Smash Journeyman
I've had two weird Brawl dreams so far. I vaguely remeber the first, as it was in 2005, when Brawl was announced. The second was just last week, and I have my PC on so I typed it all down, but the file was deleted whe nI was clearing my PC from some junk. I do remeber that I saw the character roster, there was sixty characters. I remeber very few but I know it had Link, Midna (true form), wolf link and Midna, Dante (DMC3..wth?), Raiden, Grey Fox, Ridley, Sora, Riku, Miis, Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia), and Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia). I remeber choosing Lloyd, and setting Kratos to level 9, and totally pwning him with Tenshou Souhazan, then I woke up