Smash Lord
Hookshot Frenzy: An introduction to the ways of the Hookshot
....A Young Link Hookshot Guide....
SmashMac's Version 1.0 Hookshot Guide
Inspiration - Young Link and the greatest games of all time (The Zelda series)
Guide Maker - SmashMac
Instant Suicide Glitch discoverer - RebellionASG
For a visual of this guide, visit this link:
Hookshot Frenzy: A visual guide on the ways of Young Link's Hookshot by SmashMac
My Personal Comments - If anything is taken from this guide, please give the credit where it is due. I don't mind if information from this guide is taken, but I do want credit for everything that I have personally written/discovered (not in little cases such as when somebody is talking about it, but in big cases when someone is adding it to their own guide or source of character information).
Zelda Hookshot - The hookshot is one of Young Link's many items. However, out of all of his items, the hookshot has proven since the beginning to be one of the most vital. Being introduced throughout every station Zelda game throughout the years, the hookshot has been with Young Link since the beginning.
SSBM Hookshot - In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the hookshot is used as a way of grabbing your opponent. It can also be used as a significant way of recovery. If used correctly, it can even be a mindgame way of tricking your opponent (who is recovering) to get hit by it and fall to his death while you grab the edge.
|||||Hookshot Statistics:|||||
-These statistics that follow begin at the start of the animation of the hookshot and end at the termination of the hookshot
Note: 1 frame is equivalent to 1/60th of a second. There are 60 frames per second.
1 Frame = 1/60th of a second
2 Frames = 1/30th of a second
3 Frames = 1/20th of a second
4 Frames = 1/15th of a second
5 Frames = 1/12th of a second
6 Frames = 1/10th of a second
10 Frames = 1/6th of a second
12 Frames = 1/5th of a second
15 Frames = 1/4th of a second
20 Frames = 1/3rd of a second
30 Frames = 1/2 of a second
Hookshot Type and Duration:
Ground - 84 Frames (1 2/5 seconds)
Aerial - 59 Frames (59/60ths of a second)
Ground Hookshot (detail):
Frame 1 - Young Link begins to take out the hookshot
Frame 7 - The hookshot is visible
Frame 10 - The Hitbox appears at the grip of the hookshot and a hitbox
also appears at the tip of the hookshot's grapple (the part that attaches to the stage)
Frame 11 - The Hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple expands
Frame 12 - The Hitbox at the grip of the hookshot's grapple expands
Frame 13 - The Hitbox at the grip of the hookshot leaves, but the hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple expands
Frame 14 - The Hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple leaves and it is no longer possible to grab your opponent
Frame 16 - The hookshot's grapple begins to fall
Frame 23 - The grapple hits the floor
Frame 50 - The grapple begins to shorten
Frame 60 - The grapple leaves the floor
Frame 78 - Young Link puts the hookshot back in his Satchel
Frame 79 - The hookshot is gone
Aerial Hookshot (detail):
Frame 1 - Young Link begins to take out the hookshot
Frame 5 - The hookshot is visible
Frame 10 - The Hitbox is attached to the grip of the hookshot and the tip of the hookshot's grapple
Frame 11 - The Hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple expands by twice as much
Frame 15 - The Hitbox leaves the hookshot and it is no longer possible to attack your opponent
(at Frame 15 the grapple is at it's fullest length)
From Frame 10 - Frame 15 - It is possible to grapple or cling the stage for recovery
Frame 40 - The hookshot's grapple length begins to shorten
Frame 56 - Young Link puts the hookshot back in his satchel
Frame 58 - The hookshot is gone
---Weild the hookshot:---
There are several ways of bringing the hookshot out for each situation.
These are the ways that follow:
1.) Holding R/L on the Ground to Sheild, and then Pressing A to bring out the hookshot.
2.) While on the ground, press Z to bring out the hookshot instantly.
3.) After air-dodging, press A to bring out the hookshot in the air.
4.) While in the air, press Z to automatically perform the aerial hookshot.
Basic/Intentional uses for the Hookshot:
Grabbing - One of the intentional uses for the hookshot is to grab your opponent.
Grapple the stage - Another intentional use for the hookshot is to grapple the stage. This can be used as an alternative for recovery.
Side-use: The hookshot can also be used as an attack. Even though there are many alternatives for attacking, while you hookshot the stage, if the opponent is in the way of your hookshot and is not invinsible, he/she can be hit and temporarily stunned from the hookshot.
....::::Hookshot Trix::::....
