Neutral Specials:
Custom 1-Unite Hand-Wonder-Red swings Unite Hand, and he can follow it up Unite Hand’s combo from The Wonderful 101 by pressing B again for the next strike, and so on. This move can be charged at the beginning by holding B, causing Unite Hand to be bigger for the duration of the combo and increasing its damage. Charging Unite Hand to the max causes it to catch fire and deal extra damage.
Custom 2-Unite Sword-Wonder-Red attacks with Unite Sword’s combo from The Wonderful 101. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. Its basic functions are identical to Unite Hand, but it has a longer range and reduced damage. However, if it is charged to the max, it becomes electrified and causes large amounts of hitstun.
Custom 3-Unite Bowgun-Wonder-Red pulls out Unite Bowgun and fires it. It can be charged by holding B to increase its size, and thus it’s Area of Effect, and damage. This move has an Area of Effect, and explodes on contact with a character or wall. It’s catch is that, while it isn’t terribly powerful (Unlike in The Wonderful 101, *cough*Unite Immorta*cough*), it reverses the controls of anybody hit for a few seconds, making it an effective KO move If you can get them far enough off the stage, and it has an Area of Effect, so it can hit multiple people at once and your aim doesn’t have to be perfect. Anybody under the influence if Unite Bowgun’s reversed controls flashes with a pink overlay and is surrounded by hearts.
Side Specials:
Custom 1-Unify Boomerang-Wonder-Red pulls out Unify Boomerang. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. After you release B, Wonder-Red throws it, and it goes out some distance based on its charge (Larger Boomerangs go farther), and then comes back toward Wonder-Red for him to catch. You can slightly angle this move. If it hits anybody, it hits them many, many times with weak strikes, and then hits them with a strike with a somewhat small amount of knockback. Unify Boomerang then dissipates.
Custom 2-Unite Goggles-Wonder-Red pulls on Unite Goggles. This move can be charged by holding B, increasing its size and damage. After releasing B, Wonder-Red fires twin, white-hot laser beams. These penetrate enemies, but not walls. Enemies take no knockback, but are hit multiple times by weak strikes damage, meaning this move is rather effective at racking up damage.
Custom 3-Unite Drill-Wonder-Red equips Unite Drill. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. After releasing B, Wonder-Red uses Unite Drill’s Wonderful Stinger (The distance covered is based on charge; larger Unite Drills cover more distance). If he hits an opponent, they are then trapped in Unite Drill, and you can mash B to strike them many times with weak hits, until Unite Drill dissipates (This takes several seconds). You can halt the assault by ceasing to mash B. The final hit, regardless how it is reached, whether by force or by choice, deals somewhat moderate knockback, which is then followed by a fair amount of end-lag. Missing with this move results in large end lag, so aim carefully.
Up Specials:
Custom 1-Unite Whip-Wonder-Red pulls out Unite Whip. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. Unite Whip, by default, whips forward and can be angled somewhat. However, when off-stage, it functions as a tether recovery, and automatically seeks out ledges. Unite Whip is also a command grab, as anybody hit with it is dealt a fair bit of damage, and picked up. You must then input a direction, and Wonder-Red will toss the character in that direction. If no input is put in, Wonder-Red will automatically throw them forward. These would not be Wonder-Red’s normal throws. Unite Whip, unlike most command grabs, does not grab through shields, instead opting for high amounts of shield damage.
Custom 2-Unite Gun-Wonder-Red pulls out Unite Gun and loads himself inside it. You can charge this move by pressing B, changing its size and shape. Stage 1 is Unite Gun (Pistol), Stage 2 is Unite Gun (Super Scope), Stage 3 is Unite Launcher, and Stage 4 is Unite Cannon. You can angle the direction in which you fire yourself, and you cover more distance on higher charges. While charging, your fall-speed is drastically reduced. When you fire yourself, you are surrounded in a green Unite Energy bullet, though you can still be hit out of it. Because of this move’s unique properties, you cannot be reflected. After a certain distance (The distance is longer for higher charges), the bullet dissipates and you go into helpless. Higher charges, of course, do higher damage, and Stage 3 and 4 have unique properties. Unite Launcher fires multiple bullets, and you are only inside one. These bullets still do only small damage (2%-3%), but if one hits, then all others redirect and hit as well, dealing fair damage, but little knockback. Unite Cannon covers the most distance, but upon contact with a wall or character, it explodes, dealing high damage and knockback to the opponent. The explosion is Area of Effect and thus can hit multiple people. However, when using Unite Cannon, if it connects, Wonder-Red takes 10% recoil damage and small set knockback.
