What game uses ****ing that many numbers?
He's talking about registering 32 or 64 PEOPLE.
I never said Sony's online wasn't better than Nintendo. I simply pointed out why all the *****ing about Wii online is butthurt fanboy bull ****. Nintendo is doing the best they can so stop comparing it to companys who not only have WAY more money than them but have more experience with online.
The next time you say "butthurt fanboy" (which is the most idiotic phrase I've ever heard), I stop listening to you. Honestly.
So you're telling me that, with the ****load of cash they got from the casual gamers, they don't have enough money to make an online?! You're a riot.
And the other consoles have more experience because they actually tried last generation. Whose fault is it that they have no experience? Theirs. I didn't have any problem with no online last generation. But you can't say "Poor Nintendo has no experience" because that's THEIR fault.
A number that takes seconds to enter that can be forgoten with no consequence after being inputed isn't a legitimite flaw. It's an annoying aspect but not one that deserves 24 hour flaming. I honestly don't like it myself but that doesn't mean I'm going to ***** about it when I understand why they use it.
Okay, unlike the millions of other people that might complain about it 24/7, this is one of the few times I've brought it up, and it's because you started this flame war with your idiotic "GUYZ COME ON ITS YOAR FALT!" post.
I understand PRECISELY why they use it and that's PRECISELY why it annoys me even more! They're afraid the poor little 5 year-old casuals playing their games could get upset. Screw them.
If you don't have any friends online then call them and ask them to play. That's what my friends do and it works fine for us.
Okay. Believe it or not, both my friends and I have lives. I can call them anytime but that doesn't necessarily mean they're available does it? Honestly, you think I haven't tried calling my friends? I'm not an idiot, despite what you may think.
Or maybe you should get a life outside *****ing on the internet about stuff you obviously don't fully understand.
That was a personal attack that was COMPLETELY uncalled for. I don't know what the hell you've got up your ***, but leave us alone until you're ready to stop flaming incessantly.
Would you preffer no online at all? Would you preffer to have to pay for online? Would you preffer no VC or WiiWare? Stop *****ing about Nintendo's online when it's better than what a company with such little experience is expected to do.
Well, I'm going to get a 360 soon enough and pay for Xbox Live, so...yeah, I would rather pay for it.
Pick up a **** phone if your friends aren't online. How ****ing hard is that? I'm ****ing tired of all these ******* whiny little baby *****es that are complaining when they have absolutley no reason to. I'm not a fan boy and I'm not blind. Sony and Microsoft have much better online than the Wii will probably ever have. That doesn't change the fact that Nintendo's online service is way better than what it should be considering their inexperience and lack of funds to make an online experience like XBL.
Wow, you really swear a LOT.
As I said, there's a little thing called a life, and both my friends and I have one, so calling my friends to get online doesn't always work.
I have no reason to complain? Nintendo's online is far from perfect. And I don't think this complaining actually started going into full effect until you decided that you would flame anyone who even IMPLIED that Nintendo's online was bad. I didn't bring up any issues until you said Nintendo's online is perfect and it's MY fault that it sucks. You can't say it's perfect, and then get pissed when I give you reasons that it's not. Honestly, you really need to get a hold of yourself.
You are a blind fanboy if you won't accept that Nintendo's online could use improvement. Or, rather, that it CAN be improved, as you're convinced that "Poor Ninty is trying as hard as they can".
And uh...once again, as I said, I don't think a lack of funds are a problem at all. Nintendo has to be rich by now.