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Vs Metaknight


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
So I was fighting a friend earlier today, he uses Metaknight who I dont usually have too much trouble against until my friend starts only using the tornado and Down Smash, I start to try an figure out a way around it but my friend just has a million ways to pull it off, he'll dash at me and I'll get prepared with some kind of counter attack, and he runs right up next to me, uses a neutral shield dodge (w/e it's called) and then uses Down A, constantly he spams this and his tornado.

I'm not saying I didnt manage to hit him or do any kind of damage, but I lost almost every time because I could not get around this constant barrage of tornadoes and down smashes. Most of the time I had to get lucky to win, like him going off too far with a tornado or something and falling to his death.

And I have the most trouble right after KOing him, he immediately charges at me (not to say this isnt a general strategy or something obviously you want to attack your opponent =\) but Metaknight can't usually just approach Olimar and get away with it, which is why he uses his invincibility frames to come get me I got away some times but when I didn't it was deadly considering Olimars light weight and MetaKnights speed.

I'll do my best to avoid his air attacks, which are noticeably faster and have a longer range than Olimars, usually I'll just let him come get me and use a Neutral A, which usually works because it takes priority over most of MetaKnights aerials. But I have an incredibly hard time fighting him so do any of you think you can offer me advice? for some reason I dont even care if I win, I just want to have a better chance against this annoying menace.

Although I have noticed Olimar, and probably most characters, can cancel the tornado by jumping above it and using a Down Smash into the center...this is probably a lot harder then it sounds though >_> anyway give me any tips you have against MetaKnight, and thanks for the advice. Also I will have to admit this is one of my first times fighting this friend, 1v1 at least, and after a while I usually have a better idea of people strategies, so maybe I just need to fight him more and figure out a weakness, who knows =\

Edit: lol sorry about the wall of text, I tend to just get lost in thought and type away. But I broke it up into paragraphs so it's easier to read.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Pivot grab against him. Tornado can be grabbed out of, and you can hit him with up b through the tornado too. And if you're above him and he tornadoes, d-air or n-air since there's no hitbox above him.

I wish metaknights that I play against would spam the tornado, it'd make them much easier to beat than the ones that just chase me off the stage and gimp me at 20%


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, while we're on the topic is Olimar good against Metaknight?

I know Metaknight has the potential for super massive gimps, but Olimar can rack up damage against him and kill him quickly in no time flat. Especially on a platform stage.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
I dident really think MK was that hard for olimar untill i played a good one, MK ***** olimar. He can constantly stay in the air and attack, and his smashes outrange olimar (or come close). I have a much easyer time fighting marth. Against metaknight id suggest shield grabbing as much as possible, but its hard because you dont have a big window to do it.

I would think if you spammed fmash he wouldent be able to approach you to do his downsmash. If he uses the tornado roll away or shield+grab. You can also whistle cancel his downsmash.
when he dashes at you roll back (away from him) and fsmash. Also you might want to try out olimars downtilt... really once your opponent becomes predictable you shouldent have much trouble, just get olimar and go into training and explore all the possiblities to counter what he's doing.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
From my experience with meta knight players at the tournament level... a lot of them tend to spam up-b -> glide attack -> d-smash or tornado or side step and d-smash. a way to counter that is through aiming and timing the the u-smash during his glide phase of up-b. it's a 50/50 hit or miss situation from what i can see.

meta knight will abuse up-b with no shame weather if it's to recover or even kill you at the edge. either dodge it correctly or super armor it.

Kashakunaki, I say Olimar vs meta knight is more in favor of meta knight, but really really hard for Olimar pending the skill of the player. you may get the upper hand if the meta knight player screws up.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
nevershootme, I actually have been able to hit him with an usmash during his glide, usually because of the range of Olimars Usmash but yeah it can be hard to do if you don't time it right. I can't count the number of times he's managed to KO me simply by hitting me with Up B =\ it truly is one of the most annoying moves in MetaKnights arsenal, whenever he fails to GIMP me or edge guard, he will fly under me while on the edge and use Up B, it usually hits me after I get back on to the stage, but the thing goes through the side of the stage for some odd reason so it curves down and comes swooping up to hit me from under the stage.