The hookshot mindgame
How to do - While on the edge, air-dodge backwards and then extend your hookshot to grapple the sweetspot of the stage again to assure safety. This should make the opponent think you messed up on something while the only thing you were intentionally trying to do was make your opponent do something he wouldn't do.
Hookshot Freezing
How to do - While on the edge, if you're edge_guarding your opponent and they look like they're gonna make it back to the stage regardless, air-dodge downwards and hookshot them so that they're stunned and then recover on the edge. This has proven to be useful to me personally because it's usually a last-resort type of edge-guard that I pull of on opponents that think they have their recovery in the bag so it catches them off guard.
Bomb-cancelling hookshot
How to do - While on the stage, pull out a bomb and then short-hop, bomb-release, hookshot. After this, fastfall into your bomb for cancellation of the hookshot's lag. Even though you take damage, it still cancels out your hookshot's lag.
Hookshot fast-falled sweetspot
How to do - When you're above the edge of the stage, air-dodge, fastfall and sweetspot the edge with the hookshot. While you're still falling down, right when you hit the edge with the grapple of the hookshot, press A to Sweetspot the edge. Depending on your momentum and how fast you're falling, the stage can be grappled in different places to sweet-spot the edge. This is good when you're above the stage but have an opponent trying to attack you when recovering. The air-dodge will dodge the attack (For ex., a Marth forward-smash 'f-smash') and then the fastfall to hookshot will guarantee recovery.
Hookshot edge-jump
How to do - When you're on the edge, air-dodge backwards and then extend your hookshot to grapple the stage. Then, tap A and Young Link should be aerial with jump type of animation. Move backwards and forwards to float around and when you choose to, grab the edge.
Hookshot sweet-spot death
How to do - Sweetspot the edge of the stage with the grapple of the hookshot and just wait for the hanging animation of the move. When you're about to start hanging, Young Link should plumb downwards and begin to fall to his death. No uses at all.
Hookshot Madness (Glitches in detail):
NOTE: These glitches will only work on Version 1.0 and 1.1 game discs, since it includes the hookshot super jump glitch.
Initial Hookshot Super Jump glitch
Name - Young Link's Super Jump
Where this works: Any level with a ledge (all of them)
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the stage and you're connected to it in the hanging animation.
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) You will be sent flying so high in the air that you won't be able to see Young Link.
Step 8.) After all of this is done, you can do any thing while aerial.
Uses: This is very good if you find yourself in a situation that you need to spam. You can drop bombs, shoot arrows and a bunch of other things to be safe while spamming your opponent.
Instant Suicide Glitch (Originally prompted and discovered by RebellionASG):
Name - Young Link's Super Wavedash
Where this works: This glitch inparticular will only work on Yoshi's Island (Pipes level)
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the sweetspot of the edge (the very tip of the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his
other hand)
P.S. - It looks really weird and you should probably be saying something like "WTF is that o.o?!"
Step 8.) After all of this is done, press either X/Y to see Young Link slide from one side of Yoshi's Island to the other for instant death
Uses: The primary use for this is to in all honesty, be able to prove that Young Link is broken and has a super wavedash of his own. However, for us creative players out there, there are certain sweetspots of the edge that don't allow you to die at all after performing the Super Wavedash, but they still take you very far. You could perform this and mix it up with things like taunting, attacking, or just appearing on the other side of the stage.
Explained: After pressing X/Y or Up+B from grabbing the boomerang, the momentum of the hookshot super jump is still attached to Young Link. When you press X/Y for the second time, the momentum starts and your character slides from one side of the stage.
Expanded ledge-jump (A different version of the Instant Suicide Glitch discovered by SmashMac):
Name - Expanded ledge-jump
Where this works: This glitch inparticular will only work on Yoshi's Island (Pipes level)
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the sweetspot of the edge (just a little bit under the very tip of the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his other hand)
Step 8.) After all of this is done, press either X/Y to see Young Link do what looks like a normal ledge-jump at first but he's in his mid-air animation and it seems as though he goes a bit further as well.
P.S. - This glitch is somewhat weird in Young Link's trajectory because it looks like he is being pulled downwards after he jumps from the ledge.
Uses: This is just another way of jumping from the ledge in this level but with a different look. He also should go a bit further than his normal ledge-jump is you look at it closely. You can perform aerials during the mid-air animation of the jump.
