So, first blush:
Fanny has been one of the slots I thought was doing the best throughout this game. I'm still waiting on that context from
#HBC | Gorf
because I remember his EoD as a positive thing and it appears to be the primary reason that Gorf hates him. That and his initial Soup vote, which I could also use a refresher on.
Because I like Fanny, this leads me to like Kevin and Gorf a lot less. If you change my read on Fanny, then I can forgive more, but all I can see is Gorf at the wrong place the entire game and now it looks, from my perspective, like he's still in the wrong place. I want to give this slot the benefit of the doubt, ESPECIALLY for Day 1 since I think that Orange push came from a good place. That slot needed looking at. When I want to push this slot, I harken back to D1 where he did a read trade with me and basically split it down the middle on a couple of the slots that we both needed to look at. Looking back to around that time, I can understand the formation of that read and it only looks bad because it ended up being wrong.
Kev drives me insane because everyone apparently has him as town and I don't understand. His D1 was a Kevin D1. It's pretty thin. That said, I didn't mind it too much, it just isn't much. Then there's D2. Where we have the Lore push at the last second and the Fanbingo. I will go through and reread Kev's contribution D2 if someone will sell me on why Kevin is hard town here in the thread.
My Kevin and Gorf reads hinge a lot on my read of Fanny. The rest of these don't.
Ran's case on Marshy seems like a reach in order to set him up as my partner. Which, unfortunately, is null since he does that **** as town, I think. He comes up with these teams based on the way they've interacted with his scumbag of choice. He has linked me and Marshy since he can no longer attempt to link me and Lore.
Then you have Ranmaru himself. Lynching this slot is PAINFUL to do because I have no idea what his alignment is. So, his playstyle shift is incredibly unfortunate right now because I can't tell what is Ran trying to take a step back and what is Ran trying to pain a pretty scum picture for the town. The biggest thing I'm missing from him right now is a willingness to reach out which I normally feel from townRan. I have said there were two different things I would cover with him if there were more time in the phase during EoD yesterday. I have intentionally left that open, but he appears completely uninterested in talking to me. He'd rather just talk about me. That's my least favorite thing about Ran, the only time I can remember him talking to someone he was reading as a scumbag was Lore and, iirc, that's because Lore was forcing the issue. His reads themselves have been shoddy (Lore not doing anything, Marshy being condemned for looking into Soup, Lore, Spak which he thought was the scumteam originally, and then I don't think he's presented why he thinks I'm scum). BUT, again, there is a real chance this is because of the way he's stepped back from the game.
Pythag, he's just kinda been around. I'm not a fan or a hater. This is the one slot I do HAVE to go back and read and I would really appreciate hearing what more people think of this slot.