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Q&A Weekly AMA: MooMew64 (REDUX)

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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC


This AMA's subject is one of the woomiest users around, MooMew64!

Now this ain't Moomew64's first AMA here as they were a subject in the past. I'd strongly recommend checking out MooMew64's initial AMA from over a year ago just so we don't get a majority of repeat questions. However a good amount of time has passed and some answers may have changed, so at the same time, I wouldn't completely discourage repeats either.

As always, all site rules are in effect. Please try and limit yourself to one post containing up to three questions until MooMew64 has answered, then you may ask more. And when asking questions, please keep it civil. Have fun! If you're curious about if you're on the list of future AMAs, refer to this post over in the Social thread. If you're not and you'd like to be added, please send me a message. Even if you've been a subject in the past, you're free to go again! We'll try to draw one name for an AMA each week, so stay tuned! And if you wanna check out some of the older AMAs, please refer to this post in the Social Thread

Alright, MooMew64 MooMew64 , you ready?

I'll start:
  1. How did you get into Smash Bros. in the first place?
  2. What would your dream video game look like?
  3. Waffles or Pancakes?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France

1. You must combine two animals to create the perfect pet. Which two animals do you choose?
2. What’s your superhero name?
3. You are tasked with creating an animated series. What’s the plot?

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
1. When, how, and why did you become a Sonic the Hedgehog franchise fan?
2. What kind of character archetype do you think you would have if your life were a sitcom?

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Ah my friend this'll be fun.

1. What five countries would like to visit and why?

2. So going by your user name are you implying that you're a 64 bit Cat/Cow hybrid?

3. Favourite board game?


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
1. How would you rank the Kingdom Hearts games that you've played?
2. Excluding Sonic the Hedgehog, what are your favorite SEGA franchises?
3. If you could recommend one game that you think everyone should give a shot, what would it be?


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around

1. You must combine two animals to create the perfect pet. Which two animals do you choose?
2. What’s your superhero name?
3. You are tasked with creating an animated series. What’s the plot?
1. Cat and Fish, so that I can have a real live Vaporeon.
2. Niko Man, and I look like this:

3. A Splatoon inspired setting where the main forms of life are all aquatic inspired, but it's styled like a wholesome slice of life centered on a group of siblings. Jellyfish, maybe? I feel like making them squids would be a bit too on the nose, lol. It'd be weeb as heck, but as previously stated, in a wholesome way: It'd probably take a bunch of inspiration from shows like Lucky Star and Yuru Camp.

1. When, how, and why did you become a Sonic the Hedgehog franchise fan?
2. What kind of character archetype do you think you would have if your life were a sitcom?

1. Oh gosh, I've loved the blue blur since as long as I could talk, lol. Grew up a Sonic and Mario kid, even made OC recolors.

2. The sleepy one, who is mostly sarcastic, but has the rare moment of sincerity when people need them most.

Ah my friend this'll be fun.

1. What five countries would like to visit and why?

2. So going by your user name are you implying that you're a 64 bit Cat/Cow hybrid?

3. Favourite board game?
1. Five countries? Goodness, I'm not nearly that adventurous, but let's see...

  • Japan, and not just for anime and games. The country is just absolutely gorgeous, and and the culture is extremely fascinating to me from a historical perspective. I also really appreciate the value they still keep on family and respecting elders over there.
  • Sweden, mainly because I just think it'd be nice.
  • Canada because I adore winter, and because it would probably logistically be the easiest to visit someday.
  • Parts of Africa could be interesting, there's often times I find myself fascinated by what I hear Paul Washer talk about on his missionary trips there.
Can't really think of a fifth one, sorry, lol.

2. Ayyyye, someone got my name! Yes, that is pretty close to the exact meaning behind the name! I have an OC that's been rockin' around my brain for years now, I've just have yet to do anything with 'em. That's gonna change very soon, though! As for the 64, that came about because places would somehow already have "MooMew" by itself taken, so I added the 64 'cause I'm a nerd and that's the console SM64 and Majora's Mask are on. xD

Fun fact for everyone, though: Did y'all know the 'M's in my username are there to represent cat ears?

