Smash Lord
Lol @ all three of those ideas, although the third is possibly the most disturbing *ponders the moves it would have*I think Mic128 should be the last boss."Ill close you for good bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"Or else they could replicate Ken's play style and he could be the last boss.No one could ever beat the game.(except pros)
Or perhaps crazy dildo.
Mic would be a great final boss, his lock move would own and not to mention his rage when he goes green. Now now, wouldn't making Ken the final boss be a bit unfair to those who don't take the game this far lol ah what do I care, it'd be fun watching them sweat.
On a more serious note, I'm not sure about a new last boss... we've got two hands so we can't have more of them. I think it'll be an original boss, I don't think one game's boss would get preference over them all though. Will be interesting to see what they come up with. Maybe they will bless the hands with a face now? Lol. Then it would of course be alot like Andross....