Edge_guard retreat (Originally discovered by DaShizWiz while he was analyzing the glitch with SmashMac):
Name - Young Link's superior edge-guard/edge_hog
Where this works:
# = Places it works better at
^ = Places it works decent at
* = Places it is hard to do at
(tournament stages)
Pokemon Stadium *
Corneria ^
Fountain of Dreams #
Final Destination #
Dreamland 64 ^
Battlefield *
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the edge (The parts that are able to be clung to)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his other hand)
Step 8.) While you are hanging from the edge (but below it), you are edge_hogging your opponent. It is not possible for the opponent to:
A.) Grab the edge, hence the edge_hog
B.) Attack you without going down to attack you, hence, risking their life since all you have to do once they come down is press R for a safe roll animation (unless they're Fox, who has that shine-spike, you should'nt be too afraid)
Explained: It's not possible for your opponent to grab the edge because the game still thinks that you are hanging from the edge, however, the glitch that you performed makes you cling the edge but still remain at the grapple's average level
Hookshot-Cancelling Aerials (Originally discovered by SmashMac while analyzing the glitch):
Name - Hookshot-Cancelled Aerials
Where this works:
# = Places it works better at
^ = Places it works decent at
* = Places it is hard to do at
(tournament stages)
Pokemon Stadium *
Corneria ^
Fountain of Dreams #
Final Destination #
Dreamland 64 ^
Battlefield *
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits just below the edge (assuming that Young Link would be 4 feet tall, about 2 feet below the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Step 8.) After this, it should be visible to you that Young Link looks like he is doing his mid-air jump (Double-jump 'DJ') but is still connected to the hookshot. During this time, you can perform any aerial without moving. The aerials that follow include how many aerials of each type you can do before the mid-air's animation is done:
3 back-aerials 'bairs'
2 down-aerials 'dairs'
2 1/2 forward aerials 'fairs'
2 up-aerials 'uairs'
Step 9.) After the mid-air's animation is done, be sure to Up+B to the edge to assure safety
Uses: The Primary use for this would to be an ultimate edge_guard (while your opponent is recovering). Of course there are plenty of alternatives to use besides this.
Instant Neutral Position from the edge (Originally discovered by SmashMac while analyzing the glitch):
Name - Instant Neutral Position
Where this works:
# = Places it works better at
^ = Places it works decent at
* = Places it is hard to do at
(tournament stages)
Pokemon Stadium *
Corneria ^
Fountain of Dreams #
Final Destination #
Dreamland 64 ^
Battlefield *
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits just below the edge (assuming that Young Link would be 4 feet tall, about 2 feet below the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) press A
Step 8.) Young Link should instantly appear on the edge of the stage standing up in his Neutral Position with no lag of getting onto it
Uses: After appearing ont he stage, you can do any of Young Link's moves. Very good for tricking your opponent to still thinking that you're hanging but then instantly appearing on the stage to attack him/her.
Wing Super Edge_guard (Originally discovered by SmashMac while analyzing the glitch):
Name - Wing aerials of pain
Where this works: This will only work on Corneria
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go to the wing of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the sweetspot of the edge (the very tip of the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his other hand)
Step 8.) Press either X/Y and as your character goes up, he should slide back and go very far.
Uses: A good trick to master as a mindgame/edge_guard tactic. You could do this and wait there while your opponent is recovering so that when the opponent thinks he's recovered and is about to grab the edge, you press X/Y and then float downwards to edge to sex-kick and knock the opponent off track. The best use for this would to do it highly unpredictably and probably only once per person. Use this glitch wisely.
Thanks to God for making me the person that I am and giving me a great family.
Thanks to my little brother KeepSpeedN for helping me with Action Replay and it's codes/functions.
Thanks to my middle brother DaShizWiz for helping me discover new uses for the glitches with the hookshot.
Thanks to smashboards for being a place for me to learn. If it weren't for smashboards my brothers and I would'nt be nearly as good as we are now.
Thanks to RebellionASG for initially being the first person prompting smashboards about the glitch and being interested in its uses.
Thanks to all of the great Young Link players out there for being a great inspiration to me and playing the best and greatest Video game character of all time (Young Link)
....A Young Link Hookshot Guide....
SmashMac's Version 1.0 Hookshot Guide
Inspiration - Young Link and the greatest games of all time (The Zelda series)
Guide Maker - SmashMac
Instant Suicide Glitch discoverer - RebellionASG
For a visual of this guide, visit this link:
Hookshot Frenzy: A visual guide on the ways of Young Link's Hookshot by SmashMac

My Personal Comments - If anything is taken from this guide, please give the credit where it is due. I don't mind if information from this guide is taken, but I do want credit for everything that I have personally written/discovered (not in little cases such as when somebody is talking about it, but in big cases when someone is adding it to their own guide or source of character information).
