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When you find find yourself losing...


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2008
when u find urself losing a match wat do u do or wat do u change?do u read their strategy and change urs to counter?...im curious because wen im losing i try to adjust but im having trouble reading ppls movements


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
Well sometimes i go on a mean streak i refused to die a lot and start wooping my opponent but in some cases, i just take the loss for example G&W i get very frustrated against this match up because all they are gonna do is spam back air and finish you with a grab to a dsmash or the chase you with there Usmash. It looks like i got carried away :O. Just wing it man you have to find your inner ZSS spirit or style as i should say. There was a point were i just try to imitate MyRoboticClaw but that did not work for me so i practiced a lot and found out im a close range ZSS i don't like giving my opponent breaks if i can't follow up i might lose.
There you have it i hope this helps you out and is not about predicting that counts is how you play the game.

Sorry i typed so much just trying to help you out, Try to play offline with friends theres a button delay online even with a Cable modem i thank bum for that information i can tell you it messed me up pretty bad lmao.


Mar 16, 2007
I just get flustered and lose more. It's a bad habit of mine.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
when u find urself losing a match wat do u do or wat do u change?do u read their strategy and change urs to counter?...im curious because wen im losing i try to adjust but im having trouble reading ppls movements
What you'll notice is that you'll fall into a pattern. Notice how your opponent reacts to this, and start poking holes in their pattern. ie: Do you try and pressure with paralyzer shots, but your opponent just rolls twice and d-smashes on top of you? If it keeps happening, just switch it up. Shoot a couple shots and charge a d-smash. It happens to me alot in tournament matches. Normally the match will begin to flow one way or the other. When the flow is going against me, I take the time to analyze what I've been doing wrong for the past stock and adjust it accordingly to throw off the flow of my opponent. It works wonders.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
I take the time to analyze what I've been doing wrong

don't be afraid to sit in the halo for the entire invincibility frames, if it helps you focus and concentrate your game on what needs to be done, it'll help way more than a couple seconds of invincibility. This goes for losing a match as well. Don't jump straight into counter-pick stage thoughts, first, examine WHY you lost that match, and then change your gameplan. Only then should you start thinking about where to CP.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
What Cake and Faded said is true. I also tend to camp much harder (well depending on the match up) and I Plank people lol.


The first thing I do is spell correctly and use capital letters.
The few, the proud, the ZSS users
What the ****? Cake, you don't know where he's coming from, maybe he's just a kid who just started to use the internet and picked up on the slang. Give him a break and let him write how he wants to write, and if it really pisses you off that much, send him a PM. You don't have to embarass the guy in front of everyone for a few cheap laughs. Do you know the guy? Do you know what type of humour he likes? Don't joke around like that. What's the matter with all of you? A well known ZSS player acts like an *** and you all just stick to it like flies to crap?

ExCeL 52

Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2008
Suck My Kiss!
What the ****? Cake, you don't know where he's coming from, maybe he's just a kid who just started to use the internet and picked up on the slang. Give him a break and let him write how he wants to write, and if it really pisses you off that much, send him a PM. You don't have to embarass the guy in front of everyone for a few cheap laughs. Do you know the guy? Do you know what type of humour he likes? Don't joke around like that. What's the matter with all of you? A well known ZSS player acts like an *** and you all just stick to it like flies to crap?
Dude you gotta grow up... peoples feelings get hurt all the time .. maybe you hurted my feelings for posting that post cause I have ODC over bleeped out words huh?

Lol....I said hurted yes .. bring it on ZSS MOTHER ****ERS!!!

( oh crap I just did it .. then i lost at brawl )



Dude you gotta grow up... peoples feelings get hurt all the time .. maybe you hurted my feelings for posting that post cause I have ODC over bleeped out words huh?

Lol....I said hurted yes .. bring it on ZSS MOTHER ****ERS!!!

( oh crap I just did it .. then i lost at brawl )

Grow up and do what? Fling insults? I'm talking about when people intentionally try to hurt other people's feelings. It's like people don't have any class or charm anymore. I'm not trying to be a jerk to you Cake, and if you'll explain your reasoning to me or tell me you were joking I'll understand, but this isn't real life, so sarcasm is a little harder to catch.

