Smash Rookie
Exactly what I mean lol. Too much hype for something that isn't even confirmed and talked about way too much for my liking.The Wii U is a dead console. If Nintendo want's to keep Smash 4 in the lime light, they need to bring it to their new system, either as a port or a new game entirely. Nintendo seems to be starting to listen to the Smash community. Brawl was so clearly designed not to be competitive, but with Smash 4 that is not so obvious. Sure, you cant ledge hog or chain grab at all anymore, but the online mode for 1v1 has items off by default and condensed versions of stages intended for competitive play. To me it seems like there was an internal conflict in the development of Smash 4. It is as if Nintendo insisted that the game start to acknowledge the competitive scene, and Sakarai resisted. I would like to see what their new Smash would look like, given that they have come back down to earth and recognized that they need to satisfy their fans first and everyone else second. Smash 4 to me is honestly a freak show. It is the oddest mixed bag of compromise in gaming history.
This is my response to you, but also my unpopular opinion.
In addition, deep down I think that Nintendo's ability to patch the game has forever changed what Smash can be. If you spend time discovering the most effective strategies with a certain character, it may be that they are eventually deemed too strong, and your ability to use those effective strategies is taken away. The game is so subject to change, that I hesitate to put time into it myself. When Smash 4 originally came out, I figured out that you could down tilt after Link's jab, and that this was very effective. My entire game hinged around this technique, but then they patched it out, and I quit, because I realized that I cannot put serious effort into something that is liable to become something different at any moment. You could argue that the things they are taking out are "broken," but the previous smash titles are rife with broken moves. An exploit like wave dashing would have been patched out by now if it existed in Smash 4. Originality is stifled and playing in unexpected and exiting ways is made downright impossible. It is as if the spirit of smash is being strangled alive.
In reply to the second paragraph, I don't want to argue, but when Smash 4 characters were nerfed the players of said characters worked harder and put more effort into their character. For example, Sheik. No one used any of her kill confirms except for down throw > uair, and so I think the nerf was very much needed for the Sheik community to specifically grow. I think that the patches did a lot more good than harm honestly.