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Q&A Weekly AMA: DanganZilla5

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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC


This AMA's subject is one of SB's Azure Knights, DanganZilla5!

As always, all site rules are in effect. Please try and limit yourself to one post containing up to three questions until DanganZilla5 has answered, then you may ask more. And when asking questions, please keep it civil. Have fun! If you're curious about if you're on the list of future AMAs, refer to this post over in the Social thread. If you're not and you'd like to be added, please send me a message. Even if you've been a subject in the past, you're free to go again! We'll try to draw one name for an AMA each week, so stay tuned! And if you wanna check out some of the older AMAs, please refer to this post in the Social Thread

Alright, DanganZilla5 DanganZilla5 , you ready?

I'll start:
  1. What are your overall predictions for the rest of Fighters Pass Vol 2?
  2. Nightmare aside, who's your favorite SoulCalibur character?
  3. Waffles or Pancakes?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France

1-Otters, yes or no?
2-You’re immortal for 24 hours, what do you do?
3-You are tasked with creating an animated series. What’s the plot?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
View attachment 302391

This AMA's subject is one of SB's Azure Knights, DanganZilla5!

As always, all site rules are in effect. Please try and limit yourself to one post containing up to three questions until DanganZilla5 has answered, then you may ask more. And when asking questions, please keep it civil. Have fun! If you're curious about if you're on the list of future AMAs, refer to this post over in the Social thread. If you're not and you'd like to be added, please send me a message. Even if you've been a subject in the past, you're free to go again! We'll try to draw one name for an AMA each week, so stay tuned! And if you wanna check out some of the older AMAs, please refer to this post in the Social Thread

Alright, DanganZilla5 DanganZilla5 , you ready?

I'll start:
  1. What are your overall predictions for the rest of Fighters Pass Vol 2?
  2. Nightmare aside, who's your favorite SoulCalibur character?
  3. Waffles or Pancakes?
1. I will quote myself from the Rate Their Chances thread.

Predictions for the rest of the pass:

Crash - I'm confident we will get at least one more big character and I think an easy prediction is Crash. He's got everything you would want in a Smash candidate. And the fact that the most recent game isn't currently on the Switch isn't a big deal. The N. Sane trilogy and CTR Nitro Fueled are on the Switch. Nintendo recognized Crash as a gaming icon twice and Crash has an audience in Japan. And before anyone cites Activision as an obstacle, I want you to take a look at this article where Activision initiated the exclusive Nintendo content in Skylanders. Plus we got another E3 left and Crash is one of those characters that would be perfect for a reveal there. Simply put, Crash has a lot of things going for him and the arguments against him are honestly weak. And that's what makes him a strong candidate.

Arle Nadja - I think it's safe to say that we won't get 4 big characters in one pass. It could happen, but I'm leaning on CP10 (Or CP9 if they want to switch the characters around so the big one gets revealed at E3 time) being smaller than the other third parties. And what's a franchise that has gained traction in the West and is owned by a company that is close to Nintendo? Puyo Puyo. I keep bringing up how they chose the original Puyo Puyo to be on the Switch online service rather than Kirby's Avalanche or Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and it makes a lot of sense. Sega has been pushing the series and Nintendo has been supportive of it. Puyo Puyo Tetris has really helped introduce western audiences to Puyo Puyo and the series has remained popular in Japan for many years ever since the original came out. And it has a legacy, becoming one of the most popular puzzle series throughout the world. I also think that Arle is Sega's frontrunner. I don't think Kiryu is likely because of there being no plans to make any Yakuza games for the Switch and the "no beating up women" interview. As for Eggman, he is definitely the runner-up. But the reality is that people keep predicting characters who are similar to the previous character and that has not held up for this pass so far. Thus, Arle is one of my predictions.

Rex - He fits perfectly as the "underwhelming, first party, final pick" that a lot of people, including me, are predicting. I also think that he is the most likely character overall. To this day, Nintendo still advertises Xenoblade 2 and as most of you probably already know, Sakurai pointed out both ARMS and Xenoblade 2 as the two games that missed out on the base roster due to poor timing, and one of those are now in. It's clear that with Min Min and Sephiroth, Nintendo has interest in expanding upon series already represented in Smash and Xenoblade 2 still has a lot of missing content. Not to mention Rex is heavily requested in Japan and Xenoblade is an ever-growing series so it makes a lot of sense for Nintendo to give the series another rep. Plus I'm running out of games that we know of that Nintendo could shill, like maybe Sylux for Metroid Prime 4 and a couple other examples. Maybe in the future I could change this spot, but for now Rex stays in it comfortably.

Noms: Excitebiker x30
2. Hard choice. I love most of the cast and a lot of them are very fun to play as. But if I had to choose one, it probably would be Amy as I dig her fighting style and her relationship with Raphael is so sweet.

3. Haven't had either in a long time. Don't really care, but I guess waffles since they are crunchier.


1-Otters, yes or no?
2-You’re immortal for 24 hours, what do you do?
3-You are tasked with creating an animated series. What’s the plot?
1. Sure. Why not. They are cute.

