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What grinds your gears in For Glory mode? (THE ROLLENING)


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2015
Sheffield, UK
I think I might have mentioned this before, but people who's attitude completely depends on if they're winning or not. It's so pathetic. Just had a few games where they went from double-taunting and try-harding to 'style' me (crouch-walking under stuff, etc.) to rushing me down and making basic as hell mistakes after I started winning. -and this isn't the first time, either.

Like, really, I don't give a crap if you're consistently that much of an egomaniac, that's your own problem, but show some spine and stick to it if you're gonna act like a jerk, because the only thing worse than a showoff is a showoff who's been put in their place.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2015
The people who stick around just to stomp a mud hole in you and rub it in. I had a guy playing ganondorf who kept winning and taunting each match. He wouldn't leave either. I was under the impression he was just staying around to keep repeatedly beating me because the minute I won a match he left.


Smash Cadet
Jul 26, 2015
To be fair, this is with vanilla Climhazzard. Limit-Broken Clim could have taken away that player's horizontal recovery deficit if you didn't spike them beforehand.
One problem though : he can't deal at all with Ness' Yoyo attacks though. Down Smash while looking back will knock him back unless he's around the ledge as soon as Climhazzard stops launching him. =

In fact, he can't deal with majority of the attacks that are 100% efficient against enemies on a ledge (most down smash attacks, Luigi's taunt, etc)
His sword looks like to have a hurtbox, so even if he'd have come back with Limit Break Climhazzard, he could be easily punishable before he lands the edge.

Still, he still can't come back if he has no double jump and really close to the edge of the screen.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
The major thing that annoy me is people who let the timer run down (or almost run down) at the victory screen and character select. There is no reason at all to sit on the victory screen that long, really no more than 3-5 seconds at most should be spent there. By this point character wise you should know just about everyone you want to use so it shouldn't be some arduous task to pick someone. There is no reason whatsoever to let the timer run down like that.
To be fair, people can have many reasons why they do this. I know when playing 2V2s I will do this when me or my friend have to use the restroom. Sure, we could leave instead of wasting the other persons time; however what if we liked playing against them and would like to keep going? It could also be because someone wants to get a drink or snack before continuing, or maybe they got called away.

Other than that, I have a reason that I myself stay at the CSS for so long. It's actually a habit I've developed after playing For Glory for so long. I refuse to press Start until the other person is "Ready", mainly because in most cases people will take advantage of that moment to fling insults at you left and right knowing you can't do much about it at that point. In fact, there have been some moments where the other side purposely waits at the Results Screen to force you to time out, and then proceed to throw insulting tags out.

If you don't like waiting you yourself could always choose to leave, otherwise a little patience goes a long way.

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
To be fair, people can have many reasons why they do this. I know when playing 2V2s I will do this when me or my friend have to use the restroom. Sure, we could leave instead of wasting the other persons time; however what if we liked playing against them and would like to keep going? It could also be because someone wants to get a drink or snack before continuing, or maybe they got called away.

Other than that, I have a reason that I myself stay at the CSS for so long. It's actually a habit I've developed after playing For Glory for so long. I refuse to press Start until the other person is "Ready", mainly because in most cases people will take advantage of that moment to fling insults at you left and right knowing you can't do much about it at that point. In fact, there have been some moments where the other side purposely waits at the Results Screen to force you to time out, and then proceed to throw insulting tags out.

If you don't like waiting you yourself could always choose to leave, otherwise a little patience goes a long way.
Agree. Sometimes I do that when I want to get a snack or play some music in the background while playing/or video to play a match against someone. Or go to the bathroom after 'waiting' the whole match so yeah. I do that.

The only time I blatantly do that, is when the other player has been a jerk and I stay at the 'RESULTS' screen than the menu after putting them in their place. That's it.

I second that. I will only press 'start' when the other player has done so to avoid being called something and somehow being able to 'defend myself'.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2015
Central Maryland
Taunts really grind my gears especially if they're just messing around and not even making an effort to fight back


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2014
the people that change their name to "UR BAD" or something really grinds my gears


Tricky Fox
Jun 15, 2015
Cloud in FG was kind of expected. Everyone on day one jumped right into the mode using him and for the first few days every other match was against a Cloud want to be. Happily over the weekend the Cloud group began to die down as people got over the hype and began to find out that he may not be the character for them. Now this is not to say that I do not like Cloud but he was over hyped sololy because of how successful FF7 was and the large fan boy population that follow him like screaming little school girls mooning over the popular guy in school.

