First off, I love my undeserved 9th place.
Secondly this was a fun tournament. I played significantly more friendlies than the last tournament and I felt I learned more from this tournament than the one before.
So now some shout outs:
PNaleek -Thanks for letting us drive you to the tournament. On a more serious note, it was really cool to see your Bowser in action. It gives me hope that I can do well with my Mewtwo. Having said that, I want to play your Bowser again with my Mewtwo, so eventually we should plan another day where we meet up.
2highsofly - Our set was fun and our friendlies were more fun. Maybe by the next time we play I will have improved enough so I won't just be food for your combos.
Mr Yaah - Last Merced tournament, you knocked PandaCobo out of the singles bracket. This tournament, you knocked me out. We are planning our revenge accordingly......
Bizzarro Flame - .............I have nothing to say to you except this: Soon you will learn that :mewtwo: is greater than
But seriously, thanks for hosting the tournament and double thanks for the friendlies. I understand they probably aren't as exciting to you as they are to me since our skill levels are so different. To understand how different, please watch this:
Holy - I didn't talk to you or play you, but I noticed you using Mewtwo so I thought I would give you a shout. Next time, I would like to play some Mewtwo dittos with you.
69% - You're very good! And very fun to play against. It is going to be very difficult for my Mewtwo to win against your Link when all your moves "link" together so well.
GK Infinity - Although I didn't talk to you much, I payed close attention to your Zelda when I could. One of my main regrets from last tournament is that I didn't watch you play, so I made a point to do so this tourney, and I am glad I did. I am a Mewtwo main at heart, but I like Zelda a lot too and watching you gives me new ideas that I can try to apply to my game.
PandaCobo - Your Peach is crap, utter crap. My Peach is sooooo much better.
Oh, and I thought I would let you guys know that if you don't want to type out my full name, you can abbreviate it to this: ISTA
I know how tiring it can be to type out ItalianStallion over and over and over, so you can use ISTA instead. It is what I sometimes use as a tag. But I never use it for Mewtwo obviously because of the teleport.
Thanks for a fun day!