Also, what is our opinion on this game?
This is Tamarin. It's a Banjo-Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Jet Force Gemini, inspired platformer-shooter game by Chameleon Games which is made up by a bunch of ex Rare Employees much like Playtonic.
I feel the game oozes personality, as Rare Games did, and that was what was a big selling point for Yooka-Laylee. Unfortunately, despite trying to be the spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, Yooka-Laylee didn't blow everyone away like it should have. I'm hoping that since this game is a more original take on the Rare formula, and not trying to retread what Banjo had done perfectly already, it could end up a game that is actually quality and well developed and more unique than the previous Rare inspired games we've recently gotten. Game is only coming to PS4 and PC as of now but their
website says it's possible for it to come to Switch and Xbox One. What do you guys think?