Sorry I was planning one editing the post later and then some things came up for me...
Meteors are a clear and present danger to humanity. If you think, "oh it's just some rock, wow big deal" you're wrong. If a large enough one fell into the ocean, it could cause a tsunami. Even if it doesn't hit the earth and break up in the atmosphere it can still do a lot of damage. That's what scientists think happened in Tunguska... Imagines if that happened over a populated city in New York.
There's also the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet that collided with Jupiter.
Some sites of meteor impacts (I won't put it in image tags since I don't think we're allowed to post images here):
There was also that meteor/comet that had a very close call with the earth a couple of years back. I forgot the name of it, but it was all over the internet and I think there was even a thread on swf...
Also@lovely: polar ice caps melting would not mean the end of the world. The dinosaurs lived fine without them... (I know abc isn't a terrific source, but google isn't working on my computer thanks to a virus...).