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What it takes to be manly...


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2008
It seems like a lot of Smashers have given up on Captain Falcon or are giving serious consideration to abandoning the character all together.

I'll start off by saying I don't main Captain Falcon, but one of my best buds does and accomplishes great things. But reality is that despite how good my friend is, and how well he plays on a competitive scale, he has to face the brash smash community and and Captain Falcon hate every time he plays. Due to Cap's low hitbox priority and the lack of hitstun in brawl, he has received a lot of backlash from the community and upset from Falcon mainers.

So what is my point? This thread is simply a message of hope, to not give up on Captain Falcon and lower tiers, but in order to play him it requires 110% every time you play. I encourage it.

I think the main problem with Brawl Falcon players(and this is from a 3rd party perspective) is that they approach him all wrong. Much like many Brawl Peach players do.

Being a good Falcon doesn't require frame by frame precision, or exact timing(although that helps), what it takes to be the manliest character in the game is patience.

The knee and Falcon Punch will not win you matches, they never will. Even if they were buffed to the extreme. I mean it seems rather silly to base your entire game around two moves(even though a lot of novice Snake players seem to think it does).

What it requires to be great with Falcon is spacing, very strong spacing. To play Falcon as offensively as you do defensively. Falcon will never be top tier in brawl, but he sure as **** ain't bottom of the barrel. And people who claim he is, create a negative feeling in the Smash community. Not that Falcon being low tier is a mentality, but it allows for more negative influence. Don't spend three hours perfecting you knee every night, spend that three hours planning proper and distinctive spacing methods.

As I said I don't main Falcon, but I believe in Falcon mainers. So in short don't get discouraged, create a different metagame for Falcon, approach differently and I truly feel you will see better results. But don't expect immaculate spacing to make it a cakewalk, maybe instead of 110% you only have to put in 100%.

I salute you all.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Exactly! Captain Falcon's "bottom of the line" image is ruining what poeple think of him in Brawl, which makes users WANT him to be the bottom. Also, some of the lower tier mainers are afraid of Falcon moving up any becuase it may mean thier character could move down. Users on this site are keeping him rated at bottom becuase they want him to be bottom. This same thing sort of happened in Melee.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
While I disagree when you say Falcon isn't "bottom of the barrel," I do agree with everything else you said, and I do love playing Falcon. I'm second best in my group of friends (I'm always behind pneu...), and I love beating people with the Captain. I have one friend who plays T. Link, Zamus, and Luigi, and just gets pissed as balls when I get in a winning streak of games against him.
It's a good feeling to win with Falcon.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
guys im not being by any means pessimistic when I say "C.Falcon is crap, he has nothing going for him other than his infinite on Wario" im simply being realistic, and i suggest you should too, because if you can't realize Falcon's flaws how are you going to overcome them?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
guys im not being by any means pessimistic when I say "C.Falcon is crap, he has nothing going for him other than his infinite on Wario" im simply being realistic, and i suggest you should too, because if you can't realize Falcon's flaws how are you going to overcome them?
Well I certainly won't try to overcome them by switching to Melee.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Well I certainly won't try to overcome them by switching to Melee.
Exactly. I agree with the topic, since Falcon's getting a lot of hate, and I don't think he deserves it. Granted, the guy's right, Falcon has serious flaws. But to flat-out call him crap is wrong. He's got good aerial ability, due to the sheer modification on his hitbox. Particularly in his u-air. I've used it many times as a dodge, and it works really well, if done right. Falcon's shortcomings have been overblown by a large part of the community, and it's getting worse.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
You're ****n right he doesn't deserve it! Would you hate your own grandmother for being the most frail family member? No. Captain Falcon is an awesome character, just his playability has room for improvement.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Well I certainly won't try to overcome them by switching to Melee.
ouch that was low, j/k

seriously guys I love the man, I would cut off my manhood to be ***** by him :laugh: but seriously now he's not the Falcon I knew before, I can say ending my Brawl career that I have overcome Falcon's Flaws, I stood a chance against Snake's , MK's, And the IC (arguable the three hardest opponents for any character) I have impressed many people at tournies and surprised even more people. I have yet to see who have impressed? and If you seriously think you can beat me

try me


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
From what I've heard, people don't like that Falcon isn't his Melee self, but they don't hate him, and when Falcon's destroying there's no other character they love more.

