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What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard someone say about Smash?

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Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
"why do you guys always go for me first?!?!?!"

-kid on my floor who played as samus and just camped and fired charged shots into the fray in 4p.
There's a guy at my school that does that; he's so annoying and thinks he's good. In all 1 on 1s, he gets demolished, and somehow blames it on anything but his so called skills or lack there of.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2006
Pirate Ship
"Wait is ken that fox guy?" - my idiot brother.

"Stop infiniting me!" one of my noob friends, when i tech chase grabbed him in a ganon ditto. A GANON ditto?!?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2006
Hahaha, I've had this except it was Gameboy Advanced. Hmm the worst I've heard is probably "You can't play this (insert name of kid), it's rated T for TEEN!1!!1oneoneone1eleven".
i played smash befor i was 13! whats wrong with that??? RATINGS SUCK!!!
...also here is what a person says about my video (you can see with this link: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=2005040734)

"i will rate..u suck and i could woop ur *** with link and whoever u brought..."
he also said
"1.02/27/2007 06:38:00AM i'm not even playing!!! i don't suck and i'm not trying... i'll kill your link with anyone because... I HAVE MASTERED ALL OF THEM AND I MEMORISED THE GAME EVEN IN JAPANESE!!! 2. you can't eben spell correctly so i bet you cant

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The Real Panama

02/26/2007 11:23:00PM
u suck i could woop ur ***

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02/25/2007 12:30:00PM
mewtwo:hey link feel like moving yet? Link: duuuurrh...u no. mewtwo:how bout' now? Link: ummm ok sure...i guess...*rolls behind mewtwo* mewtwo: lets fiht Link uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... (three hours later) ok! LOL XD!!! >_<

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that is the whole thing lol he sounds realy dumb:chuckle:


Smash Rookie
Feb 27, 2007
"Jack, i can beat you on Smash brother i used to play that game all the time. I stayed awake all night fighting lvl 9 comps and didnt lose a life" *Then nods like hes a badass*

I nearly was sick!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2005
This is more a action but We were having a crew battle down in Australia, outer states verse Victoria and Mikul a Gannon player got cocky And taunted instead of edge hogging not just once but twice.

You kinda of had to be there to understand the stupidity of it.

Side story, back in the old days when I played roll smash I usto post on game talk the community of roll smashers.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2006
i got alot but some are
noob-dk is like the third best character
noob-does a link spin attak and calls it a dbr video
noob- WD and l cancel? i dont need that 2 win
and my fav "halo 2 is way more complex than melee


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
heres another one.

a couple days ago this guy was like 'you play smash brothers? you should ocme to my house and play' and i was like 'you don't want to play me on smash brothers'

and he was like 'who do you use, marth?'

and since he was a n00b and iddn't know anything i blatently said 'no, marth sucks ***.' (which is untrue in the hands of someone with skill but he didn't know that)

and he's like 'uh-uh! i could beat you!'

and my exgirlfriend who was with me was like 'no, he would kick your ***' (she never curses)

and the guy was like 'No! I could beat him! I play against lvl 9 computers!'

i started laughing and called him a n00b, then i called my friend and told him the story right in front of the guy.

man i almost died laughing.

PS: marth doesn't rly suck (except bwill's) rofl jk


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
Tekken player: "smash isn't a real fighting game, cuz u have to use glitches 2 win...every move is a glitch...this is the only game where u cant escape chain throws and air attacks"


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Heres my favorite quote, got it from the GameFAQs boards. "I believe a Wavedash is a wireless gamecube controller."


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
I read in a review on GameFAQs:

"This game is easily mastered after one week"...."There is no replay value as the game gets boring very fast"


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
Columbia SC
I think Gheylo Players should be banned from speaking about SSBM cause they have no idea what they are talking about most of the time unless they play this game in tournys and such
I play halo and smash but i know both take skill i wish i could just sit everyone down that plays both games and just listen to the uber noobness but there would probly be a fight cause those halo players have short tempers


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2007
Some people told, there were an event 52 or a Super Mario Sunshine Outfit. From then on, those lies are really popular and believed by non-professionell players...
I wonder how people can think of such things.

