just so everyone knows, i'll be taking over the provo weekly (at game den) and the salt lake weekly (at 801 labs) starting in february. with gamer's abbey no longer providing monitors for the weekly, it is up to the smashers to bring complete setups (console, game, tvs/monitors, adapters, extension cords, and anything else required to use the system for tournament).
so to even see the viability of "going back to grassroots", please bring complete setups this week. you will not get a venue fee waived unless you have a complete setup used in tournament.
if the [number of entrants] < 8 or ((([number of entrants] * 2) - 1) * 10) / [number of setups] > 120, then there will be no official rated tournament that week.
also, to give people more control of their rating, i am willing to include money matches in the ratings. so if you think someone is higher than you in the ratings and they shouldn't be, money match them. however, there will be certain limitations. you both must agree prior to the match that it is a "rated" match, it must be a best of 5 with standard tournament rules, and both of you and a witness must report on the match to me within 24 hours.
also also, everyone needs to let me know of their smashboards account name. this will be your official name in my ratings, in brackets, and on the smashboards rankings. if you do not have one, or do not like the name you currently have, make a new account on smashboards (even if you'll never use it). very few exceptions will be made on this.
let me know if you have any questions or concerns.