The Irish Mafia
Banned via Administration
(asides from game 2)
Watching this set now, I have no idea what changed between me dominating game 1 and nearly getting 4 stocked game 3. I just felt completely shut out once he started moving. Any advice, be it over a specific "I woulda hit that" moment or an overarching flaw in my play, is appreciated.
Thanks <3
Edit: lol sorry i forgot the link for so long
Watching this set now, I have no idea what changed between me dominating game 1 and nearly getting 4 stocked game 3. I just felt completely shut out once he started moving. Any advice, be it over a specific "I woulda hit that" moment or an overarching flaw in my play, is appreciated.
Thanks <3
Edit: lol sorry i forgot the link for so long