It was stated by the creators though. When Link goes back in time to be a child, that's MM and TP. The timeline he leaves, when he was an adult, is WW. That's my biggest issue with yours. You have three lines, rather than the two defined ones.
A quote from the Official Zelda Homepage: In terms of the storyline, we've decided that this takes place 100 years after the events in The Ocarina of Time. We think that as you play through the game, you'll notice that in the beginning the storyline explains some of the events in The Ocarina of Time. You'll also find hints of things from The Ocarina of Time that exist in The Wind Waker.
There's also a more complicated explanation. If you think back to the end of The Ocarina of Time, there were two endings to that game in different time periods. First Link defeated Ganon as an adult, and then he actually went back to being a child. You could say that The Wind Waker takes place 100 years after the ending in which Link was an adult.
This indicates that WW takes place on the adule Link line, directly contradicting your theory about it being in the Child line.
As for Twilight Princess, well... an interview with Eiji Aonuma:
–When does Twilight Princess take place?
Aonuma: In the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years later.
–And the Wind Waker?
Aonuma: The Wind Waker is parallel. In Ocarina of Time, Link flew seven years in time, he beat Ganon and went back to being a kid, remember? Twilight Princess takes place in the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years after the peace returned to kid Link’s time. In the last scene of Ocarina of Time, kids Link and Zelda have a little talk, and as a consequence of that talk, their relationship with Ganon takes a whole new direction. In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there’s a scene showing Ganon’s execution. Link and Zelda left him be and he then did something outrageous, so it was decided that he should be executed. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time. Ganon was sent to another world and now he wants to obtain the power...
This one explicitly states that after they became kids again, they let Ganon do something different, worthy of execution, and so you have TP, in the child timeline.
Anyway, who says it's a new Ganon in FSA? It's all the same person I'm pretty sure. Yeah, there's a new origin story in FSA, but I don't see how it implies that the Ganon from TP is the one from ALttP. In fact, the one from ALttP looks a lot more similar to the one from FSA. And FSA has all the elements of the Imprisoning War mentioned in the beginning of ALttP. Magical portals, the extermination of knights, and seven sages (maidens in FSA) who were able to seal the evil. So I feel it's entirely possible that the character of Ganon from FSA, whether the same as the one from TP or not, is the one in ALttP and later on.
As for why I think he may not have died in TP? It's stated that only Silver Arrows can kill Ganon in LoZ and ALttP. Of course, if we accept that Ganon was killed in TP and a new one took his place, then this point is moot. However, if we don't, and stick with canon of the Silver/Light Arrow, then the deathblow in TP wouldn't have killed him, rather merely sealed him or made him catatonic or something. I still think the Ganon from TP is intended to be the same one from the 2D games, and until I see conclusive evidence of it being a new Ganon who features in ALttP, I'll hold to it.
Oh, also, Four Swords Adventures is stated to be a direct sequel to Four Swords by the creators, with the same Link. That changes the placement of either FS or FSA in your timeline considerably. And as in FSA it seals him away, it's probably easier to move that one, resulting in a final death in LoZ/AoL.