Custom 3-Unite Claw-Wonder-Red equips Unite Claw. You can charge this move by pressing B, increasing its size. Wonder-Red will pull out Unite Claw, there will be a short buffer period (about as long as Mewtwo’s Teleport), and then Wonder-Red will shoot off in the direction you inputted. When flying, Wonder-Red will scratch with Unite Claw, leaving an icy blue trail. After a certain distance, Wonder-Red stops and goes into helpless. If he comes into contact with an opponent, he stops and delivers and swipes at them with Unite Claw. If you mash B, Wonder-Red will follow it up with a lengthy combo (but only 1%-2% per strike), and enemies caught will be paralyzed. The final strike does extra damage and freezes the enemy solid, sending them spinning upward. Wonder-Red then goes into helpless. Charge does not increase distance covered with this move.
Down Specials:
Custom 1-Unite Bomb-Wonder-Red pulls out Unite Bomb. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. After you have charged it, Wonder-Red tosses it down in front of him. It explodes on contact with the ground, and generates a large Area of Effect. This AoE takes the form of a large sphere. Anybody, save for Wonder-Red, caught inside takes a fair amount of damage, but no knockback. Instead, all hitboxes are removed from the character and time is slowed down drastically for them. Wonder-Red can then follow up with a combo while time is slowed down for them. The size of the AoE and the length that time is slowed down for the enemy increases with charge. Characters afflicted with the time-slow effect have a purple aura around them.
Custom 2-Unify Naginata-Wonder-Red brings out Unify Naginata. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. After you release B, Wonder-Red spins Unify Naginata in front of him. You can make him spin it longer by mashing B. You cannot move while spinning Unify Naginata, and anybody who touches it takes a small amount of damage, but no knockback. Unify Naginata reflects all projectiles that come into contact it, so it is largely defensive. However, because you can hold the spin, timing is not completely necessary. But, character can run through Unify Naginata, at the cost of only a little damage, and knock you out of it. Unify Naginata also only covers your front side, and since you can’t move, you are vulnerable everywhere else. You may stop the spin by ceasing to mash B, and after several seconds Unify Naginata dissipates.
Custom 3-Unite Hammer-Wonder-Red equips Unite Hammer. You can charge this move by holding B, increasing its size and damage. After releasing B, Wonder-Red puts the hammer above his head and brings it down in front of him. The time it takes to actually swing increases with charge. Anybody hit with Unite Hammer takes high damage and lots of knockback. On higher charges, it meteor smashes airborne opponents and buries grounded one, allowing Wonder-Red to follow up with a combo. Also on higher charges, a shockwave with moderate range and weak damage and knockback is generated. When used in midair, Wonder-Red swings Unite Hammer straight down and rockets downward until he hits the ground. Because Unite Hammer takes so long to actually swing, especially on higher charges, and its range is also somewhat limited, precise timing is absolutely necessary to land a hit. But, it’s more than worth it when you do.
Final Smash-Unlimited Form-Wonder-Red engages Unlimited Form. In this state, all Unite Morphs are faster and are instantly at an extremely high power, far more than normally possible. He cannot go into helpless, and runs faster, and has an unlimited amount of midair jumps. Normal attacks are also far stronger and faster. Wonder-Red can’t take knockback in this form, but he does take damage. Certain Unite Morphs are also incredibly overpowered, such as Unite Bomb’s AoE being much larger than normal, Unify Boomerang seeking people out, and Unite Bowgun’s AoE being much larger and the reverse-control effect lasting much longer than normal. This transformation lasts about 20 seconds.