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Who Remembers TGMTSBCO?


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
WARNING: The following is honest.

Lauren (Faramirkitty25) 2:34 am fine, tell me a regular story then

juanthefatty 2:34 am
the first time I went out of state for a tournament?

Lauren (Faramirkitty25) 2:34 am
um sure

juanthefatty 2:35 am
well it's not too much of a story but it was cool
because I had been getting 3rd place at all of the locals
for like 4 months
i had some "3rd place curse" people joked about
but my name was getting recognized in the community
so i'm just online one day
and my friend Ian (you met him, he's the one who went to new mexico)
told me about an event in Georgia

juanthefatty 2:36 am
and I thought the idea preposterous at first
who travels for a video game, for gods' sake?
and for some reason i started getting an urge to go
whether it was from talking to evan
or just because I wanted to challenge myself
so this guy from Gainsville, thomas
College student and a veteran player
said he was going to drive his car up there
and I thought, well this should be fun
so I told my mom first and she went kinda crazy because she was hella worried, as any parent should be
i mean, if I was her I would have never let me go.

juanthefatty 2:38 am
but somehow I convinced her because I do cool things with words and compensating and bribing
straight A's helped my argument
and I believed that my dad helped me out too
so anyway SOMEHOW (i really don't remember) the next thing I know my dad was driving me to Casselberry, where my friend Colin was gonna go with his dad to get dropped off in Gainsville
and we go, and it's a nice drive over there because i'm excited
think my dad was complaining about something. don't really remember
but I got to Colin's house
so fat that it died =/
but when it was alive it was SO FAT

juanthefatty 2:40 am
this orange cloud floating around
must have been 30 pounds
but yeah, we started practicing for a bit
Colin's my rival in Florida. nowadays he's the only one down here who can really stop me from winning a tournament
but anyways we got into his dad's car
and we had a cool drive over to Gainsville
think I had Checkers for the first time so that was cool
and of course the entire way there my mom was calling and checking up on me
got really annoying really quick
So we get to Gainsville
and this was all last day planning, mind you

juanthefatty 2:42 am
I had just gotten into contact with the driver like a day before because he wasn't answering his phone
and apparently he was going to take 7 people in his 5 person car
thank god that people dropped out
when we got to Thomas's house we praciticed for a bit and his parents made us dinner
and I realized how nice old people are for some reason. they just like to fatten up every young thing they see
so with full bellies we put our bags into thomas's trunk
and the car was: Thomas, Me, Colin, and Ian, who I had formally met for the first time then and there.
he was really different though, had this whole Wangsta style to him. Thank god that passed over
and it was us four in the car for 8 hours

juanthefatty 2:44 am
G-ville to Atlanta
but surprisingly it was very fun
the best part about being a nerd
is that you have so much in common with other nerds
especially on a 8 hour drive
we talked about a bunch of stuff, from the game to school to personal life
and pokemon, lol
but we were driving and every time we would see a gas station that was subsequently cheaper than the last we would stop and fill up
and it was hilarious because gas got cheaper the more north you drove up

juanthefatty 2:47 am

juanthefatty 2:49 am
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=17233403793&set=t.537802134&type=1&theater http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=17233388793&set=t.537802134&type=1&theater http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2045747953663&set=t.537802134&type=1&theater
my first fb pic ever was me and colin after the drive
we got to Atlanta at like midnight
the venue was this cool church place
and it was just incredible
the people, the feeling of being at a major event
seeing and meeting all of these unfamilair faces for the first time
who all play the same game as you
it was a blast. it was one of the best times of my life
I learned how funny black people were
especially from Georgia

juanthefatty 2:51 am
during the tournament it was cool. it was a nightly venue so I was able to set up my sleeping bag with Florida's group and I remember playing for some time until like 4 am and then passing out
when i woke up I was sore but I remember the venue was full of people
all of these smashers, some really professional and famous in the community
I got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth in the bathroom, and then I just started playing
it was way different than florida of course
skill levels were crazy good with all of these Out of state people
but i just kept praciticng and cracking jokes with these local players
and at some point Jason walked into the room
Jason is the half-autistic kid you met
who stayed at my place for a few days if you remember

juanthefatty 2:53 am
we call him M2K, and at the time he was considered the best or second best player in the world
and we had this "regional battle" business going on
where the best players from each region go against other
and I was chosen to be part of the South/FL crew
when it was my turn to go in I had to face Jason for the first time
and I destroyed him because I had a very unique playstyle
the entire room...erupted
I'll never forget that feeling
when everyone was cheering for me and admiring my playstyle. wow.
and from there i realized, damn. I might actually have a shot at this.

