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UofT (Downtown Toronto) Thread


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Toronto, Canada
good question... cause if i can't come til 1:00pm then i dont think i can make it out on sat =(
and wow... 27"... ..... thats just awesome


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
so my parents are coming tonight... they said tomorrow so i can't come
hf bulgy
o well 2 more weeks


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2008
Hey, I just joined Smashboards and was directed to this section.

I'm curious, are you all students @ U of T, because I am.

I know that UTAMA holds casual tourneys.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Hey, I just joined Smashboards and was directed to this section.

I'm curious, are you all students @ U of T, because I am.

I know that UTAMA holds casual tourneys.
No, just a bunch of people living in the GTA...and Mississauga depending on which good people come. I go to York, actually, so I think we're required to hate each other.

...casual tourneys?


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2008
...casual tourneys?

Sort of ad hoc tourneys that are done in conjunction with anime viewings at meetings.

The entire meeting isn't really based around SSB, but it's fun from what I remember. I havn't been in a while b/c of classes & studying.

I probably hate U of T as much as you do lol.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Lol, yea, Me and my roomate are both third year UofT. I think my roomate used to go to UTAMA, but he said he didn't find anyone who played smash. If they're holding "casual tourneys" then would it be open to everyone? We'd show up for that considering we live downtown. But so far, the only person from UofT that comes over to play is Tysons. But yea, tell us more about these casual tournies :chuckle:


Smash Rookie
Jun 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys, I'm Anthony (boogers's friend) something came up so I won't be coming today, sorry for taking up a space that someone else could've possibly used.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i've been talking with some ppl on utama (kinda) dc hub and there's some people who at least know techinical skills / can use them or so they claim, but i dunno how good they really are. I'm def going to the utama thing cuz they claim "we'll have soem good ppl"
reading through that link, i get the distinct impression that there will be girls there.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Lol, there's plenty of girls at UofT events. But if you really wanted to see girls, there's always the private UofT Strip Club, organized by rich spoiled students as part of a underground club at UofT where they get girls to strip for them for free every week 0.o.
Just putting it out there, lol. Not that ppl would want to go that that or anything :rolleyes:

*note: correct me if I'm wrong. But I think the best SSB64 player in UTAMA for St. George campus is a girl. Despite the fact that all she does is u-air with falcon >___<.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Lol, yea, that was a random post.

But I don't think any pros. will be going to this since there basically won't be any real cash prizes at this tourney. They're gonna pocket most of the cash and supplement the prizes with donations that they receive from anime shops.

Lol, in fact, the only reason I'm going to this UTAMA event is cus it's one of the last places where a noob like me can go and still have a chance to win :chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Btw guys, I think that $2 doubles tourney went alright considering it was the first one I hosted. Next time though, it'd be fun to have a crew battle tourney. Would be really really interesting.
I'll try my best to drag Bernard, Ryan and Mike out as well as Nate to the next one since we need more practice against them :bee:.

^^^Btw, if any of you guys are reading this then yes, there will be money involved in the next one as well most likely, so there's no reason for you guys to not come :p


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2008
Lol, there's plenty of girls at UofT events. But if you really wanted to see girls, there's always the private UofT Strip Club, organized by rich spoiled students as part of a underground club at UofT where they get girls to strip for them for free every week 0.o.
Just putting it out there, lol. Not that ppl would want to go that that or anything :rolleyes:

no, just no.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Soo...can anyone tell me who they are? There were a lot of new people at the last event. (I was the lesser Jigglypuff/Kyle)

And, dear UTAMA people (because I can't post on your forum) - i'm probably going =P it sounds very fun. i'm not a pro, but still, that's one more person! and maybe others will confirm themselves too, now that i've bumped this thread.

Edit: Why is it 4 AM...

and :samus: the person who chose these emoticons is a genius. :rocket:


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I'm thinking of going to that UTAMA event (lol girls in maid costumes....)

Oh no! Does that mean I've ruined the tournament!? (lol like those guys said about me participating in the doubles tournament)


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
I'm thinking of going to that UTAMA event (lol girls in maid costumes....)

Oh no! Does that mean I've ruined the tournament!? (lol like those guys said about me participating in the doubles tournament)
Lol, it'd be good if you came though. I'd still wanna play you in some friendlies :)

Haha, maybe even the girls in maid costumes would distract you enough to give me a opportunity to take some cheap k.o's :chuckle:

Oh, and I'll see if I can host another smashfest between midterms and exams.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Alright, I played with Averance(Yang) today and got some info from him that I think might help you guys out a bit.