The same will happen once the final two smash DLC character's come out and after a week people will begin to figure out if someone is their new "main" or not and the real competition will begin again.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013

Not because he is overplayed actually, not because I don't know the match-up yet...

Because he redefine both Roll Glory and the game of cat and mouse.

In fact, since Cloud's DLC, I think that people are even less going in and trying thing, and instead spend their time fleeing.

But that Cloud... Even when the limit break is charge, it's just "let me use my Down-B please".


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2014
I actually enjoy the sheer amount of Falcons and more recently Clouds. In the former the fact that they constantly attempt to pull off impressive moves and just get punished for it, while it's amusing at first when they eventually (and inevitably) become poor sports and begin the "waiting game" because well that's what salty Falcons do. It makes it all the more satisfying when they eventually start rotating through other characters they clearly don't know how to play and swapping through "SPAMMER" and "SCRUB" all the while.

Cloud on the other hand is just numerous, and bad. It's always fun to run into the now token duo-Cloud team and stomp them which then the insults fly and they generally just swap over to the aforementioned Falcon or something just as cancerous.

I play duos with a friend and while we are not the greatest players on Earth we win pretty consistently in 2v2. For Glory is a cesspool, but it's kind of fun watching people get angry, which sadly is all that generally keeps me coming back.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas

Not because he is overplayed actually, not because I don't know the match-up yet...

Because he redefine both Roll Glory and the game of cat and mouse.

In fact, since Cloud's DLC, I think that people are even less going in and trying thing, and instead spend their time fleeing.

But that Cloud... Even when the limit break is charge, it's just "let me use my Down-B please".
I'm so glad I wasn't the only one that has experienced the "Let me roll away and charge, only to use Down B unsuccessfully" Clouds.

I had a very annoying time with one of those Clouds recently. He would only roll away and charge, that's it. Once it was charged he'd try to come towards me and do Finishing Touch, which would hardly ever hit me. He lost every match (Had three matches with him) before I eventually grew tired of the whole Cat and Mouse thing. Side note: I also face palm when a Cloud uses it when I have 0% damage.

They waste it to only do 1% on me and I wish I was saying I was exaggerating, but I've faced a lot of Clouds that do this on For Glory.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
I'm so glad I wasn't the only
one that has experienced the "Let me roll away and charge, only to use Down B unsuccessfully" Clouds.

I had a very annoying time with one of those Clouds recently. He would only roll away and charge, that's it. Once it was charged he'd try to come towards me and do Finishing Touch, which would hardly ever hit me. He lost every match (Had three matches with him) before I eventually grew tired of the whole Cat and Mouse thing. Side note: I also face palm when a Cloud uses it when I have 0% damage.

They waste it to only do 1% on me and I wish I was saying I was exaggerating, but I've faced a lot of Clouds that do this on For Glory.
Well, I parodied it a bit, mine were at least a little more intelligent and used the stat boost... At least until I was around 50%. And yet, even when they succesfully fled and charged their gauge, they keep fleeing just to fail miserably their punishes or spam F-Smash.

... I really hope it will be better in a week or two, but I've definitely lost all hope for this mode. I wonder how I played For Glory for so long.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2014
Monterey Bay
I hate that most of the players come off an assembly line...

Where's the creativity in fighting styles? </3


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Well, I parodied it a bit, mine were at least a little more intelligent and used the stat boost... At least until I was around 50%. And yet, even when they succesfully fled and charged their gauge, they keep fleeing just to fail miserably their punishes or spam F-Smash.

... I really hope it will be better in a week or two, but I've definitely lost all hope for this mode. I wonder how I played For Glory for so long.
I'm sure it will. I'm just glad I'm no longer facing Double Cloud teams in 2V2 For Glory.

I had about five Double Cloud teams in a row on the second or third day. Some of them played extremely well but others weren't so much. Now I hardly see any Clouds unless it's 1V1. I wouldn't mind it either if they figured out Limit Break isn't their one and only option.

