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vs Zelda

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN
Hi there Ike users! I main with Kirby and MetaKnight, but I'm a pretty fierce Ike user too. I don't know if you guys have trouble with Zelda or if it is just me, but I have played a few good zeldas and used a stratagy that has been working quite well.

As you may or may not know, as quoted from the Zelda quide, she owns slow characters without projectiles...unfortunatly, Ike is in that rare category. Zelda can be nearly impossible to approach, especailly if she camps. Here's what I do.

Dodge a dens fire or two and right as the last one ends start up an quickdraw, time it right and fly past the dens fire. Here comes the tricky part, don't charge it for too long because you will jsut ram into her and she will punish you for your lagg. Usually you can land right within range of her to whip out a quick forward tilt or a jab combo. If she takes to the sky to run you can catch her with aeather. (or however it is spelled:laugh:) You have to use mindgames though, else she will rpedict your quick draw and try and land the dens fire on you, my oppent hasnt managed to do this to me, so idk what the priority matchup does, id imagine Ike would get tossed back though.

basically I found it easy to fight her when the distance was kept to a minimum, useing quickdraw to chase her rather than hit her.

Other stratagys?

What I have trouble with is recovery. If she manages to knock me off, I can't charge quickdraw for long to recover, without getting juggled by her fire. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
I find air dodge a din's fire, then time it right while utilizing the max range of the dash attack, so she cant defend. Then in the air I try to juggle her, because her d-air is really hard to sweetspot, so I try to outprioritize her w/ my aerials while staying under her.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2007
Her aerial attacks don't have great priority, besides the foot. As long as you're weary with your sword and don't let her camp with din's fire, I don't see her being terrible. She's also easy to edgeguard with eruption.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
How to Play:

Don't recover with Quickdraw unless it's necessary. Float back (save your 2nd jump) and airdodge Din's Fires...then use your second jump, then Aether. She can Din's Fire you out of Aether though....so it's kind of a lose/lose situation. Quickdraw and Aether is going to put you at risk..you're better off with Aether though IMO because you'll be charging QD from the top most likely and ..if you get hit with a Din's Fire guess what..you die at relatively early percent compared to getting hit with Din's Fire from the peak of Aether (which should be on par with the stage) so it's just like getting hit with a DF from the stage (no big deal compared to getting hit at the top of the screen)


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Short hopping an air dodge or just slide spot dodging your lead ins to your punch combos to close distance is pretty helpful. Din's fire leaves her way more open than people think if you keep sort of a semi-close distance to her (close enough for quick draw to get in her face). Don't shorthop too many aerials towards her as you'll get hyphen smashed so try to get her to lead into something at semi close range then punish her. As mentioned try to keep away from quick draw as a recovery, being low around the stage on recovery screws her a ton and if they get overzealous FW is easy as hell to scout and edgehog if theyre aiming for the ledge. if you see her trying to get away from something with farore's wind stick out an attack anyway as it takes a while for the windup to actually send her somewhere. The more you force her in the air or off the stage the worse off she is really, keep an eye out for retaliatory kicks if you dont knock her too far though.
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