I have come to have a new appreciation for just how complicated Ultimate’s buffering system is, and just how important it is to understand. And so I’m going to do my best to present it to you in a way that is both comprehensive and comprehensible.
To achieve this, I’m going to need to split the thread into two separate parts, the basics and the advanced. The basics section is where you’ll get the general picture unhindered by infinite tangents, and the advanced is where I’ll tell you all the specifics and exceptions that you wish didn’t exist.
To buffer an action means you make the input for that action at a time where it cannot be performed by your character, then as soon as the action can be performed they will do it without any further input required from you.
There are two distinct and separate buffering systems in Ultimate that I will refer to as 'hold-buffer' and 'hit-buffer'. (If it makes more sense to you, you can refer to hit-buffering as timed-buffering instead.)
I’ll go into more detail about them in the advanced section, but for now:
- Hold-buffering lets you hold any input infinitely and the corresponding action will be performed as soon as your character is able to do it so long as you are still holding the input up until at least 3 frames before you are able to act.
- Hit-buffering is very similar to what you're used to in Smash 4, except that in Smash 4 you had a 10 frame window. In Ultimate you can input an action up to 9 frames before that action can be performed. Inputs made within the 9 frame hit-buffer window do not need to be held unlike hold-buffering.
These two buffering systems generally do not interfere with each other except insofar as the Order of Priority is concerned.
When two or more actions are inputted, something must determine which action will be performed and which one/s will be out-prioritised. Now Sak could have gone with a system like ‘whichever action was inputted last or first will be the one that comes out’, but this would be too simple. Instead he made it so certain actions will always beat out other actions regardless of when they are inputted. The Order of Priority indicates which actions will be prioritised over others; in the case of how I've presented it below, actions will beat whatever is to the right of them.
Just before I give you the Order of Priority, I should explain my use of the word ‘Fusion’ in it. If it makes it any easier to understand, a 'Fusion' is essentially what the game calls a 'Simple Short-Hop Attack', which I personally believe to be a terrible term for reasons that I explain in a post later on in this thread. I will go into much more detail about Fusions in the advanced section, but for those who don't know what a 'Simple Short-Hop Attack' is, a Fusion is what I’m calling the combination of a Jump and Attack input which creates a special type of action with special characteristics, one of which being its place in the order of priorities.
Character Grounded
Fusion > Item Throw > Dodge > Grab > Shield > Special > Attack > Jump > Taunts > Dash > Turn
Character Airborne
Special > Item Throw > Z-drop > Zair > Airdodge > Aerial/Double Jump/Fusion
Adding to what I said earlier, when I refer to a 'Fusion' I mean any combination of a SH/DJ with an aerial/item-throw. As I said above, and as you can see in the grounded priority list, Fusions are treated differently to just jumping or just attacking.
It is unclear to me whether Fusions are considered to be a single action in the same way that e.g. a Grab is a single action which is separate and distinct from the combination of Shield and Attack, or whether something else is going on here; but the fact that Fusions out-prioritise everything else on the ground and come well before both ‘Attack’ and ‘Jump’ makes me have to seriously consider that it is a single action. This would incidentally mean that Ultimate is like Smash 4 in that you technically cannot buffer multiple actions, whereas in Brawl you could.
When you perform a Fusion (an aerial or item throw combined with a SH or DJ), you will e.g. perform a SH aerial if you combine a grounded attack with a jump.
If you were originally grounded, the direction of the short hop item throw or the type of aerial you perform will be determined based on the position of your joystick when you transition from your jumpsquat to being airborne (i.e. regardless of where your joystick was when the input for the item throw or aerial was made). [Please note that I'm talking about instances where the jump and attack input have both been buffered or at least used on the same frame; you can of course input the direction of an aerial or item throw during the jumpsquat frames and it will be performed in the desired direction out of a SH regardless of whether you were holding that direction once you transitioned into the air and of course regardless of whether you held the jump button.]