DarkStraw is right MK can keep Olimar in the air for a long time, but like I said Olimars Neutral Air takes priority over most of MetaKnights aerials, so if he doesn't come up to pierce you with an Up B you probably have a good chance of just twirling around and knocking him away, lol it's like a mini tornado. I guess Speed does have some advantage over Olimar, but considering the range of his attacks it really doesn't matter how fast your opponent is if they cant come near you, which is probably why Olimar hates Star Fox&Clones(Friends) because of their guns but MetaKnight has no projectiles, but killer air combos. Anyway just keep discussing :o


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
From my experience with meta knight players at the tournament level... a lot of them tend to spam up-b -> glide attack -> d-smash or tornado or side step and d-smash. a way to counter that is through aiming and timing the the u-smash during his glide phase of up-b. it's a 50/50 hit or miss situation from what i can see.

meta knight will abuse up-b with no shame weather if it's to recover or even kill you at the edge. either dodge it correctly or super armor it.

Kashakunaki, I say Olimar vs meta knight is more in favor of meta knight, but really really hard for Olimar pending the skill of the player. you may get the upper hand if the meta knight player screws up.
It makes me think it is a game of patience, as it is with my other character Wolf. Make Metaknight come to you. Throw a couple Pikmin so he comes after you, and be patient. Don't rush for the grabs or you'll get hit, some down tilts, lots of Uairs, and an Up Smash out of shield to finish the job.

I'll get some good Metaknight vs. Olimar practice today and let you know what I think.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2008
Laurel, Md
When i play mk i try to keep my distance as much as possible. Spam the F-B and the grab them when they get close. There is really no reason to go in the air cause you will get *****. But when he does try to close the distance with his dash to grab usualy just Dsmash. That works for me, if any one has a super good method please share.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, it is official, Metaknight ***** Olimar. However, if you play the match carefully not so much.

I found platforms very useful for Uairs which rack up VERY NECESSARY damage. Also, I'd recommend doing an Up Throw instead of the usual Down Throw at anything past, oh, 20%.

You need to stay defensive. I can't express that enough. Go for damage not combos or consecutive hits. Just hit him once or twice and get out of there. Metaknight can keep the pressure on you a lot easier than you can on him. Also, be sure to pick a stage with a low ceiling and far walls.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
MK players love to spam up+b, but once youve seen it so many times you can get good at punishing it. Its hard not to get hit by it once or twice though. I was thinking of trying to up+b his glide but i havent tried it yet.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
There really isn't much need to hit his Glide with the Pikmin Rope since well it's a glide, which means he is coming down not just flying willy-nilly through the air, an Usmash will usually do the trick if you time it right, but using the Pikmin Rope on the ground, or anywhere for that matter, will just leave you open for the glide if you miss. Not saying it isn't useful though


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
I read most of your post, but the wall of unparagraphed text hurt my eyes, so I retreated to posting without finishing. It seems to me that your probably just inexperienced with facing off against (good) Metaknight players, I had the same problem. For the most part, you want to avoid going into the air, just too dangerous.

On the ground, Metaknight tends to drill or use his Mach Tornado, both are easy to get around. It may not seem like it, but Mach Tornado can actually be grabbed; from there, he's all yours. With the drill, I've found blocking the entire drill, and right after the last hit, using Down-Smash, works best. Metaknight is light, so you can K.O. him really easily.

From a distance, Pikmin spam, any way Metaknight tries to get him off leaves him open to a counter attack of some kind. Tornado/Grab it, drill, block -> Down-Smash, neutral A/grab, forward tilt/grab, neutral air/grab... starting to see the pattern? Almost any of his attacks can be grabbed right after.

In the air, there isn't a whole lot you can do. I've tried spacing myself by DI'ing out of an attack and using the Pikmin Rope, but it's just too hard to be really reliable. You may just want to neutral air, drop to the ground, up tilt, and follow into Up-Smash. Not many can see it coming, let alone escape that combo.

I hope this has been atleast a little help to you, if it's not pass that sucker to me and let me kill him. xD


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Yeah, if I ever do find myself stuck in the air against MetaKnight I just use Nair and get back down as fast as I can. There is the possibility of using the Pikmin rope to DI away from attacks, but think about it, you cant move afterwards, completely vulnerable to an Aerial, so it would probably be better to just use Nair to get back down rather then saving yourself from one attack with the boost from the rope. And, well your right I haven't fought many [good] MetaKnights so I don't have that much experience with them.

Grabbing him out of the Tornado or Drill shouldn't be a problem with a shield grab, unless they DI the Drill away or bring up the Tornado but then I guess you wouldn't have to worry about being hit anyway =\ Anyway yeah everything is helpful, thought I think this has turned more into a discussion of MetaKnight strategy then helping fix my problem, lol.
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