Zelda Hookshot - The hookshot is one of Young Link's many items. However, out of all of his items, the hookshot has proven since the beginning to be one of the most vital. Being introduced throughout every station Zelda game throughout the years, the hookshot has been with Young Link since the beginning.
SSBM Hookshot - In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the hookshot is used as a way of grabbing your opponent. It can also be used as a significant way of recovery. If used correctly, it can even be a mindgame way of tricking your opponent (who is recovering) to get hit by it and fall to his death while you grab the edge.
|||||Hookshot Statistics:|||||
-These statistics that follow begin at the start of the animation of the hookshot and end at the termination of the hookshot
Note: 1 frame is equivalent to 1/60th of a second. There are 60 frames per second.
1 Frame = 1/60th of a second
2 Frames = 1/30th of a second
3 Frames = 1/20th of a second
4 Frames = 1/15th of a second
5 Frames = 1/12th of a second
6 Frames = 1/10th of a second
10 Frames = 1/6th of a second
12 Frames = 1/5th of a second
15 Frames = 1/4th of a second
20 Frames = 1/3rd of a second
30 Frames = 1/2 of a second
Hookshot Type and Duration:
Ground - 84 Frames (1 2/5 seconds)
Aerial - 59 Frames (59/60ths of a second)
Ground Hookshot (detail):
Frame 1 - Young Link begins to take out the hookshot
Frame 7 - The hookshot is visible
Frame 10 - The Hitbox appears at the grip of the hookshot and a hitbox
also appears at the tip of the hookshot's grapple (the part that attaches to the stage)
Frame 11 - The Hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple expands
Frame 12 - The Hitbox at the grip of the hookshot's grapple expands
Frame 13 - The Hitbox at the grip of the hookshot leaves, but the hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple expands
Frame 14 - The Hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple leaves and it is no longer possible to grab your opponent
Frame 16 - The hookshot's grapple begins to fall
Frame 23 - The grapple hits the floor
Frame 50 - The grapple begins to shorten
Frame 60 - The grapple leaves the floor
Frame 78 - Young Link puts the hookshot back in his Satchel
Frame 79 - The hookshot is gone
Aerial Hookshot (detail):
Frame 1 - Young Link begins to take out the hookshot
Frame 5 - The hookshot is visible
Frame 10 - The Hitbox is attached to the grip of the hookshot and the tip of the hookshot's grapple
Frame 11 - The Hitbox at the tip of the hookshot's grapple expands by twice as much
Frame 15 - The Hitbox leaves the hookshot and it is no longer possible to attack your opponent
(at Frame 15 the grapple is at it's fullest length)
From Frame 10 - Frame 15 - It is possible to grapple or cling the stage for recovery
Frame 40 - The hookshot's grapple length begins to shorten
Frame 56 - Young Link puts the hookshot back in his satchel
Frame 58 - The hookshot is gone
---Weild the hookshot:---
There are several ways of bringing the hookshot out for each situation.
These are the ways that follow:
1.) Holding R/L on the Ground to Sheild, and then Pressing A to bring out the hookshot.
2.) While on the ground, press Z to bring out the hookshot instantly.
3.) After air-dodging, press A to bring out the hookshot in the air.
4.) While in the air, press Z to automatically perform the aerial hookshot.
Basic/Intentional uses for the Hookshot:
Grabbing - One of the intentional uses for the hookshot is to grab your opponent.
Grapple the stage - Another intentional use for the hookshot is to grapple the stage. This can be used as an alternative for recovery.
Side-use: The hookshot can also be used as an attack. Even though there are many alternatives for attacking, while you hookshot the stage, if the opponent is in the way of your hookshot and is not invinsible, he/she can be hit and temporarily stunned from the hookshot.
....::::Hookshot Trix::::....
The hookshot mindgame
How to do - While on the edge, air-dodge backwards and then extend your hookshot to grapple the sweetspot of the stage again to assure safety. This should make the opponent think you messed up on something while the only thing you were intentionally trying to do was make your opponent do something he wouldn't do.