ExCeL 52

Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2008
Suck My Kiss!
Grow up and do what? Fling insults? I'm talking about when people intentionally try to hurt other people's feelings. It's like people don't have any class or charm anymore. I'm not trying to be a jerk to you Cake, and if you'll explain your reasoning to me or tell me you were joking I'll understand, but this isn't real life, so sarcasm is a little harder to catch.
Hmm I agree with you in 75 percent of this post .. our society is doomed for hell... Sure people dont have any class or charm anymore ... because theres no need for it ...we can ALL work at McDonalds and live a decent life ... But you need to let the creator of this thread back himself up if he wants to and not act like an overprotective mother and do it for him.


Is this a joke? What's so bad about sticking up for people? What if a friend of yours gets insulted by some guy. You won't jump in to help because you think you'll look like an overprotective mother? That's called being meek and cowardly. It's not even sticking up for him as much as it's the behaviour getting on my nerves. What is he to me? I don't know the guy, I'm just taking a side like how all the others took Cake's side, and if I stick up for the guy along the way, AW SHIZ MY BAD.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Someone who's against the hostility of the ZSS boards?

*lays palm trees at koka's feet*

In friendlies, I just play as usual for a few more matches, albiet less aggressively so I can analyse their technique a little more thourougly. After that, construe correct counters to answer to their habits, as well as exploit them. Charging dsmash while they spot dodge, waiting for air dodges, things like that.

In tournaments, it's a different story. You have to play your absolute best, while constantly analysing and reacting, as well as playing your game. I think this is the most important thing, that applies to every sport or competition. If you let your opponent control your game, they will have a much easier time for victory than if you keep the essence of your gameplay, while constantly tweaking and punishing.


Mar 16, 2007
Is there something wrong with expecting proper spelling and punctuation out of topic creators? I consider it a form of disrespect in an of itself to post on a public forum with poor writing, because it displays an unwillingness to communicate clearly with me, and a laziness with regards to me. Maybe insofar as what they see, I'm just words on a screen. But someone had to write those words. I'm fairly sure Cake holds a similar view. She just has her own way of showing it.

Honestly, a lack of patience for poor writing is also perfectly understandable, given that it is strongly recommended in several of the stickies, and I believe is part of the forum rules. If someone refuses to follow those suggestions, or neglects to read them entirely, they reap what they sow.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
lyke d00d sp311 r1t3 0k1 d0k1?

When im losing I usually try to think about what stage would be good against the opponent. Like for vsing wolf I pick lylat. Or for vsing someone like rob I pick norfair. If you think things through you can try to find your mistakes and hopefully correct them or do something to help you like counterpick right.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
But the thing is that the OP was perfectly readable, without any special interpretation or cipher. The OP could have been a foreign student of English not yet come fully to grips with the language, or simply has not realised that the internet does not have its own exclusive dialect, as most of the internet remains in this group. I just find it harsh and even brutal that you (not exclusive to anyone) completely ignore someone's message merely due to their sentence construction, even when the message is perfectly legible.


Is there something wrong with expecting proper spelling and punctuation out of topic creators? I consider it a form of disrespect in an of itself to post on a public forum with poor writing, because it displays an unwillingness to communicate clearly with me, and a laziness with regards to me. Maybe insofar as what they see, I'm just words on a screen. But someone had to write those words. I'm fairly sure Cake holds a similar view. She just has her own way of showing it.

Honestly, a lack of patience for poor writing is also perfectly understandable, given that it is strongly recommended in several of the stickies, and I believe is part of the forum rules. If someone refuses to follow those suggestions, or neglects to read them entirely, they reap what they sow.
Huh? Cake's a girl too? REPRESENT!
Disrespect is taking it a little too far. If you think he's acting lazy and won't put in the effort to write clearly then why don't you just be lazy and not reply. Don't we have mods? Leave their job to them, and if you really feel that bad about it then you could always use private messages.

Someone who's against the hostility of the ZSS boards?

*lays palm trees at koka's feet*
Aww, shucks..


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
What the ****? Cake, you don't know where he's coming from, maybe he's just a kid who just started to use the internet and picked up on the slang. Give him a break and let him write how he wants to write, and if it really pisses you off that much, send him a PM. You don't have to embarass the guy in front of everyone for a few cheap laughs. Do you know the guy? Do you know what type of humour he likes? Don't joke around like that. What's the matter with all of you? A well known ZSS player acts like an *** and you all just stick to it like flies to crap?
I really don't try to treat anyone differently from anyone else; if someone has never encountered intelligent flaming before, then they should get used to it. I do not do this for cheap laughs. I'm able to take the time to spell properly, capitalize, and avoid a "wall-o-text," so why not other people? Do they really have that little time in their lives? People who are foreign and say that they are I have nothing against, nor do I say anything about it.