juanthefatty 2:55 am
people were calling me Florida's Secret Weapon and all this stupid stuff. lol
anyway, me and Thomas teamed for Doubles, the two on two thing
my name was hungrybox and his was Exarch
and instead of calling ourselves something cool like Ex-box we just called ourselves some crazy ingredient on the back of a poptart label we found
wheat starch and maltrodextrose or something. inside joke
but we got 9th place out of 60ish teams, which isn't too bad at all
I stayed up again that night, just playing games with people and talking in circles and walking around and exploring the place and going out to eat with other smashers

juanthefatty 2:58 am
someone was making me laugh so hard i almost pissed myself
but let me finish up here
the last day was singles, of course
and you have to go throuhg this preliminary rounds to get into the final bracket
and you get ranked 1st 2nd or 3rd in each round
i got 1st, 1st, and 2nd in the pools (the prelim rounds), which was already way better than I though
so I was in the final bracket, and no one from out of florida had ever heard of me
"who's that hungrybox kid?"

juanthefatty 3:00 am
and the bracket had the best players. it was double elimination, meaning you can lose twice before you're completely knocked out
i lost the first time to this Fat guy named Eggm in the second round of the bracket
i was so mad and frustrated
i had to like go outside and take a breather
i remember talking to some local players and they were giving me advice, but mainly reminding me to have fun
that winning isn't all that a tournament is about
and so it cheered me up and i went back in, about to start the losers brackeet

juanthefatty 3:02 am
i had to play this guy named DP. I beat him. then a guy named iori. I beat him. Then a guy named Unknown522. I beat him. Then some guy named Eggz. I beat him. Then a guy named Xelic. I beat him.
I didn't think any of these guys were that good because I had never heard of them. But then a local player came up to me
"Hungrybox? you know you just beat the best player in Atlanta, Tenessee, Canada, Washington, and Texas, right?
I was...pretty stunned. I had no idea.
it was just a relaxed mindset. I'm sure if I knew I would be playing worse, but because I didn't there was no pressure

juanthefatty 3:04 am
that Unknown522 guy
he was a big fat black dude
he got really frustrated with me because of my stupid playstyle
so when i was about to beat him he paused the game, threw his controller down on the floor, and ROARED
I mean. Roared. Legit Grizzly Bear
looked at me dead in the eye with two inches of space from his face, and said "**** you" in a horrid, threatening tone.
the ENTIRE VENUE stopped what they were doing and crowded around my television. I now had 120 people watching my game

juanthefatty 3:06 am
I was really nervous, but in the end I beat him and he walked away
he later apologized for being immature and I forgave him. he turned out to be a very nice guy
But yeah. From beating Jason in the regional battle, and then beating all of those pro players in my bracket, i made it to the semi finals
I had to play this guy named Chu, his real name is Daniel
but before we played our match we were hungry
and this guy was hella nice
we went to Panda express and he bought me a Mongolian bowl just because he was a nice person
and me him and his two friends were eating some asian food when we were called back to the tournament

juanthefatty 3:08 am
we played our match, and he won a close fight. I was dismayed but proud that i had gotten so far.
Chu was one of the best players in the United States at the time, and seeing that I got close to beating him was awesome. he ended up getting 2nd place behind Jason, who won the whole thing
and then I had learned I got 5th place. out of 120 people
I won 95 dollars for it. I was estatic
What a feeling. To be recognized for doing the thing you love the most
so have people rooting for you and supporting you
I was a complete underdog and I became the talk of the tournament, in a way

juanthefatty 3:10 am
but yeah, after singles and after the money was distributed we took a big group picture
dunno if i'll find it
but yeah, as tradition after singles we went out to Ihop as a huge group
these guys were just natural comedians
some of the funniest people I had ever met. the only bad part about it was that they were Roasting Ian

