I hate the fact that he is making it easier for noobs to play. Didnt you hate when they talked about Mario Kart and they said "Even the newbs can now beat the veteran players" okay if thats true then what the hell is the point of playing it?! some people play for fun but dear god nintendo, we need some competitive games and smash is the perfect one. Here is my complaints, i dont give a crap about the music, stages or anything but the things are-
1.Advanced Techniques will be easier to pull off. Nintendo dont take out the dash dancing or the SHFFL because those things are even more important than wavedashing.
2. You can jump after an airdodge(is this true?), because if you can do this then it will be pretty hard to capitalize on peoples mistakes, sometimes the only way to hurt someone is when they get back and airdodge and they cant move, thats kinda the point.
3. Sonic can move after his recovery (is that everybody?) because omg this will make the game very unbalanced and basicly the character with the best recovery has a higher chance of wining.
4. It seems like fox's shine doesnt work as well and you can DI out of it. Omg Nintendo give some of us a break.
5.Where the hell is Captain Falcon, people say, whats so great about him? maybe because hes one of the best characters in melee you noob.
6. Wavedashing seems to be taken out (we cant tell because IGN people are noobs at the greatest **** game out there, i played halo 3, trust me it aint that big a deal)
7. Can the footstool jump be used as a spike? imagine someone like kirby or metaknight, all they have to do to kill you is float off and step on top of you, but this hasnt been confirmed yet so i cant complain about it.
8. It seems like he foucised way too much on the smashballs.
9. Adventure mode better not be better than multiplayer because i rather have an awesome online and no adventrue or subspace emmisiary thing.
10. And finally just the fact they lied to us and the game got delayed, oh great what am i suppose to play in christmas now? guess its back to some good old melee.
Yes i have a lot of complaints, most of the complaints are more toward the competitive side of things, but other than that it looks fine i guess. Once we start to find new ways to win the game will become as great as melee, in october 18 we will finally have or hopefully have the answer to most of my questions.