Ooh, I watched the 2003 Kino's Journey pretty recently, within the last month. What are the few quotes from it that you're referring to?
Ah someone who has watched a great anime. There's a good few from Wikiquote.
Three really stick out.
"One of the things I have learned through my travels is to retain my thoughts until I have solid facts." - That's pretty much my view for everything. For people I'm quick to assume easily but that's just being human. I prefer looking and taking time to look at a situation. It's also my outlook on media as well in general.
Kino: It's pretty interesting, isn't it?
Hermes: What is?
Kino: The way that when someone expresses something, someone else always shows up to interpret it. Maybe the world is just a series of such events.
You look throughout history and look and misunderstandings and the consequences and what people lead to do this, do that etc, You look at how people can interpret anything and if it helps them to become something else. In a way of character's Kino it the person who I would want to be. Her life is my interpretation of freedom. That would be an example.
Final one. From the 2017 anime.
Humanity has broken more rules than it can count. We all know the world can be a far, far better place and no matter how many cycles of civilisation it takes or crazy stuff that happens, I do believe that one day the world will only be full of good hearted people and nothing else. If not it will happen or has happened in an alternate timeline.