2. Probably skydiving. I would never do it in reality, but if I was immortal heck yeah it would be a great one time experience. And I would probably do some stunts.

3. It would probably be a kaiju show. I used to play with my Godzilla figures and pretend that I was making a show where the monster island kaiju protect their home and the earth from evil monsters and aliens. The series finale would have Destroyah or Keizer Ghidorah bring a bunch of powerful kaiju together to destroy monster island, kill off some of the main kaiju heroes, and kidnap Godzilla's son. This would force Godzilla and his allies to call in Ultraman, King Kong, and Gamera's help to go through a kaiju gauntlet and destroy Destroyah/Ghidorah. I was also thinking about making the kaiju talk. That would be weird at first (Even if it's not the first time that Godzilla and co. talked), but since it's animated it might work. If not, then I will just make a spiritual successor to Godzilla The Series where you have Godzilla and his kaiju and human allies protect Earth from.... well monsters and aliens. I also thought about a Monarch show (the government group in the Monsterverse movies that investigates and contains giant monsters), but a show is already being planned.

I am getting ready to go to bed now so I will respond to more people's questions tomorrow.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
1. What is the saltiest you have ever gotten in Smash?
2. You can have one historical figure eat lunch with you, who do you choose and why?
3. If you could revive any game/tv show/movie franchise, what would it be?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
  1. How would you feel if Cream were a part of SA1's story instead of Amy and Big?
  2. When do you think the next fighter will be revealed?
  3. Have you ever heard of the Pretty Cure series?
1. I actually have not had the chance to try out Sonic Adventure yet. I did saw a review of the game a long time ago but I don't even remember much from that. Plus I don't know anything about Cream.

2. Looking at Amiibo Theory, which has been a consistent pattern so far, I'm predicting a mid March reveal with a late March release.

3. No I haven't. I looked it up just now and I'm not interested in it. Which might be surprising considering that I'm a fan of Puyo Puyo and it has the same general idea of anime girls with magic powers. But I'm mostly a fan of Puyo Puyo for the gameplay and the cursed dialogue.

1. What is the saltiest you have ever gotten in Smash?
2. You can have one historical figure eat lunch with you, who do you choose and why?
3. If you could revive any game/tv show/movie franchise, what would it be?
1. Byleth by far. To be blunt, that reveal ruined my day, ngl, for a multitude of reasons. 1. I don't care about Fire Emblem. 2. Fire Emblem already had a lot of characters. 3. I'm mostly just salty because there are other first party series that I think should get more fighters like Kirby and Xenoblade and some great series like Golden Sun and Rhythm Heaven have zero reps. Min Min helped with this a bit but it's frustrating to see the same two series (You know which ones) get priority at the expense of other fledgling first party series.

At the very least, I can say that I do like playing as Byleth as I like heavyweights and some of the music is great.

2. idk I guess George Washington to see his reaction to the U.S today and to see someone from centuries ago react to the mind blowing technology of today.

3. This is so tricky. For games I'm thinking Vectorman, Banjo, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, Spore, Sly Cooper, Resistance, Infamous, among others. For movies I'm thinking Friday the 13th so that the endless legal battles will end, or Gamera because we are currently living in a kaiju renaissance and Gamera is missing out on it currently. For TV shows, I would pick Godzilla The Series.

If I had to choose just one out of all those, I would pick Gamera as the heisei trilogy is the pinnacle of kaiju films and I would love to see how they would try to match those films with modern technology and new ideas.

  1. If you had to bring back one Toho kajiu for Godzilla's Monsterverse, who would it be?
  2. Favourite Kirby character?
  3. Most wanted fighters for Smash?
1. Biollante. She is my favorite kaiju aside from the big G. Her design is great, she has an interesting origin, and would look sick with today's technology.

2. Boring answer, but I'll just pick Kirby. I've been getting into Kirby recently but I'm still getting acquainted with many of the side characters. Plus Kirby is just so cute, yet so badass as well.

3. You can look at my signature. But for your convenience: Phoenix Wright, Doom Slayer, Monokuma, Agumon, Crash Bandicoot, Kratos, Master Chief, Crypto (Destroy All Humans), Nightmare (Soul Calibur), and Bill Rizer in no order. Though right now I'll say Crash is my most wanted with Phoenix being a close second.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Have you ever played Danganronpa?
Absolutely. It is one of my favorite game series ever. There is nothing like it when it comes to the story, atmosphere and class trials. Ace Attorney comes close but there are some big differences between the two.

As you see, it's where I got the Dangan in my name and monokuma is one of my top most wanted characters.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
In case if there aren't anymore questions, I would like to thank Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku and everyone else that participated in this AMA. It was a pleasure doing this.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
1. What's a game series that you've tried and just couldn't get into?
2. Who are your favorite Soulcalibur characters?
3. Do you prefer Western or Eastern animation?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
1. What's a game series that you've tried and just couldn't get into?
2. Who are your favorite Soulcalibur characters?
3. Do you prefer Western or Eastern animation?
1. Great question. There are several series that I can think of but the big ones are Civilization and Dark Souls. I like Civilization but it's just a lot to take in. I tried watching a general tutorial video of the game (Civ 5) but I just get overwhelmed and it's a lot of micromanagement. I would like to get into the series someday as it is looks incredible when you get into the nitty-gritty but for now I'll pass. For Dark Souls, well I have not actually tried the trilogy, but I did play Bloodborne which has very similar gameplay and I can tell just from this game that I do not like this series. It's way too hard for me. Plain and simple. Some of the bosses are also just incredibly frustrating like I fought this one beast inside a church and when it's halfway dead, it started spawning poison so it was borderline impossible to get close to it without getting poisoned then I would die drinking potions. I just don't have the patience to deal with that kind of ********.

