Note: Succumbio, I enjoyed that je ne sais quoi feeling you were attempting to articulate between senior-junior rivalry. I agree that there is a type of friction that exists that often inspires us to reach for more, if more is available. Especially when it appears to be in the hands of a Marxist bourgeoisie social class and a dynamic underdog mentality is sparked with the PG members playing the roles of the proletariat.
If DHers were only interested in gaining the Group Membership for the status increase and colored name tag, why would they bother even checking the PG for more candidates for the DH?
That's not what I stated. I said that
PG members seem primarily concerned with garnering a pink name or rather the visible incentives of DH status. DH members tend to be focused on recruitment in order to improve the DH, rather than focus on an individual effort to increase traffic and activity.
th3kuzinator said:
Even if the DHers are too lazy to post and debate in the actual DH (which is ridiculous), the fact that they want to improve the DH by finding good posters in the PG shows they are not as superficial as you state.
Most individuals in the DH are college students or in the work force. Everyone is busy, period. When we get accepted into the DH, there are no further visible incentives. Finding good PG candidates is akin to the mentality of having many children in least developed African countries. In the 1950s the Total Fertility Rate (avg. # of babies per mother) for Kenya was 8, the families would have as many children as possible with the hope that at least one would become successful and aid the entire family. Unfortunately this does not necessarily work, as insufficient resources prevent children from developing their physical and mental facilities properly. In a similar vein, the question remains whether the DH section itself possesses adequate resources and provides incentives for DH members to be involved. Without purging, it becomes a question of provisions rather than reductions. In a society consumed by consumerism, providing enough for sustainability is barely enough.
th3kuzinator said:
This. Though there will inevitably be PGers just seeking status, it will be impossible to decipher their true intentions before letting them in to the DH. Simply from percentages, letting more thoughtful PGers into the DH will step up the activity in both rooms regardless if there are a few outliers who choose to abandon the DH altogether.
Few outliers? I guess you constitute a potential outlier (your activity seriously dropped after getting accepted). As does Namaste, spookyskeptic, RapturevVv, and a couple of others I could list off the top of my head whose activity is rare and minimal post-acceptance. As for their intentions, I'm sure they all have perfectly good intentions. However I don't care about their intentions and I don't care about their real lives. I don't care about what other subsections they are involved in, what exams they have to take, what major they are, or what job they are currently tackling as far as the Debate Hall goes, all I care about is their activity and performance in the Debate Hall. All I know is that once we give away the pink name and the clever little icon, activity plummets for the most accepted DH members. Honestly, how can I come to a different conclusion than the notion that people get their DH goody bag and then focus on other incentives? It's not bad to be selfish, it's actually common sense and self-preservation. You get what you need, then you get out. For most people, this amounts to a pink name and a debater status icon. Think it's ridiculous? The forum administrator of a VBulletin site made $94.32 the day after he opened a market for color user titles that people could purchase. A few outliers didn't generate $94.32 in a single day. That's the beauty of human avarice.
th3kuzinator said:
If someone has enough initiative to come to the debating hall, read the instructions for gaining access to the DH, apply for the proving grounds and debate thoughtfully and constructively in the PG for a reasonable amount of time, they probably have intentions of actually debating in the DB.
Probably. Would. Should. Could. These terms focus on what we want to happen, but not necessarily what
does happen. Think about doing a large arts and crafts project in elementary or middle school such as a board game or diorama for a classic book. Once you put a mass amount of effort and complete the project and get the A from your English teacher, you hang up the board game or diorama for a couple of months and possibly years. You might move it to the attic when you get older and when a decade passes, you throw it out. Guess what, the board game and diorama weren't important, the classic book was the center piece to make the board game and diorama to come into fruition. Both of those resources are only symbols and not the reference source. In a similar manner, the debater status and icon serve as symbols, trophies, and marks of accomplishment that are valued over the reference source. Back to the statement in my previous post, the DH is the reference source that should be valued, but by most users is not in comparison to the aesthetic symbolism.
th3kuzinator said:
Applying for access to the PG takes two minutes. People who start the process with the mindset of just gaining status will usually either (a) develop a genuine interest for debating along the way or (b) lose interest and give up either scenario is in the best interest of the DH.
You can have a "genuine" interest in anything, the question remains whether you have enough of an interest to invest the time into writing, researching, and debating with other individuals. Given certain topics, this tends to be a large investment for many individuals that they can't quite afford. After gaining the goods, they no longer find the incentive to make that investment. Sure they are interested, but they are like an uncatalyzed biological reaction that won't take place any time soon due to the high amount of activation energy necessary to proceed with the action. In order to catalyze and produce results, incentives are needed in both the DH and the PG in order to make people take time out of their lives and to invest some of it into this section.