Smash Hero
1. OWNED1: Fair enough.
2: I got nothing
3: Hot DOgs
4: Sonic could easily knock out red before he even sends out a pokemon.
5: Is rosie top of A then?
3. BLTs
4. He's the only one.
5. I could see her in A, but only top of A if Trainer is put at the bottom of S. Otherwise Trainer should be top of A.
Energy Bar is more of a game mechanic than canon. Didn't she fight Moth Brain in Other M as well? What happened there?I wouldn't call the Power Suit nigh indestructible, that energy bar is there for a reason. And Samus is at her very strongest against Mother Brain (minus Phazon overloads in Prime 3), only with extra energy delivered by the baby Metroid could she take out Mother Brain, otherwise she was toasted. Same goes for Prime 3, she could only take out Dark Samus with the help of going into Phazon-mode, which isn't a natural strength for herself or her Power Suit.
Kirby... eh, I dunno. Outside of Megaton Punch I don't really see how he's any stronger than Mario really.
Oh, and I see some Pokémon Trainer talk, but honestly, for good measuring's sake can't we just assume he has Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard on his team, since that's what he has in Smash? By canon Mewtwo would be Red's strongest Pokémon anyways, since he hasn't done any work past 3rd gen (Fire Red) as far as we know.
Kirby is literally indestructible. Also anything he swallows basically means instant death.
No, we cannot. Also while Trainer is similar looking to Red, he isn't called. Instead it should be assumed he is just a regular trainer with a National Dex and access to every Pokemon. Technicality for the win.
Yeah he can. rofl.Also, it's been documented that Mewtwo cannot be captured (by a pokemon trainer).