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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
suck my eCawk k?


this kirby ***** scrub sonics all day ery day, get upsmashed.


\O_o/ maybe if we didnt have 4 melee setups to 2 brawl setups itd gone MUCH faster. but nooooo ery1 brings cubes for gaaaaaaaayleeeeeeeee.

this **** is 10 percent my fault for being the host and 90 percent the fault of those who didnt bring wii setups with brawl, cuz we were pretty **** consistent with quickly getting the next tourney matches done.

im limiting 2 tvs to be used for not-brawl from now on.

also, no one is to use my laptop WITH OUT MY PERMISSION here again, the battery died cuz no one knows how to plug something in when the battery is low and i lost some VERY important work files that i have to re-do with on my OWN time.
I brought everything I could. I brought three controllers, recording equipment, my gamecube. And all of my love

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
one more thing.

these tourneys run on my time, if you wanna come to it best be there for the tourney and not be trying to rush it cuz this is the last time i make changes to stock/time/etc. for others who wanna leave early for what ever reason, i dont care who you are or how much i love you. either be there to be there for the whole tourney or forfeit, several of the smashers in both B+ and doubles (including myself) felt quite rushed and feel it effected their play. being at my house i feel like it shouldnt be like the p&t tourneys where there is a time restraint, having a relaxed environment makes things alot better. im not gonna put a time restraint on anything but showing up on time from now on, im tired of tourneys not starting until 2-3 when they should have started at one. if your not here by one your not in dubz or w.e i decide to do first and b+ singles will always be the middle event, this i cannot be talked out of.

byoc is byoc for a reason, so if its not your controller dont use it. controllers are disappearing and even bjs Isai controller disapeared (someone let him borrow a control tho idk who).

if you are going into my room DONT shut the door, its open for a reason. and only go there to use the restroom. ONLY for that.

lastly, it seems like some people think im responsible for food.... im not so, go find someone to get food with or bring your own or something.

im done with food mm's becuase im certain they are enforcing this thought process.

sorry for all this srs bsns type **** but , yall know im pretty relaxed when it comes to things but i am starting to become a little irked by these few small things that i hope you can be courteous enough to respect my feelings about.


show up at 1 sharp or no dubz or w.e we start with

stop using other peoples controllers with out asking and then leaving them to dissapear into thin air

my room is bathroom use only NOTHING ELSE.

im not responsible for feeding anyone and am done ever food mm'ing ever.



The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
one more thing.

these tourneys run on my time, if you wanna come to it best be there for the tourney and not be trying to rush it cuz this is the last time i make changes to stock/time/etc. for others who wanna leave early for what ever reason, i dont care who you are or how much i love you. either be there to be there for the whole tourney or forfeit, several of the smashers in both B+ and doubles (including myself) felt quite rushed and feel it effected their play. being at my house i feel like it shouldnt be like the p&t tourneys where there is a time restraint, having a relaxed environment makes things alot better. im not gonna put a time restraint on anything but showing up on time from now on, im tired of tourneys not starting until 2-3 when they should have started at one. if your not here by one your not in dubz or w.e i decide to do first and b+ singles will always be the middle event, this i cannot be talked out of.

byoc is byoc for a reason, so if its not your controller dont use it. controllers are disappearing and even bjs Isai controller disapeared (someone let him borrow a control tho idk who).

if you are going into my room DONT shut the door, its open for a reason. and only go there to use the restroom. ONLY for that.

lastly, it seems like some people think im responsible for food.... im not so, go find someone to get food with or bring your own or something.

im done with food mm's becuase im certain they are enforcing this thought process.

sorry for all this srs bsns type **** but , yall know im pretty relaxed when it comes to things but i am starting to become a little irked by these few small things that i hope you can be courteous enough to respect my feelings about.


show up at 1 sharp or no dubz or w.e we start with

stop using other peoples controllers with out asking and then leaving them to dissapear into thin air

my room is bathroom use only NOTHING ELSE.

im not responsible for feeding anyone and am done ever food mm'ing ever.

this post is full of win.



