Ken Neth
Smash Champion
We were actually going to go to AZ for the tourney this saturday, but then AZ told us not to come and wait for next month's tourney. We're going to try and make it.You all have pretty big mouths for being too scared to travel oos
On a more serious note, I'm not being cocky or anything when I tell you guys I'm better than you. I just being a ****talker trying to get you guys to actually go to a tournament one of these days, in hopes of getting to meet Utah for once
That, and I'm a lot better than you :D Seriously, if that set between you and Dark Ryu, Ken_neth, wasn't from ages ago, you're in for a world of pain when Sinz gets there lol.
(my CF beat Dookdigity's Snake, who is better than you =O)
So, how many of you want to go to the AZ tourney on the 19th and get roflstomped by myself and other NM residents? Forward posted the link but not one of you reacted, which one can only assume is because you don't want to go out of state and get anally penetrated :O
And your cockiness is really, really annoying.