3. Hmm...As a kid, I loved the Game of Life. Nowadays I'm probably a Yahtzee man. I also adore Clue.

1. How would you rank the Kingdom Hearts games that you've played?
2. Excluding Sonic the Hedgehog, what are your favorite SEGA franchises?
3. If you could recommend one game that you think everyone should give a shot, what would it be?
1. Oh ho! Now this is an interesting question. Let's see...

1. Kingdom Hearts 2
2. Kingdom Hearts CoM (PS2 version)
3. Kingdom Hearts 3
4. Kingdom Hearts BBS
5. Kingdom Hearts
6. Kingdom Hearts DDD
7. Kingdom Hearts 358/2
8. Kingdom Hearts Recoded

Haven't played Melody of Memory yet. I might at some point later this year on PC.

2. Yakuza, Shenmue, Puyo Puyo, NiGHTs, Monkey Ball...I enjoy just about nearly everything they make, ha ha. I still need to play a lot of them, though: A lot of my appreciation is from watching my brother, who's a huge Sega fan, play them.

3. OneShot. OneShot, OneShot, OneShot. It has the most wholesome, pure, and moving narrative out of any work of fiction I've played. I legit consider it a work of art.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2019
Switch FC
SW 2794 0568 0108
Do you consider the blue and orange Inklings to be friends, siblings, or lovers?
(you already know what my answer to that question would be)


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
4. Thoughts on Pyra and Mythra?
5. What are your biggest wants for Splatoon 3?
6. Have you read any good books lately?


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Do you consider the blue and orange Inklings to be friends, siblings, or lovers?
(you already know what my answer to that question would be)
I'm pretty much okay with any of those interpretations! As long as it's done wholesome, I'm always a fan of people making cool stuff with Splatoon's characters. :)

4. Thoughts on Pyra and Mythra?
5. What are your biggest wants for Splatoon 3?
6. Have you read any good books lately?
4. I was initially nuetral, but as you've seen me say on other threads, the less sexualized outfits (Mythra's especially) have really helped me come to appreciate them. I'm really excited to try them next month! The music sounds like it'll rock, too.

5. It's hard to say 'cause we've seen so little and the announcement floored me with being so early. My current biggest wish is probably a controversial one: I want battle passes. I want Splatoon to become like games as a service platforms akin to other shooters like Destiny 2 or Fortnite: I definitely wouldn't mind paying annual fees to help keep the lights on and keep cool content in the pipeline. Devs gotta make money, right? Can't really do big crazy updates and upkeep on things like potential servers and QoL features without money coming in to fund them.

6. Hmm...Do comics count? I haven't read novels in a while, lol. I have a decent amount I've left sitting for a few years, though: I think there's a book on speedrunning that was endorsed by GDQ that I really want to read.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
1. Favorite movie(s)?
2. Ever seen any King Kong and Godzilla films?
3. Favorite character(s)?
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Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
1. If you were to design a new breakfast cereal, what would it be, and how would you pitch it?
2. What is the most annoying sort of K.O. in Smash Bros?
3. What sort of facial expression do you use most?


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
1. Favorite movie(s)?
2. Ever seen any King Kong and Godzilla films?
3. Favorite character(s)?
1. Toy Story quadrilogy, Summer Wars, Monster's Inc., the first Spongebob Movie, the Sonic movie, and a good chunk of the MCU and Spiderverse are probably the big ones for me.

2. I think I saw one of the modern ones? Was forever ago now, though. They're fun.

3. In general? Callie, Wario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Niko OneShot, Hat Kid, Isabelle, Link, Luigi, Okabe (Steins;Gate), Kanata (Lucky Star), the entire cast of Yuru Camp, Amy Rose...

Too many to list! I'd be here all day listing my favorites, lol. I think the for sure top three are Callie, Wario, and Niko, though.

1. If you were to design a new breakfast cereal, what would it be, and how would you pitch it?
2. What is the most annoying sort of K.O. in Smash Bros?
3. What sort of facial expression do you use most?
1. Squid-Os, the only cereal that tastes like fish!

2. Literally anything Pikachu, Pichu, or Ness does. Both are my Smash Bros. Achilles' heal, lol.

3. This:

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