Yeah, I may be underplaying her importance slightly, but if we're talking in terms of speaking parts she's more on the scale of Magnus than she is on the scale of Viridi or Hades.Well, Medusa is only in the first part of the game, but her arc is the longest. In comparison, Hades, as fun as he is, doesn't really felt like a threat until the very last chapters. You fight against Viridi, Palutena, the Aurum (teaming up with the Underworld army at that moment) and other things, but you really oppose Hades at the very end only.
It may be a short scene, but Medusa's surprise return to fight Hades is, to me, a sign of her importance to the serie and to the heroes.
I agree on Hades completely. He'd work great as a story mode boss. And hell yes for Viridi vs Chrom, that'd be fun to see. Maybe she's part of his classic mode, heh.How about Hades?... nah, actually I prefer him as a boss. As long we get some of his trollness in the game.
As for Medusa vs. Viridi. It comes in a battle of relevance and public appeal. Maybe I would prefer Viridi by a little, because maybe Chrom wants a more "physical" revenge.
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