If you were buffering into a Fusion double jump, the direction of the item throw and the type of aerial will likewise be determined based on the position of your joystick when the Fusion is performed. Note that this rule does not apply to Meta Knight doing a fusion DJ aerial buffered out of one of his aerials.
Note this is not a C-stick/A-stick issue. It happens even if you use the joystick for everything.
If you interrupt frame 2 of a Jab or frames 2 or 3 of a tilt or smash by inputting a jump, you will perform a fusion.
In general, the stick position does not need to be held once it has been inputted with the action you wish to buffer. The exceptions to this rule are Fusions (as already noted), buffered directional airdodges, and buffered aerials out of a teleport edge cancel. For these actions it is necessary to hold the joystick in the desired direction relating to the action you wish to perform as you start the buffered move. Note that the default aerial after a teleport edge cancel depends on the angle of your teleport, e.g. if you teleport forwards you will get a Fair unless you hold the joystick in a different direction.
Hold-buffering is cancelled if the action was given a chance to be used but was out-prioritised by another action, i.e. if you hold-buffer special and jump, special will be performed, and continuing to hold jump will not let you perform it after the special has ended.
In general then, only one action can be buffered ahead of time, with two known exceptions:
1. Peach and Daisy can buffer more than one aerial in a row with a single aerial input if you hold the aerial input from the first aerial then input a float during the first aerial’s animation after the FAF (the animation of moves will typically last longer than the FAF). Doing this will result in a second buffered aerial while floating; which aerial you get will depend on the direction of the joystick when the second buffered aerial is performed, making this a unique fusion that combines a float with an aerial.
2. [Apparently this was patched out; will update properly when I get a chance to check.]If you do an airdodge or directional airdodge then continue holding shield and either down, left or right, you will buffer a spotdodge or roll upon landing. You can even e.g. directional airdodge to the right, continue holding both shield and right, and you will buffer a roll to the right upon landing. If you initially buffer the airdodge out of an action, in order to get the buffered roll/spotdodge you will now need to move the joystick at some point while airododging and then you may move it to down/left/right and hold it there; i.e. if you do an aerial, buffer a directional airdodge right, continue holding both shield and right, you will land and shield (tilting shield to the right) instead of roll right.
Buffering is also cancelled by charging. If you input an action before or while charging a smash, the Link’s grounded up-specials, Luigi’s side-special (if released), Sonic’s side and down-special, DDD’s down-special, (and possibly others that I didn’t check,) that action will not be buffered. This may indicate that charging is considered a separate action to performing the move itself.
If 'A+B=Smash' is on, hold-buffering these two will obviously give you a smash input, not a special.
Grab can be held-buffered using both attack and shield inputs, but it isn’t a ‘grab’ if you input attack first; if you do, you end up putting attack and shield against each other in the order of priority list, in which case shield wins.
There was a special mechanic introduced in patch 2.0.0 where you can hold two jump buttons to perform a SH. They need to be two separate jump buttons; tap jump will not count. The second jump input needs to be made either on the same frame or up to the 3rd frame, or in other words, regardless of whether you intend to hold/hit-buffer the input or not, you have the same frame window that you would within your jumpsquat frames if it wasn't buffered. Note that unlike fusions, this specific mechanic does not differ in the order of priorities and is the same as a grounded jump.
When you grab the ledge and you hit-buffer a ledge option using the joystick, you have a potential 17 frame window for some reason.
When buffering a dash you only have a 6 frame window which can be extended to a 7 frame window if you hold the dash input for at least 2 frames.
When buffering a turn-around, you can hold the input for as long as you want beforehand, but you must have been holding backwards up until a 6 frame window in order for it to work. For soft-landings this means you can let go 4 frames before you land (assuming a 2 frame soft landing) and still turn after your landing lag, but when landing with aerials you must wait till the last 6 frames of the aerial’s landing lag.
When buffering a fast fall you have a 3 frame window before the peak of your jump or at the end of your aerial’s hitlag. Note that the fast fall input must be held if you want to buffer it.