UTAMA Tournament (There's gonna be Smash as well as Halo 3).

Date: March 8th, Saturday
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Room: Bahan Center Rooms # 2145, 2155, and 2165
Building: Bahan Center, 40 St. George street

***These are just tentative rules which they used last year, these may be subject to change by the organizers for this coming event***
-Single Elimination
-Best out of 1 game will be played
-All matches will be played on final destination
-No stalling matches (ex: peach wallbombing)

I'm not sure if they'll have 2v2 in this tournament or if it'll be like last year where it's only 1v1, but I'm definetly gonna post on their thread to suggest for a 2v2 as well.

To register now, you can e-mail utama@utoronto.ca. I'll make a complete thread on it's own about this once I can get more info

Edit: Place and time info now updated. This event is now on facebook as well. http://utoronto.facebook.com/event.php?eid=10812902787


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Just a reminder guys, if you wanna attend this tourny, then you should reserve a spot asap, there's only 32 spots available in total.

>>>Just out of curiosity, who's going to this tourny?? Kyle, Mike and Nate so far. I wouldn't mind have a few practice/warmup rounds at my place if anyone's interested.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I'd be down for that.

And also, what are the entrance fee/prizes? It doesn't seem to say anything about either.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
And also, what are the entrance fee/prizes? It doesn't seem to say anything about either.
I think (the keyword is think here) that the entrance fee is probably gonna be like $5, but I'm not totally sure. Prizes should be comprised of gift certificates and merchandies from the businesses that are sponsoring them this year.

I posted on their forums asking them for tournament format and specific rules, as well as whether there will be a 2v2 event or not. But I have not yet received a reply. Though, looking at some of the rules from last year, they will mostly not be using standard rules.

Edit: Here's something else that I found that I think would help. This is the basic times.

To Preregister:
Send an e-mail to utama@utoronto.ca with your full name and the tournament that you wish to enter (can choose both).

H3 tourney sign-in and registration: 10am - 10:30am
H3 tourney start: 10:30am SHARP
# of spots available: TBA
Entry fee: TBA

SSBM tourney sign-in and registration: 1pm - 2pm
SSBM tourney start: 2pm SHARP
# of spots available: 32
Entry fee: TBA

>>So if your not joining up for Halo3 in the morning, then you won't have to show up till between 1:00-1:50pm.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Posting rules:

Super Smash Bros. Melee

General Rules and Regulations
1. Players may select from the full roster of both standard and unlocked characters.
2. If a player doesn't show up on time for their match, they will be given a 2 minute grace period before it will go down as a forfeit.
3. In the case of a console/TV/power malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed.
4. Players must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. Permanent ejection of a player from the tournament is at the staff's discretion.
5. Spectators may not communicate with a player while he or she is competing (providing tips or heckling and other forms of verbal abuse). Breaking of this rule will result in ejection of the spectator, and in extreme cases, forfeit of the game. Cheering is encouraged, however.
6. Any intentional forfeiting or conspiring to manipulate the rankings/brackets will result in ejection.
7. Any other sign of cheating will also result in forfeit of the game.
8. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it unable to be finished are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
9. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic, a judge may force you to stop and lose a life and continue the match short a stock
10. All decisions made by tournament officials are final and not subject to debate.

Tournament Rules
1. The tournament brackets will be single elimination.
2. The mode of play will be Singles VS Melee.
3. Players will be given 1 minute prior to the start of the match, before selecting characters, to agree and vote upon “house rules” for that particular round (such as whether to allow edge-guarding). If neither player wishes to put forth any rules, the default will be "no rules".

Match Format
1. All matches will be played in the Final Destination stage. However, if both players agree, they may decide to use another stage other than Final Destination during the house rules, but if a decision isn't made in the 1 minute given, then Final Destination will be the default.
2. Each player can select a character of their own choosing. If the competitors wish, they can secretly inform the judge of their choice and once both players have picked, the characters will be revealed.
3. The time limit for each round will be set to 5 minutes.
4. The game will be set to 5 lives each.
5. Items will be disabled for the tournament.
6. If players wish, they may bring their own controllers to use in the tournament. However, they must be inspected and approved of prior to the start of the tournament and must be labelled clearly so as to prevent any mix-up. Both controllers will be set to the default button configuration.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Hahahaha 5 stock fd only!? 5 Minute time limit!?