... I remember another lie. Giga Bowser must be beaten on Very Hard in Adv mode, then you need 999 coins and must have 999 lugia trophies etc... to get Giga Super Mega Bowser -.-


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2006
"LOL at the video. I stopped it after I saw falco. WHO PLAYS FALCO COM ON! " only on gamefaqs you will find a quote like this lol

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
"Isn't a wavedash the wireless gamecube controller?"

"And my main combo is -tail- -tail -tail- -throw- -gods lightning strike-. Beats them every time." [with pikachu]

"i unlocked everyone within the course of a week....including mario ^_^"

"I always be lvl 9 luigis. The y put up a tough fight but i down them pretty fast with my lightining combo. And I still gotta unlock mewtwo but im gettin there :)"


"My friend told me if I leave my memory card in the gamecube without deleting the saves after a certain time it will go corrupt."

"I wish they had tournemtns or somethin here. I would be like a thousandanir with all the money i would win."

"It'z hard 2 unlock mewtwo. Like I said I delete my mem card to stop it from geting the virus and runinng it. And just because he is 11 doesn't mean he doesn't need help reaching his back and stuff. It's a punishment but I kind of like to help him bathe. I hope i dun get caught, I am havin a nice time talking to you guys. Most kids at school ignore me and don't even acknoldge me. you guys are becuming my best friends."

"NE ways I tried to play as mario and hes such a noob to play with, i cant stand it. And he shoots fire? SOUNDS LIKE THE DEVIL TO ME! NE1 AGREE?"

"I'm TRYIN too unlock them all. I have to delete cause of the ivrus the mem card gets. I might try it to NOT delete it but im not sure......I would get in a heap of trouble if it died! Hard to cream my brothers face without my black mem card!"

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! This is too funny!!!. That thread should be voted funniest thread of all time.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
Go to the SSBM forums on GameFAQs, look for a thread that is titled "Wow this game is still popular?" and read the some pages of it, its pretty hilarious.

I'll post its exact link once I find it.

EDIT: Got the link

Enjoy! :D
(Viewer Discretion may be advised)
wtf is a ken,isai, and a chu LMAO


please invite these ppl to smashbaords........

it twould be fun

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
Go to the SSBM forums on GameFAQs, look for a thread that is titled "Wow this game is still popular?" and read the some pages of it, its pretty hilarious.

I'll post its exact link once I find it.

EDIT: Got the link

Enjoy! :D
(Viewer Discretion may be advised)
I hope people know that it's a giant joke thread. But still, I laughed my *** off.

Here's an old review I found on GameFAQs though. Sad thing is, it's actually serious.

"Far from worship"

Firstly, I will state that this isn't a fighting game. Now, let me now explain why it is far from worship, something which shouldn't be very difficult to do. I simply cannot understand why this game is so overrated ? Is it because of a lack of titles in the genre on the GameCube or is it just because the game is by Nintendo and it's the sequel to Super Smash Bros. ? Either way, SSBM falls short of being a worthy addition to the library and I don't recommend it to anyone.

Big cast doesn't mean more fun !

Super Smash Bros. Melee (man, is that a long title !) is a beat-em-up/party game featuring one of the most amazing casts ever. Mario, Luigi, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Link, nearly all of Nintendo's characters meet in this party game just for the sake of hitting each other. Now, this would seem to give the game an exceptional lifespan since there are so many characters and you need to spend several hours unlocking all the secret ones. And I will not even mention how certain people thought it would be funny to submit false codes to achieve these and others found it funnier to verify them when they didn't even work.

So, the game may have an incredible cast but the problem resides in the fact that most of them have the same moves and the same commands. This makes the 'wonderful' cast pointless as having several characters share the same moves takes away all the surprise and the excitement which I originally felt after unlocking the first secret character. However, as time passed and I tried each character that I successfully unlocked, I was more frustrated because one character would control just like the previous one and thus offer nothing new. As a matter of fact, I eventually considered the whole quest to unlock characters to be boring since I was not even being rewarded for all my efforts and the hours I spent playing the game.