When buffering a platform drop-through you can only hold-buffer it and you only have a 4 frame buffer window.
Sort of a side-note, when performing a B-reverse you have a 4 frame window at the beginning of the move, and it too must be held (unless inputted on frame 4). In smash 4 you would turn around on frame 4, but in Ultimate you turn around on frame 5, though the frame window for performing the B-reverse is the same.
Attempting to buffer U-special, Uair or DJ out of a wall-tech can result in a wall-tech-jump as you will immediately enter the wall-tech-jump out of the wall-tech, eating your intended input. You can instead buffer these actions on and after the 2nd frame of a wall-tech-jump.
You cannot buffer inputs during the pokemon trainer switch before the character is loaded on frame 26.
Shielding should not be thought of as an action that can be buffered or as an action that moves can be buffered out of. It is more of a state than an action. As such it seemingly breaks some of the rules.
Shield cannot be ‘hit-buffered’; rather, the game simply looks for whether you are holding it on any given frame.
If you hold shield, then regardless of whether it was ‘buffered’ with and out-prioritised by another action, you can still shield after that buffered action even if you continue to hold shield, i.e. shield is not cancelled by being out-prioritised like actions are.
If you are holding shield then input a special move (other than up-special) before or on the frame you let go of shield, you will not hold-buffer the special after the shield drop frames.
If you try to jump out of shield or during the shield drop frames and you input a special on the same frame as the jump, you will not perform the special.
The same goes for trying to input an attack (other than U-smash) on the frame you drop shield; it will not hold-buffer the attack.
The grounded order of priority applies to buffering out of shieldstun for those actions you can actually use OoS, but note that this situation has some extra things to consider.
Tilt/soft item-throws, Dodges, and SH Z-drops cannot be held-buffered if your shield is hit.
You will need to continue to hold shield and then time it so you buffer a tilt/soft-item-throw within a 6 frame window. If you instead input a smash-item-throw you will have no such trouble and can in fact hold-buffer the smash item throw input at any point. So don’t bother doing anything but smash item throws OoS.
For dodges (rolls and spotdodge) you need to hit the input within a 9 frame window and hold it until you at least get to the 6 frame window, otherwise it won’t work.
Similarly, attempting to hold-buffer a SH Z-drop in this situation can result in an empty jump as your Z-drop needs to be inputted within the 9 frame hit-buffer window (and then held so as to avoid a SH item throw).
If you drop shield during shieldstun (not shield hitlag, though if you don't re-shield before shieldstun then it's just as bad), shield-drop will out-prioritise everything else you attempted to buffer, though you can still jump during shield drop so actions tied to jump remain unaffected, and if you were hold-buffering grab before you dropped shield you didn't really drop shield so that works fine too. Point is, hold onto your shield unless you intend to jump out.
There is a 4 frame delay that applies to grabs OoS out of shield stun, so this may mess up hit-buffer timings.
The airborne order of priority applies to buffering out of jumpsquats as you will perform the actions on your first airborne frame.
Note that U-smash and Item throw will only cancel a jumpsquat if you’re not holding jump.
Buffering aerials and item throws out of a jumpsquat forces a SH and performs the attack in the direction you desired regardless of whether you held the direction.
Item Throw out-prioritises Z-drop unless both inputs are hold-buffered and Z-drop is inputted earlier or on the same frame. If for example only the z-drop is hold-buffered and the item throw is hit-buffered, then regardless of the fact that the Z-drop was inputted first, the character will perform an item throw, because in this case both actions were not hold-buffered.
If you attempt to do a SH Z-drop by inputting the jump and the z-drop on the same frame, you must continue holding the grab button until you are airborne to avoid getting a SH item throw.
If you attempt to hold-buffer a SH Z-drop out of a grounded action (outside the 9 frame window), the jump will be ignored (regardless of how you buffer the jump) and you will do a grounded item throw.
If you attempt to hit-buffer a SH Z-drop and therefore do not continue to hold the Z-drop input during the jumpsquat, the Z-drop will be turned into a SH aerial item throw.