Also, on the time matter. When your match is called go to it. Quit out of your ****ing melee match.(YAZ.)

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Says the guy who ate a whole box of his McNuggets without asking.
FYI, I was given permission from gkirby's prior to this. I also told you this at the time, but I guess you didn't hear.
Also, when I brought my laptop this time, I'd go do a match and pause my game, by the time I came back my game was either closed or minimized, my PC had been used, whether people were searching my files or using my internet.
Well, it's gkirby's internet... :p
But that's besides the point. Also, someone was using your laptop when you were out to get food, too, just so you know.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
I agree with Gkirbs, everything.
Obviously for 1, he supplies our ONLY venue, and its a **** nice one at that. Better than any PnT or other generic place.

For 2, he made solid points and conveyed all the things I wanted to.

And out of respect for R.J., I agree with his room. People kept going in and out, door shut or not, using his laptop for whatever they wanted, watching his television without permission, invading all sorts of privacy. If you have to go to the bathroom, do it. Don't chill in there on his bed using all of his stuff, we aren't children.

He is even kind enough to let many of us swim whenever we want as long as his dad or people aren't around. You gonna get that at any other venue?

Remember when I was the UT Smash Scene bouncer? Well i'ma start bouncin again. If I see you doing whack **** thats disrespectful, i'm gonna let you know.

It doesnt happen often, but happening at all is too much.

And I'm still MIFFED about my only controller disappearing into thin air. That controller was legit.

Anyway, this post is probably full of hipocracy, but I plan to follow R.J.'s rules of his house, because I respect him as a tourney host, a venue provider, and most of all, a good friend.


EDIT: Lol PC, haha. Yeah but I mean using MY laptop to access it.
And yeah I am well aware people were using it during matches / when I was out to get food. It's really annoying. I've posted my number here for the whole scene to have a hundred times, people just CALL ME IF YOU WANT TO USE MY ****.

Also, Sinz, I agree about leaving your melee match or friendly to do your Tourney match. Isn't that whats important?
(A bit of hipocracy, I finished a melee match and delayed ONE of my tourney matches.)

Also, from now on, just so the WHOLE SCENE KNOWS, the only people that are even ALLOWED to touch my lap-top / controller / games / gear without my personal permission are Perfect Chaos, and Gangstakirby. There are several others who I trust too, but they always ask me REGARDLESS, so I don't need to mention them.
Everyone is my friend, so nobody take offense, just understand where I'm coming from.

EDIT 2: tl;dr just read the whole thing.

EDIT 3: :luigi:


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
You guys do know that the only people who will read these posts are the members that actually frequent SWF, right? :laugh:
What I'm saying is, is that GKirbz, you need to get the point across at the tourney too.
If not, I'm pretty sure a lot of people won't follow your rules if you don't.

And DZLE (and anyone else with the same problem), keep your stuff with you always.
Things happen, so you can never be too careful. That's why I always bring a bag to put everything in and keep it with me.
If it's something big, just keep your eyes on it and make it clear to everyone around it to not use it or whatever.

Leaving stuff out in the open will just tempt people.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
but dont get me wrong, ima still troll the **** out of everyone all the time
I'd expect nothing less.

And yeah, Minato, I do have a laptop bag that I carry EVERYTHING IN, it's just where I had it set up everything was together, and when I left, i didn't think about it.
Good advice.
And yeah, i'm going to repeat most of this to everyone next tourney.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
You guys do know that the only people who will read these posts are the members that actually frequent SWF, right? :laugh:
...I assume its a good thing then that I lurk the Utah boards. <.<'

Ask FtS to put this message in the Utah thread OP then change the title to say GK tourney announcement: Read OP or something.

Sexy Yaz

Smash Apprentice
Nov 3, 2008
I'm never going to quit a Melee match. So if you disqualify me I'm just going to wreck the bracket going through loser's so might as well wait 2-3 min because that's how long a Melee match takes. Plus, RJ's post was amazing.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Geez, what an ego...

