Hey guys do you think we can pull a Higurashifest next week?
I'll bring my mother's labtop for recording too and stuff.
I wanna go and practice with you guys for Bullheaded *insert ridiculous noun*.
Plus I haven't played you guys in soooooooo long T_T.
RedAxelRanger (2:47:42 AM): lolol
RedAxelRanger (2:47:54 AM): good idea
RedAxelRanger (2:47:54 AM): so the highlight of my day
RedAxelRanger (2:47:55 AM): aftre winning the brawl tournament me and lk go to tacoc bell
RedAxelRanger (2:48:06 AM): i won like $70 after gas and food and entry fees
RedAxelRanger (2:48:15 AM): he's like
RedAxelRanger (2:48:18 AM): kashif how much are you spending
RedAxelRanger (2:48:19 AM): $3?
RedAxelRanger (2:48:24 AM): and i said "no, less"
Teczero8 (2:48:27 AM): LMFAO
Teczero8 (2:48:37 AM): 3 dollars?
Teczero8 (2:48:40 AM): dam overshooting
Teczero8 (2:48:51 AM): I woulda said are you spending at least 50 cents
Teczero8 (2:48:55 AM): asked*
RedAxelRanger (2:49:02 AM): LOL
Teczero8 (2:49:16 AM): probably would have gotten the same response though
Teczero8 (2:49:22 AM): mirite =D
RedAxelRanger (2:49:23 AM): LOOL
RedAxelRanger (2:49:25 AM): i wish <_<
RedAxelRanger (2:49:27 AM): i spent $2.12
Teczero8 (2:49:46 AM): dollar water and pop tarts again?
Teczero8 (2:50:01 AM): oh wait
Teczero8 (2:50:11 AM): hmm you went to taco bell
Teczero8 (2:50:19 AM): did you even get a drink? lol
RedAxelRanger (2:50:20 AM): two bean burritos
RedAxelRanger (2:50:21 AM): nope
RedAxelRanger (2:50:27 AM): taco bell is 5 min from my house
Teczero8 (2:50:30 AM): with 2 bean burritos?
Teczero8 (2:50:31 AM): oh
Teczero8 (2:50:37 AM): dam you spent money?
Teczero8 (2:50:43 AM): now Im even more surprised
Teczero8 (2:50:53 AM): since your house was so close