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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

That's not what you told me last night.
The rumor come out: Does Gwen is into poop?

Gwen is into poop is the most discussed in the SmashBoards in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2019, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about her poop. At that time she became the massive social networking rumor. The public, especially her fans are shocked. She just came out with her bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about her posting career, but her bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this poster revealed herself as into poop. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of her fans.
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Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
:ultwolf:and :ultpalutena:: They're really good and intuïtive characters. The internet is full of guides to learn to play them. Wolf is a bit tricky because the optimal wolf doesn't like going off-stage so you may need to get used to that playstyle.

:ultmewtwo:and :ultzelda:: Mewtwo is really good and Zelda is slightly below average, but Both need you to learn their playstyle. Mewtwo is really light for his size, which might be good for you since you play Ridley, who has the same issue. His spacing with aerials is similar to Ridley, only his second jump has weird momentum you'd have to practice. His Fair works like Ridley's Bair and vice versa, his UpAir works like Ridley's Nair and his Nair is a combo breaker. (Also you need to condition yourself to reflect instead of shield/jump with projectiles).
Zelda is difficult, but her playstyle gets a lot more opressive once you get the SideB and DownB spacing down.

:ultpichu: and :ultrosalina:: I can't play these characters for ****.
Wolf is easy to play, and he also is great at winning projectile wars, which is something Riddley and Bowser struggle against. I think he shares a common weakness with your mains in Fox though, who can zonebreak Wolf and use his amazing ground game to bully Riddles/Bowser in disadvantage. Fox is still not an quite unwinnable match up for any of them though, and I think having a counterpick who can deal with projectile spam is much more important for superheavies then one who can deal with rushdown.
Sorry but I'm about passed out. Dunno about what works for you, but your Pichu definitely had me sweating! I recommend doing some personal analysis and seeing what YOU personally prefer to do in terms of spacing or punishing or zoning or reads and finding what character matches that more.
Might I say that your Palutena and Zelda have been utter nightmares for me in the past…
About the characters, keep up your Palutena. I’d add more, but can’t right now, so I’ll give some suggestions in a couple of minutes.
Character crisis? Join the grahahaha gang

No but for real you should probably experiment in Pichu/Mewtwo/Zelda a bit more before you throw any out, though I will say your Wolf is sicknasty. He also fits your bait-and-punish playstyle pretty well, but he can be played rushdown/campy if you want as well
I main Palutena in Smash 4, and I occasionally play my old mains in Ultimate, so I can tell ya that she is great in Ultimate.
As for characters I've seen you play, your Ridley is really good.
I recommend focusing on one character for now, then trying a secondary. If you are confident enough with your main already, then I sau experiment with the other choices. Practice with them, learn combos, etc.
I dunno, what I saw of your Wolf seemed fairly solid to me. I'd probably stick with him for now and see if it feels like he covers whatever you think is missing.

The other one I'd consider is Pichu. I don't remember if I've played your Pichu in particular, but from playing against others, Pichu gives characters like Lucina a pretty hard time due to its tiny hurtbox making stuff like n-air hard to land. You just have to adjust to the fact that, compared to a heavy, you're probably going to be dying like 50+% sooner than you're used to, because Pichu dies really easily.

Zelda's fairly lacking herself and it's hard to say if she'll cover the areas you need. Against characters who can close the distance on her pretty quickly and not give her a chance to throw out Phantoms and side-Bs, she really struggles, and I feel like characters who can do that are going to be a similar group to the characters that'll give heavies trouble.

Not as familiar with the others so I don't feel comfortable commenting on them.
Whoa... I didn’t expect this much feedback (even w/ the mass tagging)...

But thanks guys. I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond back to me. I’m gonna start playing the 6 aforementioned characters (:ultpalutena::ultwolf::ultzelda::ultpichu::ultmewtwo::ultrosalina:) much more in Arenas to get a better idea of who I’m most comfortable with. So I’m not gonna be playing :ultridley::ultbowser: as often while I sort this out.

