Nice! I like your specials are attacks that can only be used by Red. It's an outlook on his moveset I don't see a lot, and it makes him feel more like his character from the game. Also, great job on the custom specials! I've never seen a moveset for Red, or anyone, really, with those. And, I like the call-outs to Drill Spring and Spike Guts. Finally, I like his palette swaps. I wouldn't have chosen any other colors.
Oh, and when did you make/update this, it's oddly up to speed, ya know, with the 8 palette swaps that were just confirmed today

Why, thank you, good sir! You can probably tell that I'm a huge fan of The Wonderful 101, so I thought I'd put some time and effort into making his moveset as refined and polished as it could be. It's obviously not perfect, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out!
I started it a brief while ago but only really finished it last week. This was after the "eight palette swaps" suggestion was mentioned in the leaks, so I looked into the amount of heroes there are in the game. Sure enough, there's Wonder Red and six other heroes, and I figured Vorkken deserves an honourable mention as the recurring rival to the heroic gang. His essential build and skills are exactly the same as Red, so I think he'd fit in nicely as an alternate costume!
I can't really take all the credit for the moves, either. The specials were all inspired by the various skills you can equip in the game, whereas the normal moves were delineated from conversations between my brother and I. It was pretty tricky to get all of the spaces filled, so we had to get creative in some respects - I hope we did the game proud, because there's just so much there that needs to be mentioned!
Oh, and incidentally, my brother did suggest an alternative gimmick for Red: rather than charging up his moves as I've suggested, he'd instead start off with a counter above his damage meter that represents the amount of allies he has. It naturally has 100, but taking damage will knock off as many as the percentage dealt with the attacks received. The more allies he has in his counter, the stronger his attacks are, and conversely, he gets weaker as he takes damage. As in the game, standing still and waiting a few seconds will replenish his stock and restore his moves to their natural strength. It's a wee bit more complicated than what I went for, but I really like the idea - I just wanted to write up my own ideas first and see how it'd work out! There's a lot of potential for Red, of course, and it's nice to know that there's so much interest and variety in just what he could theoretically do in Smash! ^_^