The only way to buffer a SH Z-drop out of a grounded action is to input the Z-drop during the 9 frame hit-buffer window and continue to hold grab during the jumpsquat; it doesn’t matter how you buffer the jump.
The end?
No. Buffering in Ultimate is a nightmare. There will always be more I've missed. Always.
To achieve this, I’m going to need to split the thread into two separate parts, the basics and the advanced. The basics section is where you’ll get the general picture unhindered by infinite tangents, and the advanced is where I’ll tell you all the specifics and exceptions that you wish didn’t exist.
To buffer an action means you make the input for that action at a time where it cannot be performed by your character, then as soon as the action can be performed they will do it without any further input required from you.
There are two distinct and separate buffering systems in Ultimate that I will refer to as 'hold-buffer' and 'hit-buffer'. (If it makes more sense to you, you can refer to hit-buffering as timed-buffering instead.)
I’ll go into more detail about them in the advanced section, but for now:
- Hold-buffering lets you hold any input infinitely and the corresponding action will be performed as soon as your character is able to do it so long as you are still holding the input up until at least 3 frames before you are able to act.
- Hit-buffering is very similar to what you're used to in Smash 4, except that in Smash 4 you had a 10 frame window. In Ultimate you can input an action up to 9 frames before that action can be performed. Inputs made within the 9 frame hit-buffer window do not need to be held unlike hold-buffering.
These two buffering systems generally do not interfere with each other except insofar as the Order of Priority is concerned.
When two or more actions are inputted, something must determine which action will be performed and which one/s will be out-prioritised. Now Sak could have gone with a system like ‘whichever action was inputted last or first will be the one that comes out’, but this would be too simple. Instead he made it so certain actions will always beat out other actions regardless of when they are inputted. The Order of Priority indicates which actions will be prioritised over others; in the case of how I've presented it below, actions will beat whatever is to the right of them.
Just before I give you the Order of Priority, I should explain my use of the word ‘Fusion’ in it. If it makes it any easier to understand, a 'Fusion' is essentially what the game calls a 'Simple Short-Hop Attack', which I personally believe to be a terrible term for reasons that I explain in a post later on in this thread. I will go into much more detail about Fusions in the advanced section, but for those who don't know what a 'Simple Short-Hop Attack' is, a Fusion is what I’m calling the combination of a Jump and Attack input which creates a special type of action with special characteristics, one of which being its place in the order of priorities.
Character Grounded
Fusion > Item Throw > Dodge > Grab > Shield > Special > Attack > Jump > Taunts > Dash > Turn
Character Airborne
Special > Item Throw > Z-drop > Zair > Airdodge > Aerial/Double Jump/Fusion
Adding to what I said earlier, when I refer to a 'Fusion' I mean any combination of a SH/DJ with an aerial/item-throw. As I said above, and as you can see in the grounded priority list, Fusions are treated differently to just jumping or just attacking.
It is unclear to me whether Fusions are considered to be a single action in the same way that e.g. a Grab is a single action which is separate and distinct from the combination of Shield and Attack, or whether something else is going on here; but the fact that Fusions out-prioritise everything else on the ground and come well before both ‘Attack’ and ‘Jump’ makes me have to seriously consider that it is a single action. This would incidentally mean that Ultimate is like Smash 4 in that you technically cannot buffer multiple actions, whereas in Brawl you could.
When you perform a Fusion (an aerial or item throw combined with a SH or DJ), you will e.g. perform a SH aerial if you combine a grounded attack with a jump.
If you were originally grounded, the direction of the short hop item throw or the type of aerial you perform will be determined based on the position of your joystick when you transition from your jumpsquat to being airborne (i.e. regardless of where your joystick was when the input for the item throw or aerial was made). [Please note that I'm talking about instances where the jump and attack input have both been buffered or at least used on the same frame; you can of course input the direction of an aerial or item throw during the jumpsquat frames and it will be performed in the desired direction out of a SH regardless of whether you were holding that direction once you transitioned into the air and of course regardless of whether you held the jump button.]
