I've made a few posts in this forum previously. Meta Knight became my primary character in late April, and I used him a decent amount in WiFi this summer and at 3 Smash Fests since school resumed.
1. I don't know how to play the character.
2. I have low tech skill; I'm not comfortable with techniques like wavedashing & L-canceling.
3. I've got serious matchup inexperience; I've played against a handful of characters more often than others, but I wouldn't say that I've made major strides in any of those matchups.
4. A little while ago, I was advised to work on my spacing, punishes, and mind games. Mind games aren't something that really enter my mind while playing the game, and I'll need to fix that.
Character fundamentals, tech fundamentals, or general matchup knowledge? Which should be my first focus?
Perhaps I hit a ceiling in "skill" or "character" development because of my attitude or trying to take on too much at once.
Anyways, if there's a crash course on Meta Knight here, could someone post a link? Otherwise, I'd appreciate some critique and a few areas for improvement that I haven't already noted. Thanks.