Anyways, you're probably the first person who has actually said anything serious like this, and for that I have a lot of respect for you.

Huh? Cake's a girl too? REPRESENT!
I have never explicitly stated whether I am male or female. I am an androgynous being on Smashboards, and people may perceive me to be whatever gender they wish. It's quite amusing really.


Mar 16, 2007
Huh? Cake's a girl too? REPRESENT!
Disrespect is taking it a little too far. If you think he's acting lazy and won't put in the effort to write clearly then why don't you just be lazy and not reply. Don't we have mods? Leave their job to them, and if you really feel that bad about it then you could always use private messages.
Cake is a sexy, sexy lady. That's what I keep telling myself people.

I do generally ignore posts that have poor writing. But like I said, Cake has her way of doing things. No one complains, though, because Cake has been a consistently positive contributor to the boards.


I really don't try to treat anyone differently from anyone else; if someone has never encountered intelligent flaming before, then they should get used to it. I do not do this for cheap laughs. I'm able to take the time to spell properly, capitalize, and avoid a "wall-o-text," so why not other people? Do they really have that little time in their lives? People who are foreign and say that they are I have nothing against, nor do I say anything about it.

Anyways, you're probably the first person who has actually said anything serious like this, and for that I have a lot of respect for you.
Guess I can be a little too direct sometimes. I don't think it's a matter of time though, just preference. Don't take this as me not holding any respect for you, cause that's not the case. I'm with ph00t on what he says about your positive contributions to the boards, but that doesn't mean I'll react to what you say differently than if anyone else said it. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me though. Bad spelling just gets to you, and I can see you weren't just trying to be rude.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
I guess I can be a little too direct sometimes. I don't really think it's a matter of time though, just preference. Don't take this as me not holding any respect for you, because that's not the case. I'm with ph00t on what he says about your positive contributions to the boards, but that doesn't mean I'll react to what you say differently than if anyone else said it. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me though, bad spelling just gets to you, and I can tell that you weren't just trying to be rude.
That's fine, I can't expect everyone to hold the same views and agree with how I react. A catalyst to me for this board would probably be useful anyways.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 10, 2007
North Carolina
Only read the first few posts here, but anyway, I got some matchup problems as of late, that I need to solve...

It's like I'mhaving trouble with my friend's Falco like hell... My down Smash is null except for off the edge. We play all the time, so he knows my usual strats, mind game, whatever, and now it's basically.... He knows how to deal with the down smash and forward B so well, that I can't land them (on stage) at all. Here are some vids that he posted. You'll see a lot of stupid stuff , but even when I play safe, I'm still not doing well....

Another problem... getting on offense. I feel so busy dodging lasers, short hop aerials, that by the time I decide to go on offense , it's a bad idea. Without momentum leaning on my side, I can't land down smashes at all. If I play defensive, This dude will not run into them. I've caught a few rolls, but he isn't the type to roll a lot especially since he is the aggresser. Also, you will see a few times in the video that I try to follow up with hits and he ends up hitting me out of my follow up. This is another thing that prevents me from gaining any momentum in battle. Common sense is to stay back and don't follow up, but it's already hard enough for me to land hits that I feel it's worth the risk.... -__-

Anyways, here is a video of me and him playing. Even though, most aren't this bad, I haven't had any "good" matches against him in a while. You'll see on my last stock, I went insane trying to get a kill.... After all that work ---> Resulting in failure to kill... I end up getting hit off the ledge then sorta gave up and used down B repeatedly out of frustration. But yeah, Is there anything else you see that I can do differently that is practical / effective?


Oh yeah, I'm waiting on his reply if he is still goin to this Smash fest in Raleigh (for this weekend) that he told me about earlier (as I dont know where it is , and still want to know if he is going). If we go, and you want to play me, or him rather.... I'd like to see what other Zero Suits do about this and how they land (if it happens) down smash or forward B on him. However, you'll most likely have to MM him, since he will let you get away with unsafe stuff on friendlies, even if it means a loss for him.....


Mar 16, 2007
There's a reason ZSS has a 3:7 match-up against Falco. The **** bird does all sorts of nasty things to the poor lady. My suggestion: grab more. In this match-up, it's not much better than in others, but since most of your other options are less useful, you'll find grabs increasing in importance.