.... And only using Down B of course...


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I hate when your opponent beats you with like 150% on their second stock, then taunts and leaves after one match.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
I hate when your opponent beats you with like 150% on their second stock, then taunts and leaves after one match.
I also find this rather annoying in a close scenario where you're well into high percents and then the opponent manages to land a killing blow and taunt like it was some awesome kill set up combo/spike or something. It's like what's so special about landing a basic smash attack? I was going to die by some attack eventually unless I managed to miraculously evade every single attack thrown at me. It just makes me go, 'Really? That's kind of lame.' Some people taunt after every kill even when they're on their final stock in high percents after finally managing to take out your first stock.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
Ok that's it I'm done with the ****ing mode made only of cowardly cocky ******* who simply love to spam the same **** over and over and over because they are safe moves and taunt EVERYTIME because they thing they are the best for reading an efficient flowchart.


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2014
I just hate when people get salty when you pull of some great combos. I was facing this guy as Cloud and beat him consistently while he was also Cloud. I switched to Zero Suit and pulled off a really nice down-smash combo to win the match. Then on the character select screen he called me a 'tier *****' and said 'ur gay', 'so so gay'. I replied with 'Yeah I am', and he got even more mad and left. He left just before I could tell him to 'GitGud' though, which was a shame. I can understand people getting salty, but when they react like that it's just ridiculous.


Smash Cadet
Oct 18, 2015
Every time I beat someone up with Captain Falcon they switch to Captain Falcon. Gets annoying after awhile.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2015
Sheffield, UK
I hate that most of the players come off an assembly line...

Where's the creativity in fighting styles? </3
Yeah, this is one of the biggest problems I have with FG - I barely ever feel I'm training against another human player. 90% of the time I get nastier mix-ups, baits and tricks from the CPU. lol


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2014
Smithton, Missouri
I save a replay of almost every game I play on FG, and if anyone insults me after a match I just upload it to my youtube(and miiverse) and publicly humiliate them for the asskicking they recieved.

Roy of Pharae

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
lol shame this game doesn't have a ranking system. I am also getting tired of "For Scrubs" mode.

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC

Like, holy crap. Didn't know they were a trouble until yesterday. It was UNBEARABLE. This guy kept on doing the same thing, over and over and over and over again.

Playing as :4ness: using Pk-Fire and Grab like there was NO tomorrow. JESUS. Spam after spam, avoiding methods after avoiding methods and such.
From the many, I had recorded one and man. I had to almost spam the abilities of my character (:4drmario:) to give this person the same treatment. it was that bad.

And one of the few matches that were different yet the same, it was when this person changed as :4greninja: and on his last stock, after accumulating 150+ % on his last stock on a match where I was DOMINATING he managed to get the win by rolling like HELL and if it wasnt because of that, I'd have gotten the victory.


As a matter of fact, I have a match here recorded in case anyone wants to see the chaos of one of the matches with this atrocious Ness-

Overall to say, aside from 'Spammers and Rollers', CAMPERS SUCK.

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Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2015
Sheffield, UK
Y'know, the worst thing about campers is that 9/10 they're not even playing a character who can camp, then they get mad at you for pressuring them with ranged attacks. Like... Why?


Smash Rookie
Jul 6, 2009
People that complain about Cloud being cheap when they main the previous cheap characters (like Diddy Kong). The irony and hypocrisy is unreal. Cloud is good, but he has his own share of problems. His good points just happen to counter certain characters pretty hard and we actually needed a character to do just that.

Roy of Pharae

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
ugh I hate not being able to punish in this game. unless you use a highly mobile character then you are not going to punish ****. there are way too many safe moves in this game and the overly defensive playstyles make it worse. match ups are even worse in this game. A matchmaking system is necessary for one vs ones. easy down throw strings and no creativity in playstyles makes for boring gameplay. How bad is the development team at understanding how characters work? Hitboxes and hurtboxes are crazy bad in this game, with every character having awful whiffs, you can't reliable tech chase with ganondorf as he is one of if not the slowest heavyweights in the game. removing super armor from grabs and command grabs like side special must have been from scrubs complaining about it being OP instead of learning the basics of their characters. It's insane how many times I get grabbed or punished simply for throwing out a move when my opponent isn't even in shield yet right as the animation comes out i'm the one who gets damaged.

