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Considering the recent trend, its not surprising. Anyways, there are probably going to be costume options to make the costumes less conservative if we go by Starfire in Injustice 2.Can't believe we missed this, what do you think of this. https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/...-items-were-purposefully-de-sexualized/81034/
Have you noticed that in the recent Mortal Kombat 11 video, female characters weren't sexualized? Well, we have the true answer now. There won't be a sexualization feature in MK11. In fact, all female characters were purposely de-sexualized, and they will be covered.
So, it's like saying: Goodbye to every men, who whistle at the sight of sexy characters. I never understood why do men whistle at this. Anyways. Apparently it's because MK11 needs to be a more serious game, but the true reason could just be Sony's censorship policy.