either. I've seen countless Olimars try to do this like Lucas was Ness or something. Lucas's Up-b is MUCH faster and almost impossible to gimp unless you have a pre-thrown pikmin where you suggest he would up-b.

Basically. Don't play the stereotypical Olimar (LOLOLOL FB FB FB FB USMASH FROM YELLOW STICK LOLOL) I hate that ****. Aggressive in this matchup is very unpredictable and will cause him to panic because "WTF aggressive oli who isn't spamming pikmin?!" -GG

Good Luck


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
don't you just love that everyone thinks that every olimar camps?
i do ^^ freaks them the **** out when i combo them to 80


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
right over there
Just powershield his PK fire and throw pikmin at him. If he trys to get them off, grab him. If he doesn't, they'll do damage much faster than his PK fire can. Either way, you should win.

If you get bored of camping (I do) you can always run up and **** Lucas like the little boy he is with your airials.

Also, if you begin to have trouble w/powershielding, try mapping shield to a face button, rather than one of the shoulders. Trust me, it makes worlds of difference.
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