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
Y'know, the worst thing about campers is that 9/10 they're not even playing a character who can camp, then they get mad at you for pressuring them with ranged attacks. Like... Why?
JEEZ. That is really something.

UGH. It only is good 'for them' when THEY do the camping and not when someone is reading into it and acting upon it. Serves them right for being pricks.

Also, this guy proceeded to be Doc like me after a couple of matches and tried the same technique like with the Greninja I said before and unlike with that matchup, he got BODIED by me.

Is like, really, once they get in trouble or their tactics don't work, they panic and try to be like you and fail miserably...



Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2014
Smithton, Missouri
JEEZ. That is really something.

UGH. It only is good 'for them' when THEY do the camping and not when someone is reading into it and acting upon it. Serves them right for being pricks.

Also, this guy proceeded to be Doc like me after a couple of matches and tried the same technique like with the Greninja I said before and unlike with that matchup, he got BODIED by me.

Is like, really, once they get in trouble or their tactics don't work, they panic and try to be like you and fail miserably...


I get so many people that switch to jigglypuff after I beat them, and it goes from a slightly challenging match, to them maybe landing one hit on me. Even more fun is when I switch to my other main when they switch to puff(which has happened), as I can absolutely wreck puff with cloud, especially a puff that doesn't main her.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2015
Sheffield, UK
JEEZ. That is really something.

UGH. It only is good 'for them' when THEY do the camping and not when someone is reading into it and acting upon it. Serves them right for being pricks.

Also, this guy proceeded to be Doc like me after a couple of matches and tried the same technique like with the Greninja I said before and unlike with that matchup, he got BODIED by me.

Is like, really, once they get in trouble or their tactics don't work, they panic and try to be like you and fail miserably...

I actually had a similar thing happen closer to 1.1.3's release where some guy swapped to Bowser and insisted on spamming Fire Breath and/or U-throw in an attempt to mock me about my (completely fair) overuse (He kept walking into them and/or dying to U-throw combo.) of those moves, even though he basically whiffed everything.

I just don't understand salty dittos, like, if the other person obviously gets the char, then fine, but I find a lot of the time they're trying to prove a point, and the only point they prove is that they suck at Smash.

Infact, linking it back to previous stuff, a lot of people get super salty about WFT and their ability to stand their ground in the range game, but the upside is that generally no-one will ditto them because they just can't play them, so they just resort to generic awful tactics instead. (Reflectors make me laugh so much.)

I get so many people that switch to jigglypuff after I beat them, and it goes from a slightly challenging match, to them maybe landing one hit on me. Even more fun is when I switch to my other main when they switch to puff(which has happened), as I can absolutely wreck puff with cloud, especially a puff that doesn't main her.
Jiggs is such a salt-mine for so many people, and I seriously don't understand it. I was doing some "fun" matches today in FG as her and literally everyone started acting like an ass for no discernible reason. I know I'm bad as Jiggs, but they're fun to play, and when I hit people with a double rest for a win, they get super-salty and quit because they think that's "disrespectful".

I just wanna be like "Look, I'm just trying to play who I think is fun, I'm sorry if your dumb-ass preconceived ideas about what isn't respectful are making you mad, but I'm not the one to blame here. You're the one who stuck around long enough for me to get a double-rest in, and I suck as Jiggs!".

Roy of Pharae

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
this game is bs. you can't block K.O punch but rest doesn't instant break shields. jiggs really needs some buffs

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
I actually had a similar thing happen closer to 1.1.3's release where some guy swapped to Bowser and insisted on spamming Fire Breath and/or U-throw in an attempt to mock me about my (completely fair) overuse (He kept walking into them and/or dying to U-throw combo.) of those moves, even though he basically whiffed everything.

I just don't understand salty dittos, like, if the other person obviously gets the char, then fine, but I find a lot of the time they're trying to prove a point, and the only point they prove is that they suck at Smash.