It’s definitely gonna feel a bit weird playing lighter characters primarily, but I definitely want to get really good with at least one of them so I have someone else to fall back on in case heavies aren’t good in a certain matchup.

I thank you all again for helping me out here!

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
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Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
...is it just me, or has this thread suddenly turned into a fetish thread?
This is why I stick to Survivor. Speaking of which....

Numbers in Alliance spoiler indicate bond strength. Example: Banjo and Steve 7
Higher numbers mean the bond is stronger.

1. Kingpen and Rhett and Link 4
2. SmashingRamen and GentlePanda 3
3. Sans, TaylorF, and Peni Parker 4
4. GothFluttershy and NateVO 4
5. Dyllybirdy and staindgrey 6
6. Dylly, staind, and Barry B Benson 4
7. Yui and SnakeFighter64 4
8. Mewtwo, Sobble, and Spider Ham 3

"While harnessed together, the two tribes must wade around an oval course while carrying a fifteen-pound backpack each. Players can drop out of the challenge at will, but they must give their pack to someone before unclipping themselves from the rope. The first tribe to catch the opponent and tackle one of their members wins."

Sony Ponies win immunity and send Sans to Exile Island (Sans is not in Tribal Council)

Also autocorrect made me misspell Peni as Penny in the program itself.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
The rumor come out: Does Gwen is into poop?

Gwen is into poop is the most discussed in the SmashBoards in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2019, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about her poop. At that time she became the massive social networking rumor. The public, especially her fans are shocked. She just came out with her bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about her posting career, but her bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this poster revealed herself as into poop. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of her fans.
Did you know if you buried elephant dung in the skull of a dead witch in the rainforest a poop tree with sprout in 46 weeks?


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Remember when this thread was about Smash?

Neither do I.

Only thing here is that Dyllybirdy and SnakeFighter64 bond

Peni Parker votes Rhett and Link
NateVO, GothFluttershy, and Rhett and Link vote Peni Parker
Everyone else votes NateVO
NateVO, your tribe has spoken.

Temple Run Guy Dashes Into Battle
All of his attacks are running. Even his aerials.

Deleted member

Remember when this thread was about Smash?

Neither do I.

Only thing here is that Dyllybirdy and SnakeFighter64 bond

Peni Parker votes Rhett and Link
NateVO, GothFluttershy, and Rhett and Link vote Peni Parker
Everyone else votes NateVO
NateVO, your tribe has spoken.

All of his attacks are running. Even his aerials.
They're all just kicks.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
*Player name* orders a pizza for dinner. Unfortunately for him/her, the pizza was aggressive

I legit hope you get that reference
FIrst thing I thought of was an amusement park ride called Garfield's Nightmare where there's a scene with a Pizza box coming to life and trying to eat Garfield.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I can only think of a particular Jimmy Neutron episode
Yes, but I was mostly referring to The Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour

Btw... I forgot to mention that it'd be a fatal event, but you probably knew that, already
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Deleted member

okay guys, I found something
(this is totally fake, don't take it seriously)
The new Pokemon type is Gay Type
the new Eeveelution is called Lesbeon


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Other than GothFluttershy not being in any alliances, there's no changes.

"Two players are harnessed to a rope winding through several obstacles. The rest of their tribe helps them move along it – up and over an A-frame, under a thick log on the sand, around a long hitching post, and around a giant boxlike structure – to the end of the rope. Then, one player swims to a buoy and dives down to retrieve a decoder wheel before coming back, where the entire tribe uses it to work out a six-word phrase."
Sony Ponies win Three Blankets, Two Pillows, and a Hammock. GothFluttershy is sent to Exile Island.

"Four players untie and assemble a wooden puzzle stretcher, lock it in place with metal braces, then run to the beach. One swims out to a mast and climbs a rope ladder to free a hostage, then they both swim back holding a life ring. The hostage gets on the stretcher and is carried back. Finally, the three remaining tribe members make a fire large enough to burn through a rope, lowering the tribe flag."
Sony Ponies win Immunity

Something is seriously strange with the RNG here... maybe it'll get better later. Lets just assume its a feature.
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