Trophy collecting and other challenges are fun…the first time !

SSBM is packed with event challenges and the trophy collecting is without doubt the longest and the most addictive mini-game. These are well-done and will literally glue you to your TV for hours on end as your thirst for trophies is never satisfied. The problem here is that they are addictive only the first time. Complete everything once and what does that leave you ? Only a multi-player game. In short, don't rush through the challenges because otherwise, the game doesn't have a very long lifespan.

And even the multi-player mode suffers from serious flaws. Sure, bringing a bunch of friends along -usually 3- and being able to use items, power-ups, bombs and everything else is fun but it loses its charm after a while due to its repetitiveness. The controls let it down even more. Throwing a bomb leaves you open for anything and most of the items that let you attack an opponent have the same drawbacks. Thankfully, the relative easiness of the moves makes up for this but that's a no-no in my book !

SSBM has nothing to offer after one week!

I was particularly disappointed with the way the game loses all its charm after a short while. Heck, even the multi-player mode isn't even fun and becomes boring after barely 30 minutes. The game is way too easy with pathetic moves and ''combos'' that any scrub can pull. Moreover, the game features (dodge, shield,…) have been rushed and although there are quite a lot of features, they are all basically the same such that you'll have mastered everything within hours. Where is the variety ? The game lacks depth and barely manages to be interesting although it can still be fun at times. The CPU's low AI makes things even more pathetic. It doesn't really take long to figure out everything in the game and anybody will grasp every aspect in a short time.

Why have good graphics and an excellent soundtrack when the game is so shallow ?

The shallowness of the game is extremely surprising indeed considering how the visuals and the soundtrack of SSBM are excellent. All the characters look fabulous and are well-detailed. They still have that unique feeling they had back in their original game although everything is a bit too colorful. The backgrounds are very nice with amazing light effects. SSBM is really a masterpiece when it comes to the visuals. Well, coming from Nintendo, this isn't really a surprise.

The soundtrack consists essentially of the older themes which haunted our childhood days in games like Mario Bros, Zelda, Donkey Kong. They really give the game a nostalgic feeling and if you liked the original themes, you'll really enjoy the soundtrack of SSBM. This isn't necessarily good in some cases since some of the music wasn't meant for a beat-em-up but thankfully, the majority managed to blend in perfectly.

The controls don't fit in properly though. They don't respond well and do not suit each action that perfectly. There even seems to be some randomness thrown in which makes everything really frustrating. The lousy GC controller doesn't help things either but this problem doesn't show that much once you are accustomed to the game (which doesn't take long as I already said).

Overall, SSBM is a good title but it sadly lacks replay value. The fun-factor is tremendous the first time you play it but isn't worth playing a second time. Even the 4-player mode becomes boring and the controls will rapidly turn the fight into a real one -- watch out for black eyes ! The challenges lose all their interest on the second try such that you'll be left with a title that will only collect dust along with those obscure titles. Rent it first !

Zoxea :
+ Great visuals and soundtracks
+ Events challenging the first time

Proxea :
- Lousy controls
- No replay value
- Absolutely no depth
- Characters too similar

~ Score: 4 ~

Reviewer's Score: 4/10, Originally Posted: 02/14/02, Updated 11/09/02


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2007
My Hometown
Oh, I remember someone saying "Mewtwo must be the best character", and, well pretty much they said it very bluntly "This game sucks. " This person used either Mewtwo or Pichu as a character. Ill never forget went all 4 of us punched him at once. Good times, good times...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2006
I wish i found that gamefaqs thread while it was still at page 10. poppin in a vid of mewtwo just then would have priceless reactions.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
I heard some noob say: "I lost because the screen kept pulling me down"
And: "You hit me in a Dead Angle so I could'nt react"
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