Infact, linking it back to previous stuff, a lot of people get super salty about WFT and their ability to stand their ground in the range game, but the upside is that generally no-one will ditto them because they just can't play them, so they just resort to generic awful tactics instead. (Reflectors make me laugh so much.
Damn. Hehe. With Bowser, I happened to break shields like nobody's business and some people flat out even LEAVE. I mean, that is strong sure, but that's part of his character. Just like Jigs's rest or Mac's KO Punch. Is kind of funny at times yet not so much for other people. I don't get Bowser dittos for whatever reason though. Seems like when it comes to character like that, they rather not be at a 'disadvantage' if they don't know the characters at times.

Indeed, it shows that they truly suck if they resort to 'cheap' tactics for the sake of being cheap.

Funny you said that. I haven't seen ANY WFT's at all in quite awhile. And the ones I have seen are so-so. Only ONE has been actually good. Goes to show that not that many people know how to play as her/him.



Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2015
Sheffield, UK
Damn. Hehe. With Bowser, I happened to break shields like nobody's business and some people flat out even LEAVE. I mean, that is strong sure, but that's part of his character. Just like Jigs's rest or Mac's KO Punch. Is kind of funny at times yet not so much for other people. I don't get Bowser dittos for whatever reason though. Seems like when it comes to character like that, they rather not be at a 'disadvantage' if they don't know the characters at times.

Indeed, it shows that they truly suck if they resort to 'cheap' tactics for the sake of being cheap.

Funny you said that. I haven't seen ANY WFT's at all in quite awhile. And the ones I have seen are so-so. Only ONE has been actually good. Goes to show that not that many people know how to play as her/him.

It's weird but Shield Breaks in my experience don't seem to make people mad. They only tend to leave if it happens often. -and even then, if you're getting caught by Bowser Bomb that often, you probably should leave. lol

-and yeah, had so many people do cheap crud like counter-pick Sheik or ZSS or playing spammy as Link, but it never works. It's so shamefully pathetic - one guy literally only used Bouncing Fish for a whole game and as expected, got slaughtered. You name it, people have picked it to try and counterpick my Bowser, and never does it really work until they realise the best way to counter Bowser (or any character for that matter) is "git gud".

As for WFT, only ever had 2 accidental WFT dittos before, and I won both. Mostly because the players were awful and didn't actually seem like they knew WFT at all. They're one of those characters who is just really weird for most people to pick up because they go overboard on the whole "specialised in ____" part to a point where nothing else goes well for them. WFT is naturally quite hard to use too, to be fair, considering that they're anti-air/projectile based. It means you have to really bait those poorly spaced jumps.

It just kinda irritates me that a lot of people will drop these "tougher" characters and take the easy way out in FG by choosing characters that you can play like a flowchart efficiently instead of learning the power of mix-ups, good spacing and reads, etc. Either that or they do the complete opposite and play characters that you can't play simply and try to stick to a formula when it doesn't actually work.

Semi-related: Cloud has a projectile. We know. FG scrubs, you can stop overusing it now.

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
It's weird but Shield Breaks in my experience don't seem to make people mad. They only tend to leave if it happens often. -and even then, if you're getting caught by Bowser Bomb that often, you probably should leave. lol

-and yeah, had so many people do cheap crud like counter-pick Sheik or ZSS or playing spammy as Link, but it never works. It's so shamefully pathetic - one guy literally only used Bouncing Fish for a whole game and as expected, got slaughtered. You name it, people have picked it to try and counterpick my Bowser, and never does it really work until they realise the best way to counter Bowser (or any character for that matter) is "git gud".

As for WFT, only ever had 2 accidental WFT dittos before, and I won both. Mostly because the players were awful and didn't actually seem like they knew WFT at all. They're one of those characters who is just really weird for most people to pick up because they go overboard on the whole "specialised in ____" part to a point where nothing else goes well for them. WFT is naturally quite hard to use too, to be fair, considering that they're anti-air/projectile based. It means you have to really bait those poorly spaced jumps.

It just kinda irritates me that a lot of people will drop these "tougher" characters and take the easy way out in FG by choosing characters that you can play like a flowchart efficiently instead of learning the power of mix-ups, good spacing and reads, etc. Either that or they do the complete opposite and play characters that you can't play simply and try to stick to a formula when it doesn't actually work.