Hookshot Freezing
How to do - While on the edge, if you're edge_guarding your opponent and they look like they're gonna make it back to the stage regardless, air-dodge downwards and hookshot them so that they're stunned and then recover on the edge. This has proven to be useful to me personally because it's usually a last-resort type of edge-guard that I pull of on opponents that think they have their recovery in the bag so it catches them off guard.
Bomb-cancelling hookshot
How to do - While on the stage, pull out a bomb and then short-hop, bomb-release, hookshot. After this, fastfall into your bomb for cancellation of the hookshot's lag. Even though you take damage, it still cancels out your hookshot's lag.
Hookshot fast-falled sweetspot
How to do - When you're above the edge of the stage, air-dodge, fastfall and sweetspot the edge with the hookshot. While you're still falling down, right when you hit the edge with the grapple of the hookshot, press A to Sweetspot the edge. Depending on your momentum and how fast you're falling, the stage can be grappled in different places to sweet-spot the edge. This is good when you're above the stage but have an opponent trying to attack you when recovering. The air-dodge will dodge the attack (For ex., a Marth forward-smash 'f-smash') and then the fastfall to hookshot will guarantee recovery.
Hookshot edge-jump
How to do - When you're on the edge, air-dodge backwards and then extend your hookshot to grapple the stage. Then, tap A and Young Link should be aerial with jump type of animation. Move backwards and forwards to float around and when you choose to, grab the edge.
Hookshot sweet-spot death
How to do - Sweetspot the edge of the stage with the grapple of the hookshot and just wait for the hanging animation of the move. When you're about to start hanging, Young Link should plumb downwards and begin to fall to his death. No uses at all.
Hookshot Madness (Glitches in detail):
NOTE: These glitches will only work on Version 1.0 and 1.1 game discs, since it includes the hookshot super jump glitch.
Initial Hookshot Super Jump glitch
Name - Young Link's Super Jump
Where this works: Any level with a ledge (all of them)
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the stage and you're connected to it in the hanging animation.
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) You will be sent flying so high in the air that you won't be able to see Young Link.
Step 8.) After all of this is done, you can do any thing while aerial.
Uses: This is very good if you find yourself in a situation that you need to spam. You can drop bombs, shoot arrows and a bunch of other things to be safe while spamming your opponent.
Instant Suicide Glitch (Originally prompted and discovered by RebellionASG):
Name - Young Link's Super Wavedash
Where this works: This glitch inparticular will only work on Yoshi's Island (Pipes level)
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the sweetspot of the edge (the very tip of the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his
other hand)
P.S. - It looks really weird and you should probably be saying something like "WTF is that o.o?!"
Step 8.) After all of this is done, press either X/Y to see Young Link slide from one side of Yoshi's Island to the other for instant death
Uses: The primary use for this is to in all honesty, be able to prove that Young Link is broken and has a super wavedash of his own. However, for us creative players out there, there are certain sweetspots of the edge that don't allow you to die at all after performing the Super Wavedash, but they still take you very far. You could perform this and mix it up with things like taunting, attacking, or just appearing on the other side of the stage.
Explained: After pressing X/Y or Up+B from grabbing the boomerang, the momentum of the hookshot super jump is still attached to Young Link. When you press X/Y for the second time, the momentum starts and your character slides from one side of the stage.
Expanded ledge-jump (A different version of the Instant Suicide Glitch discovered by SmashMac):
Name - Expanded ledge-jump
Where this works: This glitch inparticular will only work on Yoshi's Island (Pipes level)
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the sweetspot of the edge (just a little bit under the very tip of the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his other hand)
Step 8.) After all of this is done, press either X/Y to see Young Link do what looks like a normal ledge-jump at first but he's in his mid-air animation and it seems as though he goes a bit further as well.
P.S. - This glitch is somewhat weird in Young Link's trajectory because it looks like he is being pulled downwards after he jumps from the ledge.
Uses: This is just another way of jumping from the ledge in this level but with a different look. He also should go a bit further than his normal ledge-jump is you look at it closely. You can perform aerials during the mid-air animation of the jump.
