meh?! lol everyone's so clueless on this matchup XD
Squirtle will priorirape you in the air, so don't be sloppy, and take advantage of him when he's on the ground. However, his jabs come out really fast and also have pretty good priority. He's like.. Jigglypuff + ground game and situational watergun.
Be careful of Ivysaur's bullet seed and U-air/U-smash. Ivy's really floaty, so he can throw out razor leaves to hit you/prevent you from edgehogging, and the up-B has very deceptive range and speed. Tilts and aerials can be used for spacing/bulletseed setups. Yes, it IS possible for Ivysaur to edgehog people as they're double jumping, during hitstun from razor leaf, etc. >_> I do it more often than would be expected.
Charizard is large, and the fight is kinda like Bowser, except Charizard is much more quicker, mobile, and to an extent, more painful if he lands hits on you (and watch out for a Squirtle switch when you're at 120%- don't get grabbed.). Okay, so it's not really like fighting Bowser. He's about as heavy as Ganondorf.
Sometimes, Pokemon will be sometimes be used to set up damage/placement for kills done by their other Pokemon. Like Charizard can be used to bring you up to 120-130%, get fatigued, and depending on damage, fight until one of you dies or switch to Squirtle to D-throw you to death. Squirtle can be used until death and possibly, depending on how low his damage is, knock you away, switch to Ivysaur and finish you off with one of Ivy's many kill moves (F-air, Dash attack [150%+], U-air, sweetspot up-B, etc). And Ivysaur can do the same and fight/damage until the death or switch to Charizard and try to use weight to survive+KO you.
So quick summary of Pokemon:
Squirtle: Damager/situational KO
- Priorirape in the air- very good aerial control so expect WOP's and other aerial feints that you'd expect from Jigglypuff and Wario.
- Un-stale F-air, D-throw, U-smash (can be done out of 'hydroplane' for an extra slide), and other smashes can kill. F-smash has Super Armor.
- Fatigued Squirtle can juggle pretty well, but seems to lose the most knockback from fatigue.
Ivysaur: "Tank" in that it damage easily and KO's easily (or.. early). Strong in-stage, weak off-stage.
- Bullet seed, tilts, B-air, Razor Leaf can be used for stage control.
- Smart players will try to stay near the center of the map and avoid early gimps.
- U-air, U-smash, F-air, F-smash, ss Up-B are used most for kills. Dash attack can kill at 150%+, from what I hear.
- Ivysaur has a couple of kill moves, but they kill the earlier of all the Pokemon.
Charizard: "Tank" as a heavy character. Out of all the pokemon, Charizard seems to be able to kill the best while still fatigued.
- Don't be sloppy and get caught in Rock Smash. DI up/away from fire breath.
- F-air, D-air, U-smash, D-tilt, D-throw, Up-B, F/D-smash, B-air and sometimes, Rock Smash can be used for kills. That all said, Charizard has many potential killing moves but generally has to take you to a higher damage to do it.
- As the heaviest of all the pokemon, Charizard can sometimes be used as a 'shock trooper' and be used to fight until death.
Like Sonic, PT players will tend to differ on their playstyle and pokemon preferences.
Yeah, I've only fought a few PT's and am only half decent with it myself `.`;