Anyway, gkirby, how does this sound: if a match is called, but the person is "busy", and no other match can be played in place of that one on that TV, then after 3 minutes, that person gets a match-loss, and after another 2 minutes (totaling 5 minutes), that person gets a set loss?
With this, those cocky enough (not to name any names) can take four minutes to finish up their friendlies if they think they can 2-0 their opponent. And if they happen to SD and lose...oh well...

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
i said i wasnt putting any time restrictions aside from getting to the venue on time. however if the amount of time taken to start a match has been unreasonable then i will call a set loss. if your out to get food and your match is called i will be VERY lenient but only for this situation other wise ill probably just go by pc's 5 mins suggestion

if i am mid match then i will turn this duty over to someone as i start my match.

also, the TGWP tourney thread, is the new stagelist from now on

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Good Shi RJ.

Although you have to realize that we have been talking about changing 4 stocks to 3 stocks in B+ since the last tournament. Not all of us can go to a tournament at 12 and leave at 10 pm. It's just unreasonable so I'd ask for you to reconsider mang. So let's either have brawl+ last or just change the stocks. I actually enjoyed brawl+ more when it was with less stocks.

Overall though I agree with everything you said on your post. Especially on the controller part, stop taking other people's controllers without permission. I don't have a controller atm because I decided to let BJ use mine in the meantime. (As his got stolen...) Don't really care though since I don't play smash besides at tournaments but I'm just sayin.

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
B+ should be 4 stocks, the rounds are actually way fast its just theres usually only TWO b+ wiis and thats how they do it everywhere else.

theres a few things i wont be talked out of and remain adamant about and thats the brawl plus stocks, time, and when people HAVE to start showing up.

EDIT: and the controller **** is SERIOUS bs. I'll stop hosting if **** keeps vanishing. last two tourneys people have lost controllers :/

double EDIT: Im done talking about this stuff now dont expect to see anymore posts concerning it.


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2009
Yeah, I agree with pretty much everything posted.. Too much seriousness.

RJ, lets have a smashfest some time? I miss you honey.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
I'm never going to quit a Melee match. So if you disqualify me I'm just going to wreck the bracket going through loser's so might as well wait 2-3 min because that's how long a Melee match takes. Plus, RJ's post was amazing.
Wow... Seriously?


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
@R.J. I kinda agree with B+ Haha. If we change the stocks to 3, change the stocks in brawl to 2, because the matches would even out that way :p
Plus when I practice I practice with those stocks and stuff. Not a big deal but it's nice to have.

@Dryu Imo people should expect it to be an all-day thing, and if they cants stay from 12-10, then they should pick only one event they want to do. I know most of the people LIKE staying from like 12-12, or 12noon-2am.

@Serve avatar is win

@Yaz Ego in the house but I still love ya...

@Gkirbs UT3 = Unreal Tournament 3?

DZLE's last note on the drama:
Give me my controller back, for real.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I'm never going to quit a Melee match. So if you disqualify me I'm just going to wreck the bracket going through loser's so might as well wait 2-3 min because that's how long a Melee match takes.
Do you know how much I love you??



The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
yeah so you might wanna change the title and the attendees list =/ ;(


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
The time thing is kind of unreasonable, and I agree with the changed stock count. But since it can't be changed I'll just have to do the only thing I can to make things go faster. Not enter Brawl +


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
I didn't say it to sway you. I know you couldn't give a rat's *** if I entered or not lol. Just sayin that's the only way I can help to speed things up. As much as I wanna smash every minute I'm breathing, Saturday "nights" aren't that time for me.

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Yeah I'm not going to enter brawl+ either, especially if it's before regular brawl singles. 4 stocks is just plain ******** and gay. I'd like to do other things on my Saturday nights as well.

@DZLE: Too bad that only 1/4 of the smash scene usually stays 12-10pm and most people come for brawl singles which they don't get to play because it starts around 7pm.

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt

\O_o /

lol you and ciz are acting so blind to the real issue marco that its ridiculous
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