- It's really hard to do recaps when not much happened, but it's time I start doing them again.
- When we left off we'd just beaten Morty in Ecruteak, and were moving on to Olvine.
- On the way we picked up Simba the Luxio and Jukes the Voltorb. Fjorm also gets hella levels since she's about to be useless for the next two gyms.
- We get into Olivine and begin to scale the Lighthouse. I think this is a great time to train Krakatoa (who will also be useless against Chuck), so he's first in the party. This isn't a problem until we run into a Sailor with a Crawdaunt
- "No big deal," I think to myself. "I'll just swap into Togebo and tank whatever hit comes."
- Togebo gets smashed by a critical hit Crabhammer
- Xena finishes the job and we leave to recuperate. ****** asked me for my phone number like nothing happened too. Some people...
- Bulbi (Bulbasaur -> Venusaur) is brought on to the team in Togebo's place.
- The rest of the Lighthouse goes without issue, as do Routes 41 and 42.
- Squiddie the Tentacool and PEEKO the Wingull are caught en route to Cianwood
- Yes I know my last Tentacool was named Squiddie. I get repetitive with my names in nuzlockes. Some names just fit okay?
- Cianwood Gym goes...without difficulty? This is honestly strange to say considering how much trouble this gym has given me in the past. Even in regular Heartgold, out of like 8 runs (I've done many nuzlockes over the years) 2 of them either experienced either a total or near team wipe to Chuck, and in my last run I'm pretty sure at least 2 Pokémon died.
- Between Solaire and Bulbi Chuck goes down with relative ease. There was one close call near the end, but it's not like it made my blood pressure jump or anything.
- Before that Eusine goes down like the ***** he is and we obtain Larxene the Pikachu and Shuckie the Shuckle and catch ClampChump the Clampearl
- The Safari Zone Rocket Takeover goes exceedingly well too, minus one close call with a Persian that had Power Gem that left Fjorm with 9 HP. Thank gosh Weavile has a surprisingly decent base Special Defense.
- Oh yeah also we catch Joy the Chansey.
- With Rocket out of the way (for now), all that's left is Jasmine. The fight is actually pretty challenging, easily the most challenging so far. I played pretty smart, except for leaving Froppy out on her Magneton. To be fair, the Magneton was on red HP and I thought Froppy would outspeed. I guess not, because Froppy is fried by Magneton's Thunderbolt. Krakatoa finishes the fight for the win.
- Sugoi Desu (Remoraid -> Octillery) is brought on to the team in Froppy's place.
- Also we take full advantage of the Safari Zone to capture KaDABon'em the Abra, Yeezy the Geodude, Doops the Rattata, Yolonda the Quagsire, Duke the Nidorino, and Bloo the Marill
This run is going very well and I have no clue what to do. It almost feels like it's going too well if that's possible. Hopefully nothing horrible happens coming up soon, but I'm fully prepared for the worst. Up next is a pretty long stretch, consisting of The Lake of Rage, Rocket Base, Pryce, Ice Cave, Clair, and the Dragon's Den. It might be even longer depending on how you guys want me to communicate the Elite Four and Champion.