I'd also disagree about the initial post by saying that you do need exact timing (as well as great spacing), because if you're a tenth of a second too late in punishing stuff (especially on characters like IC) they'll shieldgrab and/or kill you.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2008
I'm glad to see some support. Don't get me wrong, spacing will not make you win matches, but it seriously does aid in CF's playstyle. I think a lot of people are neglecting that fact. He requires a same kind of attention, as some of these "lower tier" characters in the game. These lower end on the totem pole character's and their player's have to give it their all in order to win. CF is no exception.

But from video's I have seen, some Falcon players lack dedicated approaches and mind games. Because despite his shortcomings(that list is longer than short) he has lower percentage K.O. ability and good pressure tactics. Timing is key to Falcon's playstyle.

Different is good, it may not win you tourney's but it may enable you to win some matches, and restore some respect to the character that is Captain Falcon. I don't think he will ever have the same Melee uprising, but I still truly believe he is not the worst in the game. I hope most feel the same.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
guys....there's no "key" to winning with falcon in brawl.

I think by now all of us know our s***, we all know how to approach with falcon, when to approach, when to run, when to be defensive, when to be offensive, what moves to use at which moments.

I know all that. Most of you know all that.

But our character sucks. Plain and simple. He has many, many disadvantages compared to the entire cast. Yes, he does some things very well, his aerials are very good, and you can definitely win with him.

But Captain Falcon isn't a great character that we just haven't "figured out" yet. We've figured him out. It's not a bad mindset or a lack of effort.

All of the people who come in here and say captain falcon is actually a good character, or that captain falcon "just needs to be played like brawl falcon and not melee falcon" (no s***).....are people who've barely touched falcon. seriously.

We main him. We play pretty well with him........but really, that's more a testament to the people who play him than the character we play as.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2008
guys....there's no "key" to winning with falcon in brawl.

I think by now all of us know our s***, we all know how to approach with falcon, when to approach, when to run, when to be defensive, when to be offensive, what moves to use at which moments.

I know all that. Most of you know all that.

But our character sucks. Plain and simple. He has many, many disadvantages compared to the entire cast. Yes, he does some things very well, his aerials are very good, and you can definitely win with him.

But Captain Falcon isn't a great character that we just haven't "figured out" yet. We've figured him out. It's not a bad mindset or a lack of effort.

All of the people who come in here and say captain falcon is actually a good character, or that captain falcon "just needs to be played like brawl falcon and not melee falcon" (no s***).....are people who've barely touched falcon. seriously.

We main him. We play pretty well with him........but really, that's more a testament to the people who play him than the character we play as.
Great post Iwan. You have some very valid points. Captain Falcon players understand what it takes to play the character they play. And despite smart gameplay there is no hidden secret to making him the greatest brawl character. My view is simply from a third party perspective. But he is not absolutely crummy, and I'm sure many of you feel the same way. Otherwise if he is as crummy as everyone says he is, you are your own worst enemy and only hurting yourselves by playing him.

But I don't believe that. And neither should the legion of Falcon fans.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
guys....there's no "key" to winning with falcon in brawl.

I think by now all of us know our s***, we all know how to approach with falcon, when to approach, when to run, when to be defensive, when to be offensive, what moves to use at which moments.

I know all that. Most of you know all that.

But our character sucks. Plain and simple. He has many, many disadvantages compared to the entire cast. Yes, he does some things very well, his aerials are very good, and you can definitely win with him.

But Captain Falcon isn't a great character that we just haven't "figured out" yet. We've figured him out. It's not a bad mindset or a lack of effort.

All of the people who come in here and say captain falcon is actually a good character, or that captain falcon "just needs to be played like brawl falcon and not melee falcon" (no s***).....are people who've barely touched falcon. seriously.

We main him. We play pretty well with him........but really, that's more a testament to the people who play him than the character we play as.
Yeah we've figured out the basics, but we took so long working out approaches and stuff that we havn't scratched too deep.

I know I'm far from perfect, but before Brawl dies I'm certain we'll find at least some good mindgame combos like the stuff Ganon does after his side-B if not some real combos.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 24, 2006
The Bay, CA
Falcon is just another character who takes a bit more to become good. Other characters are given it since birth, Falcon takes practice and patience. Good call, good post, and keep Falconing.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
You'd think that by now, at least WITHIN the Falcon community, we'd have more widespread agreement. At the very least, a bit more hope. But even here, I'm seeing people say "Falcon Sucks, but that's okay." Why have you resigned yourself to this fate? Unless I'm mistaken, Marth was considered crap in melee until Ken started ******. I'm not saying Falcon's going to have some sort of messiah that we all get to herald in, but if history has taught us anything, it's that characters who are considered bad are not necessarily going to always be considered bad. Have some hope, guys.