Semi-related: Cloud has a projectile. We know. FG scrubs, you can stop overusing it now.
Well, it happens to me, believe it or not. I find it even funnier when the shield breaks and they fall to their doom for being so close to the edge. Can't never get tired of that. Is priceless. I used it only when I'm too close for comfort against the other player. Combo-heavy characters and the sort, their natural reaction is to shield so it leads to that quite often for me, hehe...

No one has tried ditto Bowser against me unlike with any other character. They know better they can't use him alright like the ones that do, hehe.

Oh god. Those. I have trouble dealing with ZSS's the most, no matter what character I use the most. Sometimes I do win, but barely. Is like they take you upwars and proceed to do the Up-B finisher like everyone knows by now. EVERY TIME. At least, I'm getting the hang of it by now. Against Sheiks, ZSS's and Links, particularly these last ones. I had trouble dealing with them because my shield-dodge-roll strategy wasn't mastered as I have now (I'm still trying to use it alright, but I'm getting there...) and if you use it right, these Links are made into chumps.

Or Yoshis. JEEZ. The YOSHIS. Toomanyhitafterhitthatyoucan'tescapethose. :glare:

Yeah. I have to get used to someone like WFT as I am not that familiarized with the matchup because of what I said already with my lack of experience in both use and lack of matches against those. It does seem to be quite the character to get used so I can see why it isn't normally seen online AT ALL. And if they do and 'THINK' they can, they get owned before you can get to say 'damn...!'.

I more than often use characters that aren't that accesible or seen often better than the ones you do see like the 5 Fire Emblem Characters, Shulk, Link, etc. It is so easy to see those and you get adjusted to it it gets tiring after awhile. Try only one tactic like you said is really AWFUL way of thinking because once you figure it out, that's where you pretty much get the win from miles. And it goes like that before the other player drops out, even in mid-match as it happened to me some minutes back (As right now I'm trying onlin...), and it is just, wow...

And about Cloud, yeah, pretty much agree. Although in my case, they're trying to get the 'Limit Break' only to lose it once they get thrown of the stage. And if they do, WITHOUT it, then is pretty much like with Mac's deal... :p

People really need to get familiarized with Cloud before actually using him.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2014
Smithton, Missouri
the sad thing is when you get people that think they're so amazing with ZSS.

and then this happens the next game. you can taste the salt.

Roy of Pharae

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
I guess it's true that Jiggs is a salt mine. A Rosa rage quit after I rested them both stocks


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
People who quit/SD when, you take their stock at an 0% or before 60%.
Like, c'mon. Usually when I'm on the receiving end of dying first when an opponent is at low percent, they taunt.
And most of the time, I make a comeback. As Ryu says :4ryu:: "Give it your all!"


Smash Rookie
Dec 22, 2015
Somewhere in Maryland
What really grind my gears is characters that have a long grab reach like Link, Toon Link, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Pikmin & Olimar, and Lucas. I have no problem to predict my enemy next move. But if the players are really good, it's hard to know what they might think next. Especially if your next to the enemy and you think they will attack but instead grab you while you have the shield on.Expect a grab and many combos.

Roy of Pharae

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
lol it's ridiculous how long tether grabs last. I keep getting grabbed when the dodge animation didn't even finish or get grabbed when I jump above their tether.


Smash Rookie
Dec 15, 2015
Link is a VERY touchy character when it comes to being annoying. Lots I can go over, but I'll keep it as simple as I can.
Good Link players: Utilize bombs to specific advantages, sometimes use boomerangs, rarely use arrows, make use of tether as a weapon and recovery option, takes advantage of Link's Hylian Shield against projectiles.
Casual (For Glory) Link players: Spam arrows and boomerangs, constantly use down air whether in hopes of spiking or not, go for down throw to up smash combos, and basically everything a good Link player wouldn't do.

(Zero Skill) Spamus...need I say more?

"Ness, it takes more than a back throw to win in For Glory." *one match later* "I stand corrected."


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2014
Smithton, Missouri
(Zero Skill) Spamus...need I say more?

"Ness, it takes more than a back throw to win in For Glory." *one match later* "I stand corrected."
oh god, as someone who used to main(and now secondaries) samus, I cringe everytime I see someone doing nothing but roll and fire projectiles with samus. Her RUN is faster and safer than her roll but you can't teach them that even after you win via using nothing but 4 rests.
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