You're certainly more forgiving than me. She knew your dogs were sick, and instead of letting you, the person so graciously giving her a home she doesn't deserve, know what was wrong with your pets, she sods off and goes to have a good time with her boyfriend, while the dogs just sit there and suffer, in cages.
If I were in your situation, not only would her *** be on the street faster than that dip**** could blink, I would've called the cops on her for animal abuse. After all, she knew the dogs needed help, but willingly let them sit there and waste away just so she could go get it on.
What a ****ing scumbag.
The only solace I can gain from this is that all my misgivings were not imagined. This is definitive proof that she is absolutely the self-centered, oblivious, terrible ****ing person I thought she was. It wasn't in my head and I wasn't trying to find reasons to not like her. It was real.
But if I just physically kick her out right now, all of that stuff has to go somewhere and I really don't want it sitting on my yard. Letting her stay through the end of her friend's lease so she can move in somewhere with her is fine, but if she so much as pretends to be nice around my dogs I will rip them away from her and tell her to **** off.
Plus, she still works on my show. Hate to say it, but I'm a pragmatic individual. She's a ****ing awful person, but she's a good actor who takes direction well and I'm willing to work with her on a professional level as long as she's out of my personal life for good. I can separate the two.
With any luck she'll learn something from this. She's still young. Or she could just continue going through life the way she is now and end up royally ****ed up like the rest of her family. Not my business anymore.
My mum still wants to know which one's which and what their names are. XD
She also wants to know if she can have them.
Ha. Your mom sounds like my mom.
The black one is named Romo, the white one is named Brutus (our family is a bunch of American football fans). Romo's the old one, Brutus is the two year-old. Romo is a princess who gives up on walks three blocks in and wants carried up and down the stairs while Brutus is an infinite ball of energy who will obsessively play fetch until his body falls flat on the floor, head on top of his toy.
We're getting Brutus when the family moves across the country. They're taking Romo. Which makes me sad because Romo's my favorite, but, he's "my mom's" dog. So. What're ya gonna do.
Also no you can't have them.