2. Most of the cast lol. Nightmare is badass and very fun to play as, Sophitia and Cassandra are very likable protagonists and are the right blend of simple yet fun to control, Taki is cool, Cervantes is menacing, Amy is super fun to play as and her relationship with Raphael is sweet, Ivy and Tira are interesting gameplay-wise because of their unique weapons, and I could go on and on about the characters and their backstories and personality. They make the characters so charming and memorable.

3. Doesn't matter to me. I like both anime and cartoons and I grew up with a combination of them ike Ed, Edd n Eddy, Dragon Ball Z, Spongebob, Digimon, etc. I focus more on the story and genre of the show rather than the animation itself and I'm generally open to trying out new shows.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
4. How many of your most wanted have made it into Smash?
5. Do you cook? If so, what's your favorite dish to make?
6. What kind of music do you listen to?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
4. How many of your most wanted have made it into Smash?
5. Do you cook? If so, what's your favorite dish to make?
6. What kind of music do you listen to?
4. So far my top most wanted characters that got in are Simon/Richter and Steve. The Belmonts came in at the perfect time during the middle of my Castlevania obsession and Minecraft is one of my favorite games so I was hyped as heck when these characters were announced. I'm hoping to have that same feeling of hype soon.

5. Cooking isn't a hobby of mine or anything. I can make some basic dishes but nothing fancy or anything.

6. I mostly listen to video game and movie music. I think these types of music are underrated but there are so many franchises in both medias that have great music. For example, recently with chores I have been listening to SNK music and Godzilla music. I think the reason why I listen to this kind of music is that it allows me to daydream easier as I like to imagine scenes from the games or movies in my mind. And the music is just kickass in general. Songs like One-Winged Angel and Soy Sauce for Geese are just easy for me to listen to on loop.

For general irl music, I mostly listen to rock and heavy metal.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
7. Read any good books lately?
8. If you could choose to live in any fictional universe, where would you go?
9. What are some of your favorite indie games?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
7. Read any good books lately?
8. If you could choose to live in any fictional universe, where would you go?
9. What are some of your favorite indie games?
7. Not much. I'm not much of a reader these days but I have been reading through the book that came with the Gamera Complete Collection by Arrow Video that features a description for the production of each Gamera movie and an interview. I also have a book that is a compilation of Lovercraft's stories but I have yet to actually give it a read because when it comes to my free time, I mostly think, what should I watch or play?

2. X Files. I would totally want to work with Mulder and Scully. When I was younger I imagined having a job as a full time paranormal investigator (In which case, those jobs unfortunately do not exist) as I am intrigued by the paranormal.

3. My favorite one is Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. It's such a stupid, yet fun and deceptively strategic game. There are a lot of units to mess around with and I have followed the game since pre-alpha. I've spent hours making up all kinds of wacky and epic battles and the unit and campaign creator has opened up the game so much. Other indie games I really enjoy are Death Road to Canada, Binding of Isaac, Limbo, and I am trying to get into Cave Story.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
10. What countries would you like to visit someday?
11. What's your favorite dessert?
12. How many gaming consoles do you own?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
1. Do you like riddles and proverbs?
2. Do you believe in tier lists?
3. If there were a war between tea and coffee, what side would you be on, and why?
1. I do. Especially proverbs that make me think about different aspects of life from alternative viewpoints. I also have an add-on in Chrome that when I press on it, it gives me a random quote. Some of it is motivational, some of them are thought-provoking.

2. I believe in the purpose of them and I keep them in mind, but they personally don't affect me much. I'm not much of a competitive person (I mostly play single players games) so I just choose whatever character I feel like playing.

3. Neither. I don't drink tea or coffee so I would not have a horse in this race. For the record, I consume either cereal, bagels with cream cheese, Wawa's breakfast sandwiches, and hash browns to get me up and running in the morning.

10. What countries would you like to visit someday?
11. What's your favorite dessert?
12. How many gaming consoles do you own?
10. Mostly Japan as they have a lot of unique merchandise and I'm interested in learning Japanese one day.

11. Ice Cream. What kind of ice cream? everything. But if I had to choose my absolute favorite, cookies n cream.

12. Oh boy this is where I flex. For consoles specifically, I have a PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Wii, and Switch. For handheld systems, I have a GBA and 2DS XL. I also have my old 3DS which I don't use anymore as I absolutely destroyed the circle pad thanks to Smash. I also have the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis,, PS1, and Commodore 64 mini consoles.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
13. What's your favorite season?
14. How often do you play Smash Bros nowadays?
15. Have you ever rode on a rollercoaster?
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