Like I said in the match-up thread. Get Falco off the stage. Don't try to combo him or do damage to him. Get him off the stage, because it's your only chance, and the only time when Falco's options are reduced to the point where you can breathe against him.

I honestly don't know if I could beat him. I go even with NC-Echo's Falco, and he rarely uses him. I beat Jcum's Falco in tourney, but mostly because I suspect he had never played against a ZSS before. My Falco game is mediocre and fairly shallow. It's a tough match-up, so don't worry too much about losing to a Falco.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
I still find Pit harder to deal with than Falco.

I can normally go even against a guy I know who is a Falco secondary. But I get Stomped by another guy who's a Pit main, and the Falco can beat the Pit.

Btw, when he starts spamming the reflector to deal with your armor, time a side-B in there. Also, try using utilt out of shield/spot dodge. you were using jabs and then he was shielding the 3rd jab and punishing you.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2008
Thanks Koka, but i was wasn't really offended. If my grammar sucks sweaty balls then sorry ^^...

Anyways i have another problem as far as late games. I was playing my cousin and he uses Snake. I noticed that when he gets a a one stock lead he goes defensive and plants mines throws nades and covers the air with his u-smash. How do I penetrate someone's defenses if they know how to cover all sides?

Cake, sorry again if my grammar wasn't that great. I didnt know people dont like shortened internet slang ^^...


Smash Cadet
Jun 19, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
While approaching like this more than a couple of times is definitely a bad idea, you can go through snake's mortar with your dair. Also, remember that some of snake's mines limit where he can go as well.


Thanks Koka, but i was wasn't really offended. If my grammar sucks sweaty balls then sorry ^^...

Anyways i have another problem as far as late games. I was playing my cousin and he uses Snake. I noticed that when he gets a a one stock lead he goes defensive and plants mines throws nades and covers the air with his u-smash. How do I penetrate someone's defenses if they know how to cover all sides?

Cake, sorry again if my grammar wasn't that great. I didnt know people dont like shortened internet slang ^^...
Nah, don't be sorry, it looks like it's improving already.

I just remembered I never answered your question. Since I've got a .. let's see.. below average.. temper, I just get angry and do the same old moves which fail over and over again trying to get back at them, and keep telling myself it'll work eventually. Then, when that doesn't work, I try too hard to gimp them to get the stocks even and end up killing myself. After that, depending on how stupidly I got beaten and by who, I'll either swear loudly in Serbian, throw the controller, or storm out like a crybaby. If it gets that bad, I just come back after swearing in the street and smash my heels into the winner's eyes. No, just kidding, I'm not that psycho.. I just shake hands and congratulate them. Moral of the story: don't do what I do, and you'll be better off. Try taking a step back and avoiding moves that get you hit. Like that other guy said, sit in that halo if you have to.
Here's some help for Snake:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
I hate falcos their cheap. They crush both my wolf and zero suit samus. I usually end up picking metaknight against falco.
I hate them to i usually pick my second and 3rd main to deal with him hes to cheap.

I still find Pit harder to deal with than Falco.

I can normally go even against a guy I know who is a Falco secondary. But I get Stomped by another guy who's a Pit main, and the Falco can beat the Pit.

Btw, when he starts spamming the reflector to deal with your armor, time a side-B in there. Also, try using utilt out of shield/spot dodge. you were using jabs and then he was shielding the 3rd jab and punishing you.
O_o pit is easier to deal with then falco, Usually if they are close to you they will start with a side b boy trust me that happens alot, i end up using my grabs alot more then my paralyzer Just because of his side b. stay with Plasma whip distance. you should have no problem if he starts shooting you crawl no one has perfect aim.

Thanks Koka, but i was wasn't really offended. If my grammar sucks sweaty balls then sorry ^^...

Anyways i have another problem as far as late games. I was playing my cousin and he uses Snake. I noticed that when he gets a a one stock lead he goes defensive and plants mines throws nades and covers the air with his u-smash. How do I penetrate someone's defenses if they know how to cover all sides?

Cake, sorry again if my grammar wasn't that great. I didnt know people dont like shortened internet slang ^^...
Pretty simple my friend gain the lead first, i have faced very good snakes who take advantage of platform stages and planting mines making it a more dangerous environment against ZSS they also caught me in stupidity like planted a mine on a platform i grabbed his grenade accidently he grabbed me throw me to the mine i was sent flying all the way up and wam grenade exploded. I still one because i spammed him alot with paralyzer and d-smash and its easy to hit back air on snake.
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