Union of Darkness

Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Falcon is bad.

So the best thing you as Falcon mains can do is get out there and show Falcon isn't COMPLETELY useless. Beat some mid tiers. Make people go "wow" and call it a days work.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2008
Stockton, California
The knee and Falcon Punch will not win you matches, they never will.
HOW DARE YOU DEFY CAPTAIN FALCON! A good knee to the face off the stage will change your mind!

But really! I win with Falcon Punches and the mighty knee of justice, but not all the time. Don't underestimate them just because C.Falcon has been nerfed.


Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2008
The Bowser mains are feeling it too?
I'm a Snake/Bowser/Wario/Falcon mainer. :)

Falcon still *****. You just have to be unprediactable and rely on his running speed to **** peoples faces off before they know what happens. Sure you can do the same thing with Sonic but then you won't get the +100 of "Brawl players looking at Falcon's sexy muscles so they get distracted" ability which helps alot.

And Falcon Punch will win you matches. It's just a matter of mindgames. :p


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2008
HOW DARE YOU DEFY CAPTAIN FALCON! A good knee to the face off the stage will change your mind!

But really! I win with Falcon Punches and the mighty knee of justice, but not all the time. Don't underestimate them just because C.Falcon has been nerfed.
Believe me when I say this, I don't underestimate the power of Falcon his knee or the victorious Falcon punch, and that's is the primary reason I made this thread. These moves are great when they are pulled off, but any good player will not rely 100% on these moves to be a good player. Just as I don't rely on an of my mains kill moves to win me matches. It takes more then gleaming man muscles to win with Falcon, sadly. But it's ultimately what it takes to be manly.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Believe me when I say this, I don't underestimate the power of Falcon his knee or the victorious Falcon punch, and that's is the primary reason I made this thread. These moves are great when they are pulled off, but any good player will not rely 100% on these moves to be a good player. Just as I don't rely on an of my mains kill moves to win me matches. It takes more then gleaming man muscles to win with Falcon, sadly. But it's ultimately what it takes to be manly.
don't worry there just joking around, after all this IS the Falcon board >_>


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
None of your business
Ya know what makes you guys awesome, you don't have to use characters considered top tier to be immpressive and win matches while enjoiying the game.
Atleast Captain Falcon will always be considered the top of the manliness tier.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
i think using a character thats low tier makes u better at the game cuz it forces u to get better at normal skills and u have to win by actually being better than the opponent


Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2008
New York
haha the other day i read a thread in the snake forums about how he was manly
most of the snake mains actually surprisingly denied that claim and said falcon was o_O
captain falcon still is the Undisputed Man even among high tiers ^^

on another topic, i think i should work on spacing.. i don't think i do very good at that, any suggestions or just tilts for range


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
haha the other day i read a thread in the snake forums about how he was manly
most of the snake mains actually surprisingly denied that claim and said falcon was o_O
captain falcon still is the Undisputed Man even among high tiers ^^

on another topic, i think i should work on spacing.. i don't think i do very good at that, any suggestions or just tilts for range
Falcon IS the manliest character in any game ever. Snake can eat a fat one.

For spacing, your tilts are really fun range. But that's a given. If you want to punish people, it sometimes (Emphasis; SOMETIMES) works to just dash attack, then pull out some aerials. U-air and N-air are my favorite for spacing. U-air is actually fun for dodges, too. It sounds a little weird, but I've used it against several Ikes. When they try to Side-B, just SH and U-air, which (if i remember right) auto-cancels, plus, Ike still takes a swing at you. Hence, he gets lots of lag, and you don't. F-smash fits in nicely.

But, yeah, spacing's pretty tough for Falcon, since he's got a severe lack of range of his F-smash and grabs. But it can be done.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
haha the other day i read a thread in the snake forums about how he was manly
most of the snake mains actually surprisingly denied that claim and said falcon was o_O
captain falcon still is the Undisputed Man even among high tiers ^^

on another topic, i think i should work on spacing.. i don't think i do very good at that, any suggestions or just tilts for range
I definitely suggest d-tilt and u-tilt as opposed to his forward. Also, walking places helps me a lot with spacing. Y'know, not actually just running every where, but taakking myy tiiimmme.
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