did you not finish your post gojira? :D
and how come i havent been invited to this party, i was cool once >.> maybe
I said all Utah Smashers were invited. I sent a mass text to everyone, and I know I tried to send one to you. Maybe it didn't go through?
I'd love to have you there, Rade.
Next time I make it to something and you're going to be there too, Lanky, bring Four Swords and your memory card. We NEED to rock it out together.
(A game where Link is good! This must be heresy!)
I don't have it. I thought Spudz had it.
I dont actually have the game Four Swords. I just have some cables. Also I dont have any Gameboys so it would be cool if other people could bring those. :]
I cant wait for this.
If someone has Four Swords (either version) or can bring Gameboys, please do.
That's why I put a question mark against your name, I didn't know.
Gkirby might be listed as the one bringing Brawl+, but I'll truly be the one bring it.
He doesn't have the huge release version that's recently got released, yet, I don't believe. But I'll be giving it to gkirby, nevertheless. (So gkirby, bring your laptop and your SD card at the very least, so I can give you the stuff you want.)
Also, is 5 PM the time everyone will be leaving for Boondocks or is 5 PM the earliest we can start gathering at your place, lanky?
PS: I trump everyone here when it comes to join date! 
Edit: BTW, Anonano, I added the Magic Armor Link texture to my Wii. Just letting you know, since you've been pushing for that. It'll also be on gkirby's Wii as well (if I'm transfering stuff to him later today).
If you want to go to Boondocks, come before 5. If you just wanna play games, come around 9.
Ok, so here's the thing...I've been feeling sick this past week. It was first a sore throat, but now it's the sniffles. I thought I'd be better by today, but my body is kicking my a** right now. So if things don't get better, I may end up opting out laser tag and instead we'll do mini-golf/go-karting, or I'll just get rid of it all together, and we'll just start the party at 5, my place.
I'm just gonna see how well I can handle one more day of school. If it looks like I get tired easily, then no laser tag. If it feels like I'm gonna die, then no Boondocks. Don't worry though, I'm not deathly ill, just ill enough where I don't think I can exert too much physical force.
Pray I get better guys...