juanthefatty 3:12 am
because he used to be kinda an ******* back then who lied about stuff, so I guess he had it coming
and it was really damn funny too. Christ, why are black people so funny?
but i remember being one of the few people who was trying to make him laugh with us
i couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy
but we all ate and talked about a bunch of stuff
like 30 of just riotiing a freaking IHOP lol
waitress was probably pissed but she got a huge tip
actually. it may have been a dennys. hm.
To finish up, after that we went back to the venue
we were going to leave back to florida that night in the car

juanthefatty 3:14 am
But Thomas had agreed to drop off two people at the airport before we left
so it was 6 people in a tiny car
and a cop stopped us 30 feet after we left the venue

Real-Time IM session connected. See each character as your buddy types. What is this?. 3:15 am
Real-Time IM session disconnected. 3:15 am
juanthefatty 3:15 am
so he gave us a warning, all the time we were just smooshed in the back seat it was so damn funny

Real-Time IM session connected. See each character as your buddy types. What is this?. 3:16 am
juanthefatty 3:16 am
and anyway it was awesome
but we had to go back to the venue to be safe
so we crashed there that night and woke up early in the morning to leave
the four of us in the car
I paid thomas $15 in gas money, which is a steal considering I was able to go to Georiga

juanthefatty 3:17 am
said bye to all the players and I got props and stuff
so on the way back me and colin just passed out in the back seat
Ian and Thomas talked the entire way back. I was really appreciative of Ian for doing that because he kept the Driver awake
mind you, the enitre time on the trip and tournament my mom was calling me, but as time passed she calmed down and was happy that I had won some money
So i woke up, groggy and tired in a backseat, and we were back at Thomas's house
where we unpacked, and his parents made us food again

juanthefatty 3:19 am
it was just so relaxing to be back in florida. I was sleepy drunk but i remember holding a plate of pizza and just louning in their couch, watching Thomas's little brother play super nintendo on the tv while i tried to keep my eyes open
so we hung for a bit until Colin's dad came to gainsville to pick up me and colin
we got our stuff and said bye to Ian and Thomas and his family
thanked him for driving me up there and for the memories
so it was around the evening when Mr. Green (colin's dad) picked us up
colin went in the front seat and I was just passed out laying down in the backseat
and I remember that I woke up barely and it was night time. Car was driving and it was quiet, so I turned on my iPod to Radiohead's Kid A.

juanthefatty 3:21 am
The song Everything in its Right Place played
and i felt just that feeling. I was happy. I was accomplished. I didn't have a care in the world, and if I had stuff to do when I got home I didn't have to worry about it
because all that mattered was the present right there and then
I dunno, the music had some kind of theraputic effect on me
when the song "Kid A" came on, it was like I was high
everything seemed beautiful and fragile and perfect, even if it was just the image of moving sky and moving road and drifiting moon
it was like the perfect ending to an album of memories.

juanthefatty 3:23 am
I got to Colin's home around midnight, where I played with his obese cat
Colin showed me a cartoon called "Adventure Time", which was awesome. the original is still on Youtuve
i met colin's brother and his girlfriend, and I met Colin's parents
the obesity got tired of me so it plopped off the bed i was sleeping on
and i passed out one more time. And then morning came, and my dad picked me up to go home
and that was the story about how my professional gaming fling took off.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
the greatest melee tournament since brawl came out
I wish I was there
Looks like unknown522, Kage and RaynEX were there from the pics, legit

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Pretty awesome story. =) I remember watching the videos and wishing I was good enough/able to travel to that stuff at the time.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
ahh.. this is beautiful. I almosttttt was able to make it TGMTSBCO... it would've been my first tournament ever, but my parents said I couldn't go the day before... :c


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I skimmed the second half.

Despite that, I remember having a good time at this tournament. I met BigLou and beat him in our first Brawl money match.

I was ****ing around with Melee Marth for the first time.

Soda was spilled on my laptop.

I dunno. Was this my last real Melee tournament entry? I forget.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
I remember juan you eating my ****ing pizza.

And playing you and colin in teams with dp. We played mario luigi.

And i remember playing you in pools with peach and zelda.

That was the 1st time I met you.

Good times man good times.
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