Edge_guard retreat (Originally discovered by DaShizWiz while he was analyzing the glitch with SmashMac):
Name - Young Link's superior edge-guard/edge_hog
Where this works:
# = Places it works better at
^ = Places it works decent at
* = Places it is hard to do at
(tournament stages)
Pokemon Stadium *
Corneria ^
Fountain of Dreams #
Final Destination #
Dreamland 64 ^
Battlefield *
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the edge (The parts that are able to be clung to)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his other hand)
Step 8.) While you are hanging from the edge (but below it), you are edge_hogging your opponent. It is not possible for the opponent to:
A.) Grab the edge, hence the edge_hog
B.) Attack you without going down to attack you, hence, risking their life since all you have to do once they come down is press R for a safe roll animation (unless they're Fox, who has that shine-spike, you should'nt be too afraid)
Explained: It's not possible for your opponent to grab the edge because the game still thinks that you are hanging from the edge, however, the glitch that you performed makes you cling the edge but still remain at the grapple's average level
Hookshot-Cancelling Aerials (Originally discovered by SmashMac while analyzing the glitch):
Name - Hookshot-Cancelled Aerials
Where this works:
# = Places it works better at
^ = Places it works decent at
* = Places it is hard to do at
(tournament stages)
Pokemon Stadium *
Corneria ^
Fountain of Dreams #
Final Destination #
Dreamland 64 ^
Battlefield *
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits just below the edge (assuming that Young Link would be 4 feet tall, about 2 feet below the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Step 8.) After this, it should be visible to you that Young Link looks like he is doing his mid-air jump (Double-jump 'DJ') but is still connected to the hookshot. During this time, you can perform any aerial without moving. The aerials that follow include how many aerials of each type you can do before the mid-air's animation is done:
3 back-aerials 'bairs'
2 down-aerials 'dairs'
2 1/2 forward aerials 'fairs'
2 up-aerials 'uairs'
Step 9.) After the mid-air's animation is done, be sure to Up+B to the edge to assure safety
Uses: The Primary use for this would to be an ultimate edge_guard (while your opponent is recovering). Of course there are plenty of alternatives to use besides this.
Instant Neutral Position from the edge (Originally discovered by SmashMac while analyzing the glitch):
Name - Instant Neutral Position
Where this works:
# = Places it works better at
^ = Places it works decent at
* = Places it is hard to do at
(tournament stages)
Pokemon Stadium *
Corneria ^
Fountain of Dreams #
Final Destination #
Dreamland 64 ^
Battlefield *
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go on the left or right side of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits just below the edge (assuming that Young Link would be 4 feet tall, about 2 feet below the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) press A
Step 8.) Young Link should instantly appear on the edge of the stage standing up in his Neutral Position with no lag of getting onto it
Uses: After appearing ont he stage, you can do any of Young Link's moves. Very good for tricking your opponent to still thinking that you're hanging but then instantly appearing on the stage to attack him/her.
Wing Super Edge_guard (Originally discovered by SmashMac while analyzing the glitch):
Name - Wing aerials of pain
Where this works: This will only work on Corneria
How to do this:
Step 1.) Go to the wing of the stage
Step 2.) Full-throw the boomerang (preferably in a direction you can
see it in)
Note: Steps that follow occur while the boomerang is still aerial!!!
Step 3.) Jump backwards towards the edge
Step 4.) Extend your hookshot to grapple
Step 5.) Make sure that the grapple hits the sweetspot of the edge (the very tip of the edge)
Step 6.) Wait until the boomerang comes back to you
Step 7.) Right after the boomerang hits you (within 5 or 6 frames after catching the boomerang) either press X/Y to jump or Up+B
Note: After you've done this, you will be able to tell if the glitch is going to be performed right if you are hanging from the ledge with the grapple still visible as a sweetspot and you are still holding the hookshot but it appears as though you're still hanging on the edge but you're really not (you're under the edge but Young Link is still in the animation of holding the edge with the hookshot still in his other hand)
Step 8.) Press either X/Y and as your character goes up, he should slide back and go very far.
Uses: A good trick to master as a mindgame/edge_guard tactic. You could do this and wait there while your opponent is recovering so that when the opponent thinks he's recovered and is about to grab the edge, you press X/Y and then float downwards to edge to sex-kick and knock the opponent off track. The best use for this would to do it highly unpredictably and probably only once per person. Use this glitch wisely.
Thanks to God for making me the person that I am and giving me a great family.
Thanks to my little brother KeepSpeedN for helping me with Action Replay and it's codes/functions.
Thanks to my middle brother DaShizWiz for helping me discover new uses for the glitches with the hookshot.
Thanks to smashboards for being a place for me to learn. If it weren't for smashboards my brothers and I would'nt be nearly as good as we are now.
Thanks to RebellionASG for initially being the first person prompting smashboards about the glitch and being interested in its uses.
Thanks to all of the great Young Link players out there for being a great inspiration to me and playing the best and greatest Video game character of all time (Young Link)