I'm going to love this.

Anyone want to take bets on how many rests I'll hit by the end of the day? I'm gonna keep track.

LOL at house rules. People might think I'm cold blooded when I agree on none.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
As I forgot to comment: Yes Ramza Beolve.
FFT is my favourite game of all time.
Thats right, ever.

Anyways..... LOL Maid girls.... i dont know if i'm going to be staring or just dieing inside with laughter.... Probably both..... sounds like a good time.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Btw, I will open my place up from 10am to 1pm on March 8 to anyone who wants to come and play some friendlies b4 this tourny. So if you wanna come just tell me so I'll know how many to expect.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
The whole thing with Ramza and Delita, kind of rivals and kind of friends for the whole game, I liked that. And the job system was pretty much the whole reason i replayed it earlier this year (but that was 'cause i'd forgotten most of the storyline).

and i is be at the before tourney part.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
Hmmm, Averance suggested that I make a UofT smash club for next year. With a club at UofT, I can sign out rooms, have offices and receive funding from the university which will really help in organizing events. But I was wondering, how many people from UofT would be interested in this idea? Cus I don't know that many UofT smashers and I can really make a club if no one joins it... otherwise, I'd get like no funding :(.

So errrm, I guess post here if your from UofT and would like to either a) join the club, or b) apply for a executive position. Don't worry, being in a executive position would look good on a resume and your job is basically to play smash >____>. If enough ppl actually want in then I'll seriously try to make it happen. Cus then we can have regular smashfests in LARGE facilities and receive funding to make good events with and possibly provide free food during smashfests. Also, we can sign out multiple rooms for a large tournament if we wished to do so.


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2004
Hey tzunami, it doesn't matter how many people actually join the club, at least not for the first bit.
firstly ppl will come if you make up the club, and 2ndly with a new club, you can easily BS the paperwork to get funding at least for that year.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
hey tzunami i'ld join for sure =P
smashfests more frequently is always a good thing. school funding is also a good thing.
though there's lots of ppl like u guys who are good, in school training is good
my buds in SoVA all have university crew battles going on and stuff occasionally... we could try to create some sorta organization to try to do these things?
I have ~5-6 friends who would probably join immediately
also is idea serafis from the tempura?
if u r u'll know what i'm talkin about -_-


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
hey tzunami i'ld join for sure =P
smashfests more frequently is always a good thing. school funding is also a good thing.
though there's lots of ppl like u guys who are good, in school training is good
my buds in SoVA all have university crew battles going on and stuff occasionally... we could try to create some sorta organization to try to do these things?
I have ~5-6 friends who would probably join immediately
also is idea serafis from the tempura?
if u r u'll know what i'm talkin about -_-
Awesome, around 10 people total in the club would actually be a good number though more are always welcomed. I'll try to get things sorted out. I'm guessing I have to file paperworks during summer? I'll have to ask registrar.

Oh, and Idea is from York in case your wondering =P.

Any more events happening soon? :p
Yea, be sure to check out the UTAMA tourney. Space is limited, so register asap if you want in.

Also, I will try to hold another fest in between second round of term tests and final exams.

☼Edit: The rules posted above are NOT my rules. They are for the UTAMA tournament only, so you don't have to worry about crummy rules if and when I hold another smash fest =P.
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
Hmmm, Averance suggested that I make a UofT smash club for next year. With a club at UofT, I can sign out rooms, have offices and receive funding from the university which will really help in organizing events. But I was wondering, how many people from UofT would be interested in this idea? Cus I don't know that many UofT smashers and I can really make a club if no one joins it... otherwise, I'd get like no funding :(.

So errrm, I guess post here if your from UofT and would like to either a) join the club, or b) apply for a executive position. Don't worry, being in a executive position would look good on a resume and your job is basically to play smash >____>. If enough ppl actually want in then I'll seriously try to make it happen. Cus then we can have regular smashfests in LARGE facilities and receive funding to make good events with and possibly provide free food during smashfests. Also, we can sign out multiple rooms for a large tournament if we wished to do so.
I would definitely love to join the club. I'm a 2nd year comp sci student [been here 3 years though], and I haven't joined any clubs at all yet, a Smash club would be awesome. I'd go for an executive position if any are available. :)
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