25. Are you happy with how Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl look so far?
26. Do you watch or play any sports?
27. What's a song that you come back to frequently?
25. I think they look like cute, faithful recreations of Diamond and Pearl. A little too faithful. I dunno, there’s X/Y chibi models and then there’s
this. I really would of liked to see Sinnoh recreated in 3D, instead of being brick by brick remade in a 3D art style. And I think the graphics need to be polished a little too. With that said, it does look fun. I enjoyed the originals, and I’ll enjoy this as well.
But hoo boy, does Legends look incredible...
26. No one in my immediate family is into sports, so I never got into it either. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those smug “heh, sports-ball dumb amiright?” guys, it’s just not my thing.
27. Just about every song I listen to is a song I’ve come back to, on the basis that once I love a song I hold onto it forever. The flying theme from HTTYD is my favorite song of all time. For a recent example, I recently rediscovered this song and I fell back in love