Many of the arguments are silly, but not all, and fine, the gateway drug argument is a bit of a stretch, but one bad argument doesn't discredit other arguments, you can't discredit all arguments against it. I don't see how you can say it should be legalized because there are bad arguments against legalization, there are good ones as well.
So does cocaine, opiates, and shrooms, I don't even see how it growing naturally could be considered as a reason to legalize it, I mean what the ****? How the hell is this supposed to support it being legalized?
Both opiates and cocaine can be used medically as well. Ever heard of morphine?
This does not mean it's not addictive, and besides we don't legalize everything that's not addictive.
If you look at the world with that mentality, EVERYTHING IS ADDICTIVE. When CHEMICALLY SPEAKING there is nothing that causes physical addiction. Yes, you can get addicted to marijuana mentally, but you can get addicted to cereal or porn in the same sense.
It can, this has already been addressed in a previous post, you can read that.
I am unfamiliar with the post you speak of. However, without solid proof of a direct correlation between marijuana use and death, the above statement remains a fact.
Yes it does, this has already been addressed and it's a blatant lie spread by dealers.
Haha, no. Recent studies have shown no correlation. The results from past studies have shown that marijuana use does in fact lead to lung cancer, but the majority of the smokers also used cigarettes on a regular basis. Recent studies have shown no connection between the two. Also, with the drug being illegal, it's much harder to actually prove either side of the issue, so no one will know FOR SURE until tests can be conducted legally.
Bull****. There are a million bogus cures for counter, marijuana is one of them.
Notice one of the posts above.
Already addressed this, there are better options.
Your opinions are not equivalent to facts.
Already addressed this, there are better options.
Your opinions are not equivalent to facts.
Already addressed this, there are better options.
Your opinions are not equivalent to facts.
Already addressed this, there are better options.
Your opinions are not equivalent to facts.
And? Toxicity isn't the only factor.
Toxicity is a major argument against the drug. With that being said, there are other factors, you are right, but the fact is everything has negative factors. Soft drinks such as Sprite or Mountain Dew have a series of horrible factors.
Seriously it won't help the economy in the slightest, you're quoting the people who repeatedly fail to do anything to help the economy. I'm sure you criticize them to, unless you thought the 2008 financial crisis was perfectly reasonable and unavoidable.
This is based on the idea that we get wealthier every time money changes hands, that just as long as money is flowing we will get stuff accomplished, this is an unbelievably stupid idea. I mean what? Spinning money in a circle between a bunch of *******s is gonna build houses and feed the poor? No, it's just a bunch of idiots handing money back and forth getting nothing accomplished. At the end of the day some pot got smoked and some idiot gave money to some other idiot.
Oh the GDP went up, oh yay, oh wait, that means nothing. GDP by itself is meaningless, plenty of things drive GDP up without having a positive effect, increasing GDP can be a product of inflation so it can be a bad thing.
Okay, this is where you are wrong. Lets look at the facts...
Lets add up those numbers...That's $56.7 Billion saved, and would generate anywhere from $45 Billion to over $100 Billion. Sorry kid, but I think that does help the economy out to an extent. Similarly, jobs would be created in the industry.
That seems like a reason to increase the effort to me.
You suggest there should be MORE spending on drug prevention? That only creates curiosity, which in turn causes people to experiment anyway.
Who the hells fault is it if you buy lead laced weed?
The point is that if it was legalized, people would be sure that they were buying from a legitimate source. There would be no more people getting fooled and abused by their providers. It would be safer for the people who are already doing it, and legal at the same time. The drug literally becomes safer if it's legalized (silly as it may sound).
Supporting the blackmarket is a stupid reason to go to jail? You're an accessory to crime, if yours comes from a cartel like you think you're an accessory to smuggling and almost certainly murder. Even if it's locally grown you are still an accessory to crime. I'm sorry, it's an entirely legitimate reason for you to go to jail.
At one point it was illegal to carry alcohol. At one point it was illegal for people of color to sit in the front of a bus or use the same bathrooms as white people. Just because something is illegal does not automatically mean it is immoral or wrong, it means that the law is ****ed up. When it comes to murder, theft, treason, and so on, I can see why people get punished. But I fail to see the "evil" in smoking a plant. I fail to see how that is offensive to anyone, and why that deserves punishment?
Or encourages them to smuggle other substances, guns, get in to human sex trafficking, etc. I can't even begin to understand this argument, what you think that cartels are just going to give up and go work on a farm in rural Mexico?
You say that like they don't already smuggle other substances, guns, sex trafficking, etc. The bigger the empire stands, the more deadly it becomes. No it won't stop them, but it will take away a huge chunk of their power, and I dunno about you, but I'd say that's a pretty good thing. Less money for the cartels = less power.
So you think it will have no effect on me at all? Denying that it will have an affect on society on a larger scale is just, what you want me to take that seriously? So suddenly everyone who smokes weed becomes perfectly responsible and keeps it to themselves.
I never said it won't be used irresponsibly, but that's just how life goes. People drink irresponsibly, people use guns irresponsibly, people go to their everyday jobs, and act irresponsibly. This argument is irrelevant in a world where nothing else is taken seriously.
I honestly don't even see how you can compare gay marriage and smoking weed. The only thing they have in common at all is that they've both gained a lot of support for legalization recently, that's literally all they have in common.
Why take it away from people? Well first of all you were never allowed to ****ing have it so if it gets taken away from you that's your fault now isn't it? Don't see how you can blame that on people who want it to be illegal. But secondly and more importantly it's destructive to society and I'm really sick of being expected to even consider that it's not. The entire argument against it being bad for society is just people being in denial.
Stop blurting out "facts". Marijuana was legal to smoke in the United States until 1906 when restrictions began. During the 1920s was the time of prohibition, and it was in 1936 that the drug was actually regulated. As I've mentioned before, the drug was made illegal by yellow journalism, racism, protection of corporate profits, and other petty reasons. (LINK). Second, never call something "destructive to society". Cell phones are destructive to society in a social sense, fracking is destructive to society in an economic could argue that almost anything is destructive to society one way or another, but in the end, that argument comes from (a) the fear of the unknown, and (b) the fear of change. People are scared of what's different. I'm not saying everyone who is against the legalization is close-minded but a good number of them are.