Both highly intelectual people with a far higher understanding of these things are athiest and believers. I personally view as it's sort of a forced stereotype where we automatically assume athiests are more intelligent than believers. Albert Einstein believed in God, Steve Hawking does not. We cannot compare whole belief systems like that, that's what I want to say first of all.
This is what I see back in the society of so-called "spiritual but not religious" people. They also vary deeply with their belief in a Creator God and not. Some say he exists, and I share that belief,
I am by no means a scientist but I've dugged into some basic explanations of sacred geometry. And how it explains how literally everything is connected through a strict universal mathematical code. I believe a lot of quantum physics is also related to this exact knowlegde. And personally, am really troubled that science and religion have separated so much from each other, while originally these where all once studied under the same principles.
I cannot explain it myself, but I've seen with simple explanations of sacred geometry and quantum physics how there's a definiate pattern or better yet, design in which life operates. How it all comes back to a sacred order and mathematical code. There's no way that came to be just random. I see the very fact that we know so little of what life really means that there's not a definitate answer to anything. We are all wondering, and sort of asking the same questions to ourselves anyway.. What does life mean, does it ever really end at all, and how did I get here on Earth. We are not always conscious about it, but hey, that's what the physical world is there for... To distract.
See what I've came to understand, is that all is consciousness. It separates the physical world from the mental, spiritual and emotional world. Where do our thoughts come from? Who is the voice inside that reasonates with you? Why do we have intuition, and why is it more accurate than everything else tangable most of the times? Ever get that gut feeling to not trust a situation? These, I found, are all messages from higher up there. I am not saying The Most High God himself, but he has a lot of workers. It's a voice inside that speaks to all of us. And therefore it's really our consciousness that's all what we 'are' as person, and as our real self. And as soon as we follow that, there's no more illusion of separation.
This elevated consciousness and feeling of oneness is the closest proof of God that I can name. It takes a lot to get there, but you must be willing to let go of everything before. It's a thing that both science, religion and spirituality share, and I know this to be the highest truth in the universe.
There's no separation, there's no me, no you, we All Are, One.