If you were buffering into a Fusion double jump, the direction of the item throw and the type of aerial will likewise be determined based on the position of your joystick when the Fusion is performed. Note that this rule does not apply to Meta Knight doing a fusion DJ aerial buffered out of one of his aerials.
Note this is not a C-stick/A-stick issue. It happens even if you use the joystick for everything.
If you interrupt frame 2 of a Jab or frames 2 or 3 of a tilt or smash by inputting a jump, you will perform a fusion.
In general, the stick position does not need to be held once it has been inputted with the action you wish to buffer. The exceptions to this rule are Fusions (as already noted), buffered directional airdodges, and buffered aerials out of a teleport edge cancel. For these actions it is necessary to hold the joystick in the desired direction relating to the action you wish to perform as you start the buffered move. Note that the default aerial after a teleport edge cancel depends on the angle of your teleport, e.g. if you teleport forwards you will get a Fair unless you hold the joystick in a different direction.
Hold-buffering is cancelled if the action was given a chance to be used but was out-prioritised by another action, i.e. if you hold-buffer special and jump, special will be performed, and continuing to hold jump will not let you perform it after the special has ended.
In general then, only one action can be buffered ahead of time, with two known exceptions:
1. Peach and Daisy can buffer more than one aerial in a row with a single aerial input if you hold the aerial input from the first aerial then input a float during the first aerial’s animation after the FAF (the animation of moves will typically last longer than the FAF). Doing this will result in a second buffered aerial while floating; which aerial you get will depend on the direction of the joystick when the second buffered aerial is performed, making this a unique fusion that combines a float with an aerial.
2. [Apparently this was patched out; will update properly when I get a chance to check.]
Buffering is also cancelled by charging. If you input an action before or while charging a smash, the Link’s grounded up-specials, Luigi’s side-special (if released), Sonic’s side and down-special, DDD’s down-special, (and possibly others that I didn’t check,) that action will not be buffered. This may indicate that charging is considered a separate action to performing the move itself.
If 'A+B=Smash' is on, hold-buffering these two will obviously give you a smash input, not a special.
Grab can be held-buffered using both attack and shield inputs, but it isn’t a ‘grab’ if you input attack first; if you do, you end up putting attack and shield against each other in the order of priority list, in which case shield wins.
There was a special mechanic introduced in patch 2.0.0 where you can hold two jump buttons to perform a SH. They need to be two separate jump buttons; tap jump will not count. The second jump input needs to be made either on the same frame or up to the 3rd frame, or in other words, regardless of whether you intend to hold/hit-buffer the input or not, you have the same frame window that you would within your jumpsquat frames if it wasn't buffered. Note that unlike fusions, this specific mechanic does not differ in the order of priorities and is the same as a grounded jump.
When you grab the ledge and you hit-buffer a ledge option using the joystick, you have a potential 17 frame window for some reason.
When buffering a dash you only have a 6 frame window which can be extended to a 7 frame window if you hold the dash input for at least 2 frames.
When buffering a turn-around, you can hold the input for as long as you want beforehand, but you must have been holding backwards up until a 6 frame window in order for it to work. For soft-landings this means you can let go 4 frames before you land (assuming a 2 frame soft landing) and still turn after your landing lag, but when landing with aerials you must wait till the last 6 frames of the aerial’s landing lag.
When buffering a fast fall you have a 3 frame window before the peak of your jump or at the end of your aerial’s hitlag. Note that the fast fall input must be held if you want to buffer it.
When buffering a platform drop-through you can only hold-buffer it and you only have a 4 frame buffer window.
Sort of a side-note, when performing a B-reverse you have a 4 frame window at the beginning of the move, and it too must be held (unless inputted on frame 4). In smash 4 you would turn around on frame 4, but in Ultimate you turn around on frame 5, though the frame window for performing the B-reverse is the same.
