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Where are the Banjo Mains?

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Banjo was a dream pick for me in two ways. For one, he was my number one requested character since Melee, and two he ended up becoming my true main for Ultimate.

However, I feel as though most side with the first claim and not the second. Whenever I go online, I see no Banjos being played. In fact, despite their good tool kit, I see few pros play them as well.

This begs two questions, where are all the Banjo mains, and why are there so few despite their high popularity?


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
It depends on what you're doing online. I admittedly haven't seen any Banjo's in elite smash quickplay but I've seen tons of them in Tournament mode. The funny thing is that I've begun to notice the difference between those that play him for the novelty of it and those that genuinely want to be good with him. Basically, all the Banjo's I've played are either really good or complete garbage without a lot of in between. He's got some pretty great tools, but he does play a little campy and his aerials require finesse to be effective. I'm guessing these things are a turnoff for most of the competitive crowd.

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Also his go to move is his grenegg which requires some finesse to use properly. Just farting them on the ground is useless. It is a move that works best in the air after quick turning


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2019
Paradigm City
Banjo suffers from The Pit Problem. He's a balanced, competent, well-designed character in a game that contains Peach, Wario, Pikachu, etc.

Being ordinary makes him underwhelming.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2014
Switch FC
SW 1091 0071 7555
Its depressing honestly, I've wanted the duo for years and years but Literally no one plays them in a competitive setting.

the only Banjo main who I enjoy watching and respect is Trela, he makes Banjo look amazing in a competitive scene but I do agree with others that Banjo is underwhelming when it comes to competitive play, you have to be on top of everyone if you want to "wow" anyone. Banjo-Kazooie kind of remind me of Greninja in that fact that they are "High skill, low reward" kind of characters, if you possess the skill then you are merely there to rep your favorite character but it is exceptionally hard to represent a character that has few good quirks. (wonderwing is bad if your opponent is always going to be ready for it).

It makes me sad to type that, but its the truth, they are as Mid tier as you can be.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I really don't give a **** what competitive players think about K. Rool or Banjo & Kazooie because I wanted them both since Melee and now they're my mains. I love these characters and I grew up with their games so I'm never letting them go as long as I play Smash.

Isn't Tweek playing him?
Yep. Tweek is one of the best Banjo & Kazooie players out there. He does some crazy **** with them.

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Oh I definitely main them, but unlike K Rool they are not easy to pick up and play with

Riot Frenzy

Smash Rookie
Jun 19, 2019
I started really putting in the hours in this game once Banjo released and I feel exactly the same way as OP. I agree that this character is a mid tier however with so many characters in this game and how young it is, there is still time for the duo to shine. Duckhunt is a low tier that made top 8 because their pro had years of backup experience. Coming from a marvel background and spectating smash it is clear that all you need to do is put in the time with your character and being willing to learn/commit to reach the top of the pyramid. Didn't melee have a C.Falcon win a major within the last year?
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Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2020
Switch FC
Im here I also wish he was in melee


Secondary: :ultisabelle: Cuz Im making A Revival
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Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
I'm a Banjo main, which means I don't exist according to Twitter.

Well, I actually consider Banjo and Kazooie my secondary after King K. Rool. But I've spent more time with good old B&K.

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Banjo is my main and K Rool is my secondary. I still just find Banjo so fun. He is this very bouncy zoner character with an all-around right twist.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
I wanted Banjo so badly, but there's just something about him that feels overwhelmingly meh. I think it's that he doesn't have a very free-flowing combo game, nor a lot of damage and power on his moves. Just about every other character is strong in at least one of those departments. And then there are the smaller issues, like how up tilt would be one of his few good kill moves, but it lacks a scooping hitbox which heavily hinders its utility. His down throw is probably the weakest bury in the game, so you're waiting till very late % to do much with it. And WonderWing is, quite frankly, kinda bad. I get the sense that he's so undertuned because WW was supposed to be his big wow factor, but in its current state, I don't think it makes up for Banjo's shortcomings. The armor is nice, but it has slow startup, a laggy animation if you miss, loses to grab, and the sweetspot is only out for a short duration. Sometimes I've been pretty sure I hit the sweetspot, only to realize I actually didn't. The sourspot kills very, very late. Banjo also lacks shield safety on most of his moves, and even struggles a little to play the projectile zoner role, as his projectiles, while they're solid enough, just don't open up the myriad of possibilities as, say, the Links' or Duck Hunt's do.

I really hope they focus on buffing Banjo in this upcoming patch. As more and more characters get QoL love, Banjo starts to standout as a character who could really use it. He kinda feels like a better pre-buffs K Rool to me, when K Rool felt so much better and finally felt satisfying to play as upon receiving his first round of buffs in the patch that added Terry. Just feels like Banjo needs that same love now.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
I didn't think much about Banjo & Kazooie before. However the more I look at the duo, and then look at the rest of the roster, it makes me think that they might be a strong fit for me, despite not growing up with the games. My nostalgia comes from Jontron playing with Arin on gamegrumps, and I can see why Jontron loves the game so much, also I love seeing people fanboy over a game they love.

Gameplay looks good on paper as well. Only bad thing I hear about it is that people start being campy with the duo, but I think that's more of a player playstyle thing. However after messing with Kazuya, playing Terry a bit, and then playing Metroid Fusion, I will probably give Banjo & Kazooie a good shot for a month or two.

I'll laugh if I turn out to duo main Banjo & Kazuya.
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