not a knock to other people by any means but the way he's playing at his age is very noteworthy to me. he was learning a lot mid set while we were playing, not necessarily succeeding at avoiding punishment but at least changing movement and hesitating to the point where he's aware of what I'm beating him with and actively trying to cover the weaknesses that im exploiting
that's always the sign of a talented player and when combined with his age i think it's a safe bet to put my $$$ on him
there's a lot of up and comers though, shiro you've improved a lot since the first time we played, for instance, and i haven't even seen your final form (or, at least, new form XD ) . and let's not forget our favorite poster @
Death Arcana who is on a silent grind and has already proven himself to be a contender in brawl. then you have your alkemyst's and beekeeper's who are wily ol' vets who I have already confirmed are extremely skilled at halo 1 and know how to win games, but need more time to learn the quirky melee mechanics and matchups. then there's the young bird ascending over the mountains who's name verifies that he measures melee distances. but you will soon learn the 2nd meaning of his name, @
. and don't count out the fringe players, our notable ICs and doc extraordinaires steady grinding in the shadows with their nitch characters. and word on the street is there's a puff player coming from brawl who has a silly forum name but is in fact a patient and frustrating opponent, ready to put you on tilt and take a nap - @
I may be leaving soon (along with @
) but I'm confident you guys will continue to develop and flourish. the utah melee scene I see in 2016 is gunna be a ****ing force, with or without my old ***. @
Sexy Yaz and @
Perfect Chaos
, I trust you guys will keep the community in good hands with the efforts and accommodation of @
. you guys are the best. doesn't even feel like the same place I moved into when I first came in 2013.