Attempting to buffer U-special, Uair or DJ out of a wall-tech can result in a wall-tech-jump as you will immediately enter the wall-tech-jump out of the wall-tech, eating your intended input. You can instead buffer these actions on and after the 2nd frame of a wall-tech-jump.
You cannot buffer inputs during the pokemon trainer switch before the character is loaded on frame 26.
Shielding should not be thought of as an action that can be buffered or as an action that moves can be buffered out of. It is more of a state than an action. As such it seemingly breaks some of the rules.
Shield cannot be ‘hit-buffered’; rather, the game simply looks for whether you are holding it on any given frame.
If you hold shield, then regardless of whether it was ‘buffered’ with and out-prioritised by another action, you can still shield after that buffered action even if you continue to hold shield, i.e. shield is not cancelled by being out-prioritised like actions are.
If you are holding shield then input a special move (other than up-special) before or on the frame you let go of shield, you will not hold-buffer the special after the shield drop frames.
If you try to jump out of shield or during the shield drop frames and you input a special on the same frame as the jump, you will not perform the special.
The same goes for trying to input an attack (other than U-smash) on the frame you drop shield; it will not hold-buffer the attack.
The grounded order of priority applies to buffering out of shieldstun for those actions you can actually use OoS, but note that this situation has some extra things to consider.
Tilt/soft item-throws, Dodges, and SH Z-drops cannot be held-buffered if your shield is hit.
You will need to continue to hold shield and then time it so you buffer a tilt/soft-item-throw within a 6 frame window. If you instead input a smash-item-throw you will have no such trouble and can in fact hold-buffer the smash item throw input at any point. So don’t bother doing anything but smash item throws OoS.
For dodges (rolls and spotdodge) you need to hit the input within a 9 frame window and hold it until you at least get to the 6 frame window, otherwise it won’t work.
Similarly, attempting to hold-buffer a SH Z-drop in this situation can result in an empty jump as your Z-drop needs to be inputted within the 9 frame hit-buffer window (and then held so as to avoid a SH item throw).
If you drop shield during shieldstun (not shield hitlag, though if you don't re-shield before shieldstun then it's just as bad), shield-drop will out-prioritise everything else you attempted to buffer, though you can still jump during shield drop so actions tied to jump remain unaffected, and if you were hold-buffering grab before you dropped shield you didn't really drop shield so that works fine too. Point is, hold onto your shield unless you intend to jump out.
There is a 4 frame delay that applies to grabs OoS out of shield stun, so this may mess up hit-buffer timings.
The airborne order of priority applies to buffering out of jumpsquats as you will perform the actions on your first airborne frame.
Note that U-smash and Item throw will only cancel a jumpsquat if you’re not holding jump.
Buffering aerials and item throws out of a jumpsquat forces a SH and performs the attack in the direction you desired regardless of whether you held the direction.
Item Throw out-prioritises Z-drop unless both inputs are hold-buffered and Z-drop is inputted earlier or on the same frame. If for example only the z-drop is hold-buffered and the item throw is hit-buffered, then regardless of the fact that the Z-drop was inputted first, the character will perform an item throw, because in this case both actions were not hold-buffered.
If you attempt to do a SH Z-drop by inputting the jump and the z-drop on the same frame, you must continue holding the grab button until you are airborne to avoid getting a SH item throw.
If you attempt to hold-buffer a SH Z-drop out of a grounded action (outside the 9 frame window), the jump will be ignored (regardless of how you buffer the jump) and you will do a grounded item throw.
If you attempt to hit-buffer a SH Z-drop and therefore do not continue to hold the Z-drop input during the jumpsquat, the Z-drop will be turned into a SH aerial item throw.
The only way to buffer a SH Z-drop out of a grounded action is to input the Z-drop during the 9 frame hit-buffer window and continue to hold grab during the jumpsquat; it doesn’t matter how you buffer the jump.
The end?
No. Buffering in Ultimate is a nightmare. There will always be more I've missed. Always.
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