No, that wouldn't work, because SONY doesn't own those characters.
Square Enix owns:
Namco owns:
-Soul Caliber (already has a Nintendo game)
Naughty Dog/Traveller's Tales/Radical Entertainment "owns":
Crash Bandicoot (who has already appeared on Nintendo systems at least ten times)
Spyro (Also appeared on Nintendo systems already)
Sony owns very few game series, probably the only one that could be truly considered owned by them is Gran Turismo, but it's still developed outside of Sony.
And how are they teaming up? Nintendo's making a handheld that totally killed Sony's idea in every way, shape, and form. (Have to buy 3D Glasses, a 3D Tv, plus 3D hardware, yeah . . no)
what im saying with soul calibur is that nintindo would keep mario or someone,and sony would keep someone,and there would be a reason to buy both games,just like soul calibur did,and it would be just as hard for marvel and dc to team up with their rivalry,if not harder,than for nintindo and sony
Soul Caliber ALREADY HAS a Nintendo system game (Soul Caliber II), and that has Link in it. And Nintendo and Sony will only be allies once one of them falls, just like with Sega. They've been rivals ever since Sony made overly large demands from Nintendo when Sony was asked by them to help make a CD-based system, (which is the reason the Playstation exists, and the CDi, Nintendo went with Phillips in order to try to harm Sony after the previous fiasco).
exactly,they are third party,and i understand how hard it is,but without a system to put the third party characters on,then they are useless,they need a system to be put on to make the game,and i said they team up to make a super smash bros game,not a soul calibur,so their would be no arguement in the name,basically what im saying,is sony helps make the super smash bros game
Sony's help is useless if the [3rd party] brands don't openly come or are paid, since NOT A SINGLE one of the characters or games mentioned (Soul Caliber, Final Fantasy, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro) are owned by them, and most have had as many or more games available on a Nintendo system than ones that are Sony-exclusive. (Except Soul Caliber, but that still has one Nintendo release)
Unlike Nintendo, Sony owns [in the vaguest sense] MAYBE 10 [few except GT which are of any note] series total, if that. They thrive on 3rd Party software.